OK its obvious in every post, from the death penalty, to the abbott, to whatever ... you've got very, very disparate opinions from the player base. Some want more challenge, better "game design", etc. Others are here for kicks and get mad whenever anything is changed or made more difficult. The dev team seems to be on the former. The majority (no polls or science here, just 'feel') seem to be with the latter.
So instead of all these micro-debates over how to handle issue 'x' or implement quest 'y' or whether raids should be REALLY hard, or doable by anyone who wants to with a week of practice and lots of pots ... I would like to raise the idea again of making elite more elite, and making normal more like normal.
--------------------------------------------------------oh, I've got an addendum:
Loot levels on elite should be +2, on hard +1, and on normal, just normal.
Or -2, -1, and 0.
Or you get an extra 2 pieces on elite, 1 on hard, 0 on normal.
or wahtever. You get the idea.
Crank the CR, the death penalty, all that good stuff, crank it all up on elite. Make elite really hard.
Make normal easy - for any social group of 40 year olds (of which there are more than a handful playing this game).
Then simply adjust your favor reward levels so anyone can get them, but add a super-bonus for total favor.
There. Now you've got super challenges for those who want them, and you've got cakewalk for those who find DDO to be enjoyable for the reasons most people play pen & paper D&D (i.e. socializing).
What says the crowd?