One thing that in my mind has always made DDO stand out over those other MMOs (at least those I've played) is that its got at least a little bit of twitch game to it. Its not an FPS, but its worlds closer to one than WOW, LOTRO, AO, or from what I've heard, any other gaming system. Over and over you hear that DDOs combat is superior, and I agree, and the reason (to me) is that its twitchier. More to do. More movement. More real-time tactics. More.
Notably, I am a former FPS player, and I enjoy the incorporation of hand-eye coordination, real dexterity, etc. into the game. (Note: DDO is a far cry from an FPS ... as those who have played competitive FPSs can attest.)
That said, I wonder what others think, specifically:
Do you like the twitch factor? Would you like to see more of it? Do you hate it? Be heard!
The reason I ask ... in the Abbott raid (currently the most difficult quest in game), there is apparently a fair amount of "twitch" gaming involved - mini-games/puzzles that require fast reactions. In perusing the feedback thread, I see lots of feedback that people *hate* this. And it surprises me, although I guess it shouldn't seeing as so many hated (or still hate) the Pit, another quest that requires more than minimal hand-eye coordination.
So, I figure, ***, I'll open an unofficial poll.
Do you all like having some quests that require hand/eye coordination, or do you hate it?
Would you rather see just a few non-raid quests that implement that type of dynamic, so that you don't have to run it except for favor?
Would you rather see such quests banished altogether?
Do you like it as it is now?
Be heard !