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  1. #1

    Default Midgets are Lopsided and Dont Roll Well

    Kick the midget v 2 went down tonight before the constructs of Stormreach split off to do various quests.

    Rowanshadow's team won for scoring the only goal, which they accomplished with a very frightened looking halfling.

    Their prize: a proof against poison necklace of neutralize poison.

    As an amusing side note: while we were gathering up in Tempest Spine for the group teleport to the twilight forge, everyone in the group got a spam tell from a plat seller. So I sent him a party invite. He declined. I "spammed" him a few more invites. No one else in the party knew I was doing this, and everyone in the party burst out laughing when the plat seller finally accepted and joined us.
    Last edited by Ghoste; 10-24-2007 at 10:32 PM.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

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