Hey all. I have a greater bane weapon and power 5 of every kind throughout a large assortment of falchions, greataxes, greatswords, mauls, and greatclubs. I am currently building a ranger. If you have any greater bane rapiers or shortswords, or finesseable bashing greater undead banes or power 5's, or some really highend finesse weps, send me a pm and we'll work somethin out. I also have a few khopesh's and other random items.
Please, if you have any greater bane rapiers or short swords, let me know
Longbows might work as well
And one more thing, please dont ask for my Greater Giant Bane Greataxe for your Greater cockroach bane Rapier of refrigerator slayingLet's try to keep the banes close to equal :P