I don't have any dwarves, and I don't want to burn a feat for it. Anyone have something of equivalent value to trade?
It's ML12, IIRC, no RR.
I don't have any dwarves, and I don't want to burn a feat for it. Anyone have something of equivalent value to trade?
It's ML12, IIRC, no RR.
Thelanis: Axio/Pak/Flavord/Paxi/Axiomus/Efrit/Aximus/Axi/Paximus/Heysoos/DanielAsh/Axioma
-=[ Archangels ]=-
I am int in the dwarven smiter , I have a finess smiter as well as 2 sbow smiters and numerous other items that u might like. Check my trade thread for ideas and let me know if we can do business. Thanks, G-MAN