man, I would love a hard raid..but in some form of a realistic setting.
This is meant as a personal observation and a hope the devs will not keep going in the direction they have with the raids. They do a great job with an awesome game..the raids are the one part I am not too happy with and seldom ever do them.
Titan raid....the whole complex makes no sense in a fantasy or reality setting...and then the end guy is a giant robot walking around a room with giant pillars falling on him..and then only when he gets knocked down does some laser weapon (laser weapon?) that just happens to be hanging around the room is used to whack him a bit..
And this raid makes any sense is what way? If a PnP DM had us run this quest he would never DM for us again...
Dragon raid..... um...von 5 is a complex designed to protect a vault? Yea..if I wanted to protect a vault I would hire a bunch of zombies and a metal machine man spewing mechanism and add a whole bunch of strange puzzles that take six people to do them...huh?
Oh yea, the vault? It is a big rock with a dragon on space.. with a force wall that can only be brought down when three pillars are the same time... ps- dragon does not fly and does not eat you either.
Reaver raid... a stormreaaver....makes balls spin..and summons elementals...while fighting...that cause things to happen...while a timer counts down..then a puzzle appears...dead people raised by a lever... um..what is this about anyway?
DQ raid... short, but why is it there again? Do not get me started on the way people do this one.
Abbot sounds interesting....almost like people could not do it without the exploits they were using to make it...oh wait...that is how they did no one can do methods developed over the course of doing it 30 times...can't wait to find out eh 1..2...3.. step method of doing it...very exciting. Just seems anticlimatic. Looks cool though.
My point is, the devs are going a certain way with this...and I think a few people actually love the puzzleness of figuring out the raids..
Unfortunately, they become pretty rote for these people and a 1..2...3 step way of doing them is finally devised...or exploits are used to death until fixed..
Most casual gamers have absolutely no chance of ever completing these things unless they run with a very experienced guild...or the level cap is raised and a good pug is running it with people who have done it 20 or 30 times.
My point is, it is not a challenge for most of is a chore. Many will not do them as they are not close to realistic or even come close to the fantasy world of DnD...they are just intricate puzzles that are eventually mapped out by someone. I guess it is meant for the hardcore gamers and their guilds to get special raid loot...and that is their reward for doing the thing..and that is cool.
Before you 'hate me', I have done the reaver raid and listened as people bring up the program that figures out the puzzle...yea...real good adventure... Reaver raid= kill reaver, google puzzle, done.
However, if each mods whole purpose is to build a quest line to get to a raid, then it leaves a lot of 'non hardcore guild" players scratching their heads.
With each mod, maybe you can add non raid stuff..a whole set of dungeons using fantasy settings with fantasy monsters, traps, and adventure...
I personally don't like the raids much.. I have done them a few times and watched as people used the exploits, safe spots, or got wiped by trying it the way intended.... The DQ raid.. won't even touch that one in this post, not the way people have been running it...
Tempest spine was a decent adventure raid....not too many crazy things that make no sense...a few like the killing of the flenser/reaver....but not many.
Is it any wonder that the TS raid was the one that a gazillion people did all the time? And still do? And most remember fondly? And most would love to see again?
Devs...add up the number of times people did TS versus all the other raids..... the sheer number difference should tell you something....
For some, the raids as they stand are a perfect end game...but for many they are just not fun..most wait until the major guilds have gotten it 'figured out' and slowly the way to do it filters down to the smaller guilds and free agent players....
Just not my thing...and I think many agreee with me.. Why not make a hard raid that makes a little more sense...just make it longer with harder TS.... one more for us to run like crazy for loot and fun without the headaches...