Yeah... rewards are wacked. I played a year with capped toons. Never ever got a tome and then boom... a month before L14 came out... I got one... and then 3 more in the next 2 weeks. I think the loot dice get stuck and its tied to your account somehow. Though many others swear its tied to the toons.
Casual DDOaholic
But robes are an instant change out, so having a few protection robes of different things can be good.
As a bard, I seldom got any protection from______ items. I would sometimes get sacred items. Um, yes I can heal like clerics do, but I can't turn undead like clerics do.
To this day, i don't have any items that give me any kind of energy resistance.
Weeeell, as you get higher in level, it gets harder to turn many undead, doesn't it, in paper I mean. For example, you have a cleric, level 14, with a +3 CHA bonus. They roll a D20, get a natural 20+3=23. On the turn table it says you can turn up to your level +4 which in this case is 18 HD worth of undead.
So if you were fighting a few high level undead, you might only be able to turn one or two of them.
I'm not sure the numbers for DDO on this aspect, I've never liked playing clerics.
Yes, i'm sure there are ways to improve your undead turning abilities in paper.
But I guess my point is, it seems harder and harder to turn undead in paper as you level up.
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )
Thank you... I really did not want to have to build another cleric as a turn spec'd undead magnet just to try and see hun
Sigh... I was in catacombs with my 14 girl the other day doing some favor with a friend and couldn't turn squat... kinda depressing...So I went and got my sorc and flamed em all instead
See ya in Stormreach,
I hear ya. The problem is not the loot system, it is HOW the game is played. Because of the emphasis on melee weapons, certain collectables, tomes, and +6 enhancement items, they are the most sought after items and the least likely to pop for certain classes.
I seem to get a ton. And I can rarely sell them for much on the AH because there are usually so many out there. I always get the names confused but I can tell you 20pt protection items are cheap on the AH. You will pay a higher premium for 30 pt ones though. I keep a shield, cloak or robe for each resistance type for easy swap in swap out ability.
The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
-1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker
I liked the concept of class "geared" end rewards... except the implementation was all wrong.
Instead of looking at class and race... they should have looked at feats and enhancements.
Since dorfs get the waraxe feat automatically (on certain classes) the dwarven waraxe feat would throw a + to the chance of ending up with an axe... if that same character put 10 enhancement points into the axe damage, axe attack lines... then more +s to pulling an axe. Since a cleric gets all three armor feats, light medium and heavy... a cleric would get +s to the chance of all three armor types. If your character took khopeshes or bastard swords or kamas or shuriken for that matter, you'd get increased chances of ending up with those on your list. The same would apply to feats like Nimble Fingers, or Iron Will (Aerenal jokes aside), or Improved Turning, or whatever. I can't think of an feat/enhancement line that wouldn't have an applicable item modifier, except maybe Extra LoH... I'm sure there are some, but for those... see the next line
It wouldn't guarantee a dorf axe, it would increase the chance of that weapon type (or whatever) appearing on your list.
Some simple facts to consider though:
(1.) The way they have class end reward tables set up now is borked...
(2.) The chance that they'll actually change it are about equal to the chances of pulling something your character can actually use.
(3.) The chance that they'll change it and actually FIX the problem are even less.
(My apologies for my apparent negativity, but this whole mod5 fiasco has really left some of us feeling quite put off lately.)
Trust me, its tied to the account. I pulled my first paralyzer on Sunday. Thats with 3 capped and almost a 4th toons, and playing since beta. I have pulled 1 tome, a +1 con for my fighter. I have vorpals and disuptors on most of my toons, but they were all hand me downs from guildies. 2 guys in my guild pull good and named stuff regularly, and it doesn't matter what toon they are playing. It is definately tied to the account.
On the other hand, I changed all my toons to random and my end rewards have gotten a little bit better.
Last edited by Gornin; 10-24-2007 at 05:49 PM.
Snowleopard, Locomotiv Breath, Aqualung, Thickas a Brick, WitchsPromis, Part of the Machine, Coseyed Mary
No whining, unless you're serving really good cheese. Otherwise, put a cork in it.
My caster has no intention of turning on random end rewards. Get such better loot than my fighter does.
Good stuff pulled:
Ftr14: 1 +1 paralyser, one insane twinking item (+1 acid//puregood shortsword RR: Drow ML 2) ... that's it
Sor14: 5 tomes, +5 AC protection cloak, 2 Heavy Fort rings (both had other mods too), Sup Pot 5 item x2, Great Pot 6 item x1, a few other things too
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I pulled a dwarven smiter on my cleric w/the new system. The only other good thing he's ever pulled before that was a paralyzing sickle (RR Halfling) and a decent scepter or two.
Mad props to the new system!
Thelanis: Axio/Pak/Flavord/Paxi/Axiomus/Efrit/Aximus/Axi/Paximus/Heysoos/DanielAsh/Axioma
-=[ Archangels ]=-
I forgot to add that I've pulled 3 vorpals. All 3 kamas. So I ah'ed an rr vorpal falchion with an Aussie end time. My future monk is set though... all of the power 5 in kamas in the bank - all from PoP I think.
Stupid Kamas.
Casual DDOaholic