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  1. #21
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    Default .....

    went out there at 9:19 central and it was a ghost town...was caught up in a inferno run...tried to get out there....but then had to defend the bar from undead long did it last

  2. #22
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default Storyline and release notes for those who want to see.

    Ya there were two instances open because of the amount of people.

    EVENT KEY....

    Act 1.. The setting is in Delara's Graveyard at a Funeral..

    In walks Elvira and Beetlejuice to the Funeral.. Mummy is lying there dead. He is actually
    a mummified human. The ceremony goes on and Beetlejuice and elvira poke fun at the dead.It
    seems they are amused by the fact its a sad event and not one to embrace like they do.The
    bride starts crying out of control. It seems she lost her Frankenforge and is very upset.The
    scene closes with her trying to pick herself up with the help of Orbweaver and the crew and
    speak to the questers infront of her. Please find my Frankenforge !!! Please !!! /cry.

    The ones that rushed over and gave her a /hug got the first clue to find Wolfman in the Grave
    yard. The bride thought he would have some answers. Wolfman see's an onslaught of questers
    running his way so he goes behind the temple... trapped he gets a little agry.. I do
    not know of Frankenforge .... but my daughter is gone , taken , kidnapped. Find her and
    bring her back to me and in the meantime I shall seek some answers to Frankenforge's abduction.
    Wolfman gives out the clues to seek out the undead. The questers that /flexed got the best
    clue's since wolfman wanted only the strong to embark on the journey.

    The undeads are in the graveyards ... they might have more information. The questers find
    them and are required to dance and do what the undead wanted . They then gave clues to
    find the wailing Banshee who knows the necropolis very well and might have more clues.

    Finding banshee was tough for some... up on the hill near the wailing fence where you can
    hear the sounds of wraiths. Banshee played her tunes and sang... the questers that contacted
    her with a /tell saying who sent them got the clues first along with dancing to her music.The
    ones that got angry at Banshee actually where pushed back a little. In the end Banshee gives
    the clue to use /flex and /show to defeat the Swampthing that has wolfmans daughter. But
    banshee doesn't know where he is . So she gives clues to seek out Wanda the witch to find
    swampthing using her crystal orb.

    At wanda you needed to wait patiently to get the best clue from her and not rush he while
    she checked her orb. She then sends you to swampthings location.

    act 2

    Swampthing is holding Dewdrop captive under the clawtree and doesn't give her up easily.
    Finally he gives in and actually a few people got the /emotes right. However there was a
    huge mob at swampthing around 35 people . So I had to improvise a little on it and finally
    he was overran and just gave in to all the swords and casters that would have destroyed him.

    Dewdrop is saved and taken back to wolfman. We got the names of all the questers at this
    point that did a great job and where roleplaying and leading the pack. They escorted her back
    to wolfman in a mob.

    Wolfman was so happy, hugging everyone for saving his daughter , he then tells you all of a
    friend of his named deathscythe who knows more about Frankenforge. He directs you there.

    Deathscythe was located in Delara's , and knows of this pumpkin out in House J garden.
    It depended on how you interacted with her as to what clues you recieved to find pumpkin patch.

    As people came rushing into the field pumpkin started rattling off jokes and being a comedian.
    The correct /emote for him was laugh, everyone laugh at me he wanted. He then handed the right
    people the potion of ASTRAL TRANSFORMATION. At this time noone had any clue as to why you needed
    that potion. They where then sent off to find beetlejuice back in the graveyard. Beetle was there
    goofing around and still laughing from the crazy funeral service. However he does know Elvira very
    well and sends you all there in the house P bogwater tavern if you played nice with Beetlejuice.

    Elvira it turns out helped Jekylls trinket escape the clutches of a mad man named Jekyll. You now
    find out that Jekyll is behind this or atleast suspect it. Elvira sends you to House D tower. This
    where the trinket is hiding out from Jekyll for safety. If you showed compassion for her you
    recieved the better clue to seek out smeegol. You see smeegol is supposed to know everything.

    You arrive in Gianthold. Smeegol tells you that blakcat knows the way to Jekylls hideout. If
    you showed anger with smeegol he gave in easy. Blakcat is in the house P amphitheatre. Seek
    her out and she can take you to Jekylls hideout.Blakcat delivers a purring sound and likes to
    be touched and have lots of attention.So she gives in and tells you the way to jekyll if you
    showed that style of emotes.

    ACT 3

    Around 10 questers bursted in for the final act and demise of Jekyll who as actually turned into
    hyde. Igor his minion to his left and Frankenforge on the ground below him. Hyde tries hard
    to get Frankenforge to wake up and help him rule the graveyards of Stormreach. Nothing happens.
    Igor walks over to the questers and asks if they have a potion for him. The potion that
    pumpkin gave them would transform Hyde back into Jekyll and save the Stormreach Graveyards from
    destruction. That was done . Igor says here master they are not here to harm you.. they bring
    you a good potion for you. one of much strength. Drink it master ...Hyde drinks the potion
    the travelers brought and starts gagging and coughing as the transformation unfolded.

    Hyde turns into Jekyll and has no clue why he has Frankenforge. He then releases frankenforge
    to the bride and asks the questers to meet back up with bride for the rewards.

    Great job everyone it was so much fun ! Winners check your mailboxes by tonight. We have all
    your names down.

    Next event is on the way..... I.W.

  3. #23

  4. #24
    Community Member Crus8r's Avatar
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    Default The Truth about Trick or Treat Live Event

    Credits are ..

    - Ironwolf - Director , and losing focus with the script needing to be constantly directed back on topic to complete the event and played Wolfman, Banshee, Dr.Jekyll , Swampthing , Pumpkin Patch and Mummy .

    - Teleri - Helped on scripting and character positions, she did a wonderful job and played characters - Ghostz, Dewdropz , Orbweaver and Jekyll's Trinket.

    -Kimm the wise- Casted with Elvira , Igor and Wandaa the Witch. Great job guy.

    - Longwu - Developer and Script Co-writer. Generously donated many of the awards handed out as prizes. Co-Developed main concept and strategy of the gameplay. Casted with Beetleguise, Frankenforge, and Smeegol. Great job.

    - Sennahine- Orinal concept and creator of the "Trick or Treat Ironwolf" guild. Generously donated prizes. Co-wrote script. Casted with Zombie, Bride of Frankenforge and Blakcat. Great job.

    -Tupelo- Helped with crowd control and offered hints to our questers

    -Pwesiela - Helped with spotting and crowd control.

    -Oddimus- Helped with crowd control and hint giving as well. Great job guys.

    -Axtorus- Marketing the /who panel to get the word out for the event.

    To clear up the confusion of who hosted this event. This was a guild Ironwolf and Occam's Razor colaboration. It just happens that two former members of Ironwolf decided to leave Ironwolf's guild because of personality issues and conflicts of intrest. They did however hold true to thier word and erformed nicely in the event. This event would not have happened had they decided to bale on it as many of the cast and prizes are attributed directly to their participation. The "Cashing in" on the event was an attempt to get Ironwolf (the person) to acknowlegde their help and participation, not to steal the event or detract from its success. The back lash from Ironwolf (the person) was disrespectful, discourteous and extremely un-civil. Is it really that hard to just say Thank You to Senahine and Longwu for helping us (Ironwolf the Guild) put on this event. He didn't even have to mention the break up or the new guild. It all became personal because Ironwolf (the person) is shallow and vain. Everything must center on him. The croud was giving him attention and he was lift to an astral plane in his revelry. It was sad to see that happen. I wish him luck though. Aside from that, mission accomplished and thanks for playing.

  5. #25
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default completely false.

    The whole guild knows it . Look I understand you are thriving for attention and are a little sore that we let you go. But there is no reason to tarnish an event that was a complete guild Ironwolf event. I scripted everything you had zero part in the script. You and Senna the day before the event went live decided to leave because you felt others didn't like you. So not only was I working on an event I was dealing with you two and trying to make it all work out.

    Then you try and cash in on the credits and even try and get a 2 person guild that was just made the night before to get credit ? C'mon we all see it in the guild and its rediculas , not to mention on ventrillo you even agreed what she was pulling was rediculas. To cause this drama and pull the stunt you guys pulled for your own selfish reasons is sad. But look you let her own you and control your path. It's chosen for you now and good luck.

    So to the guy that is trying to tarnish hard work for selfish reasons and who wants to go off on me with hate I wish you well but everyone knows exactly what went down..... I.W.
    Last edited by DDO_Ironwolf; 11-01-2007 at 11:34 PM.

  6. #26
    Community Member XFracture's Avatar
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    Why would you post guild drama in a public forum? You really shouldn't care what anyone outside of your guild thinks, not that anyone outside of your guild knew or even cared to begin with. Keep it between yourselves and out of the forums because, quite frankly, its pathetic (from both parties). Being the "bigger person" (or adult as I like to call it) would be ignoring the offender, not tossing passive aggressive quips in his direction and then falling back with a benevolent facade. THAT is just straight up lame and truly, truly transparent as anyone with two braincells to rub together would see.

    Don't ruin, what was--from what I'm told--a fun event. Just a tip though, keep the naked thing out of your next event. That was just weird and about where I walked off.

    Best of luck with your mama drama though.
    Finite number of classes + Finite number of levels = Finite number of combinations. Your build is not special, you are not a genius, someone was bound to "find" it and you don't have a patent on it.

  7. #27
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default your right x .

    It's just tough hearing these things when you put so much effort into the good of the server and to your guild. Trying to keep people happy and have fun at the same time without having things like this posted. I hope this wont happen in future events because we really do enjoy bringing the heart and soul of dnd player ran events to Thelanis.

    The naked thing was just so we could tell who was in the quest line. lol

  8. #28
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default anyone out there like to give thier story on the event?

    Just thought it would be neat to hear from the questers who ran the event.

    also another event will be in the works ... Fellowship and Ironwolf working together hopefully to bring some more event fun to the server. Thanks.

  9. #29
    Community Member Ashleycookie's Avatar
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    Default Finally!

    Quote Originally Posted by XFracture View Post
    Why would you post guild drama in a public forum? You really shouldn't care what anyone outside of your guild thinks, not that anyone outside of your guild knew or even cared to begin with. Keep it between yourselves and out of the forums because, quite frankly, its pathetic (from both parties). Being the "bigger person" (or adult as I like to call it) would be ignoring the offender, not tossing passive aggressive quips in his direction and then falling back with a benevolent facade. THAT is just straight up lame and truly, truly transparent as anyone with two braincells to rub together would see.

    Don't ruin, what was--from what I'm told--a fun event. Just a tip though, keep the naked thing out of your next event. That was just weird and about where I walked off.

    Best of luck with your mama drama though.
    Thank you so much for your comment! I agree completely. Ironwolf, please leave the bad, slanderous talk in your own site. No one wants to know how you feel. All they care about is fun stuff and gold. Drop it.

  10. #30
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default Update on winners..

    after reviewing the screenshots and such we have more winners to announce.

    This was a hard decision to find out who won first , second and so on... here they are.

    Horseface, Dieno, Slapty, Points, Phea,

    Flynx, Sacien, Zoltando, Msbehaved, Warcog.

    Congratz again ! Check your mail.

    also 10 others were sent out prizes for being fun and good sports. =)
    Last edited by DDO_Ironwolf; 11-04-2007 at 05:02 PM.

  11. #31
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    Question winner

    So who was the winner of the live event from the way it looks it was dieno. so the grand prize was a shield piece? i thought it was a vorpal.

  12. #32
    Community Member houxer1's Avatar
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    The first place winner will get a vorpal. This is the person that completes the story and the quest with the knowledge needed .

    Second , third and fourth place will receive tomes and to my knowledge there are Tapestry pieces and shield pieces up for grabs. alright !

    The other prizes will be excellent weapons and such randomly given out.

    so this is the prize listiing as said by Ironwolf guild leader and was just wondering what the actual prizes went since i've not seen them actually given out the vorpal and tomes were never to be seen

  13. #33
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    I thoroughly enjoyed the event. I don't know what place Phae was listed in, if it's in order of listing, is it 5th? I am certain she wasn't first, cuz I saw at least 2 other people there when I arrived at Jekyll. Still not sure what the end prize was, as I got a "congrats and thank you for playing, we'll send your reward in the mail" letter a couple days ago. No, I'm not trying to stir up more soft brown squishy matter, but maybe Phae got lost in the shuffle.
    I took a couple of pictures, not much, but I'll post them in the next couple of days.
    Looking forward to more fun events, whoever writes them! (I'm selfish, it doesn't matter all that much to me who gets credit for it, I'm all about the fun I can squeeze out of it.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  14. #34
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default hey guys ..

    Sorry about the confusion... A former member had many of the rewards in his possession and it took awhile to get them in my hands to mail out. The prizes were sent out already to most.

    We reviewed the ending and the screenshots of who actually knew the storyline and who was first. Here is the breakdown of prizes sent out so far and If I missed you I am sorry. The vorpal , shield piece and tapestries have been sent out along with tomes.

    Horseface won the vorpal ,

    Slapty got the 20 tapestries ,

    Dieno recieved a shield piece.

    Tomes for two others and disrupter for points that he wanted. The rest got rewards based on effort and were sent out items in the way of weapons.
    Phae sorry hun I will send you out something good don't worry =) send me a /tell if there is anything special you are looking for ok.

    Everything considered we gave out 1 vorpal, 1 shield piece, 20 tapestries , 2 tomes , 20 high lvl weapons as trick or treat prizes.

    Those of you who have ran events hosted by guild Ironwolf know that we have no problem handing out the goods. This confusion was unexpected due to two former members feeling the need to put a dent in things. Thanks again.
    Last edited by DDO_Ironwolf; 11-04-2007 at 05:06 PM.

  15. #35
    Community Member houxer1's Avatar
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    fair enough i read what was supposed to be given out and i didn't know that previous members was gone that was supposed to help with that thanks for the piece and im hoping i didn't make you feel offended at all. i missunderstood in the first reading of the prizes and then when you posted the winners, i actually thought you listed them in order of winning

  16. #36
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default np bud enjoy.

    It got a little confusing sometimes that can happen when hosting a large event.

    Oh and get ready for our next event... Fall Festival Turkey Shootout. It will be played out like the easter event which is a very simple event.

  17. #37
    Community Member Crus8r's Avatar
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    Default Ironwolf seems to enjoy drama

    Sorry guys, Ironwolf is trying to continue his drama. The truth about the prizes being delayed is this; He was having trouble with his guild and several members decided to leave his guild prior to the event, I among them (Longwu). I promised him that I would help with his event since I and one other were a large part of the planning and operation of this event. We donated several of the prizes and were going to give them out at the event. The problem started when he (Ironwolf) got drunk during the event and decided that his feeling were hurt about us leaving or something (he wanted to be personally involved with one of the people who left). He was asked to give a small portion of the credit for the event to those that helped (both in and out of the guild) and he refused. One of the former guildies decided to spam messages in general chat stating thier participation in the planning and operation of the event (in Ironwolf's eye stealing credit from him). He got so mad and beligerent that he told me (who didn't spam the messages), that he said he was done with me and not to talk to him anymore. When I asked about the prizes, he told me to get BENT, he didn't want them or need them. I tried on several occassions to give them to him as I am a man of honor and integrity. He refused. I eventually had to give them to a guildie of his whom I trusted to do the right thing and turn them over to Ironwolf. Now that He finally has them, he wants to continue the drama by harrassing me and the members of my new guild. We have submitted tickets on his actions and are hoping that turbine does something about him posting these things in general chat and personally pestering us while gaming.

    As a side note, someone that was designated a winner at the event has since joined our guild. Appearently, that's what is needed to be precluded from receiving the rewards promised to the winners at the event.

    I'm sure Ironwolf will try to spin this posting so he can claim victim status, but it is a consistant behavior of his and there are many here on Thelanis that know it. I feel bad that it has come to this. To the members of Ironwolf Guild, I still hope we can be friends inspite of the drama and you are all welcome to group with me and the members of
    Occam's Razor.
    Last edited by Crus8r; 11-05-2007 at 01:00 AM.

  18. #38
    Community Member Montrose's Avatar
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    Thanks to everyone who organized this event in all the various capacities. Sorry to see there is some friction with the way things happened behind the scenes, but from the player perspective it was a lot of fun and I am grateful to all those who had a hand in running the event.

    I did recieve the vorpal and can attest that some truly great prizes were handed out.

  19. 11-05-2007, 08:23 PM

    request of OP

  20. 11-05-2007, 08:27 PM

    attacks/name calling

  21. #39
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default sounds like a great idea guys !

    Quote Originally Posted by Kashka_Coolwater View Post
    hello Ironwolf. I would love to hear from you if you are planning to run an event inside our server event, the fall festival, being put on by the Fellowship of The Golden Night and The Order of the Sword and Rose.

    We can work a three way guild event. Send me a mail and lets get together soon, ok =)

    Montrose - glad ya like the vorpal man! =) There is however one person that I would enjoy seeing it used on.
    Last edited by DDO_Ironwolf; 11-05-2007 at 08:37 PM.

  22. #40
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Too late in the game for the monumental changes in plans that would make the fall festival a 3-guild event, man. Sorry about that. If you have ideas or suggestions for co-operative events between Fellowship of the Golden Night and Ironwolf in the future, feel free to contact either of the 2 ambassadors. That would be Kashka_Coolwater (aka Trazden d'Medani in game) or Myself (aka Avuna d'Maral Su'acon in game).
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

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