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Thread: My DDO Gripes

  1. #21
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukiko View Post
    I agree 100%

    To many times have i been cheated out of raid loot because the group leader felt his guild mate needed an item more then i did.

    I once rolled a 100 for an item and did not get the raid item because someone rolled a 69. the leader said in his guild that beats any other number rolled and there for i did not get the raid item.
    I agree with Oreg. That is completely bogus! The whole reason you roll on things like that
    is so that everyone gets an equal chance! That is bad JuJu. It makes the party look bad and makes the the Guild look bad too. I don't know what guild it was (obviously) but Word like that gets around fast. I hope someone in his/her guild took him to task.

    I am in a moderately sized guild on Thelanis and our general rule is...the roll stands.
    Guild or non Guild.
    If you roll a 100 you win, end of story. The odds are the odds.

    I know many people who have been on DOZENS of raids and have yet to win raid loot.

    Iknow this may draw some flak, but my attitude is
    You roll the dice man and you either win or lose, thats just the way it is.

  2. #22
    Community Member Yukiko's Avatar
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    Yea, it sucked. But that guild is no longer around.

    But now with the new raid loot system, i can raid with no worries about someone desiding my fate. They can change the math anyway they like as long as its still desided by the computer as to who gets the loot.
    Im betting they will tweek the math in the future. But lets be honest, its always better that they test the system and give to little than to test the system only to give to much and have to nerf it.

    It was late 2006
    The dragon raid. The item was freedom of movment boots

  3. #23
    Community Member Lizardgrad89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    Hmm, well I'm not sure why Turbine would have reason to lie about the raid loot drop rate. It could be a glitch..... Although, I will say that since the update I haven't gotten or seen much drop in Reaver on elite 12 man runs, 2-3 itmes per run. A few days back we did 6 man normal and 2 items dropped, and I got a Vorpal end reward, whereas every elite run I've done since update my end rewards have been complete junk. Also on the normal run another person pulled a smiting Falchion from non-raid loot chest. So norm seems better to me

    I'm still up in the air about the raid loot change really. I think the lack of warding is a good thing, but I'm of the opinion that maybe they need to increase the drop to Elite 1 in 3, Hard 1 in 3.5, Norm 1 in 4.

    As for the Abbot, well that'll chjange again I'm sure... They should've closed it really.. Then fixed it.... As for the ranged thing THAT needed to be fixed...... Period
    I don't agree with changing the loot % like this.

    Too much loot will fall.

    But, I do think every 12 person raid should be guaranteed at least one piece drop.

    I like this alteration:

    When the quest completes, the computer assignes each player a unique number between 1 and 12. The computer then rolls a 1d12, and that player gets raid loot. After that roll, everybody else gets their 1d6 chance. The person who won the 1d12 roll doesn't get a chance at the individual 1d6 roll, though. No double raid loot!

    If there are fewer than 12 in the raid, loot isn't guaranteed. For example, if there are only 10 in the raid, and the computer rolls an 11 or 12, nobody gets that piece of raid loot. Everybody then gets their 1d6 individual roll.

    I think this would encourage people to bring a full contingent of people on raids, as the more in the group the better the chance of loot dropping.

    Of course, this won't stop people from bringing in an "extra" toon, but the group can deal with that as they like. I have to think that, if everyone agreed that any loot the extra toon got would be rolled on, people wouldn't mind it at all.

    (Edit) Having thought about it, this might also add too much raid loot into the system, although not as much as increasing the odds to 1d4.

    I would add one caveat: If more than 3 total pieces fall, then one piece is taken away (this happens before the chest is opened). The computer rolls a d100 for all the raid loot winners, and the lowest number loses that piece of loot.

    What this means is we will have fewer runs where a LOT of loot given out, but very very few runs where no loot is given out (only possible if the run is short manned). The total % would stay pretty close to the original 1d6 the developers want.
    Last edited by Lizardgrad89; 10-26-2007 at 03:04 PM.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    Wha? Not only did you get raid loot... but you had your choice of multiple items. Mark each of those as a notch where an item was in the warded chest, that you did not roll on it... then redo your math and let us know how that turns out.

    Otherwise, learn the definition of RANDOM and ROLL and STATISTICS.

    Here's what your saying... 22 runs, 1 item fell, and 1 time you actually had your choice... so that's 2 in 22... lowest common denominator 1 in 11... roughly a 9% return. 1 in 6 is roughly a 16.5% chance.

    So now you're all up in arms about a 7.5% difference... yet now you even had your choice of items on your 20th run.

    Yes, if a raid has 15 items, and I can use 7 of them, but already have 3... now I'm looking for 4 out of 15 items... so not only are you having to compete with 1 in 6, but you have to consider the 4 in 15 chance that the raid item that drops you can actually use...


    Otherwise... enjoy the raid loot you already have. A lot of people don't have that.
    Dude you gotta be stupid to say what you say.
    Take into account i run all raid on elite, since it was stated that it has a better chance of raid loot (people assume its 1d4, but who knows what it is but its said to be better than 1d6) so your math is off.
    First off, 20th run has nothing to do with %, since everyone gets it and its guranteed.
    So what you are saying in 22 runs 1 raid loot is ok for you? and if it is, then its fine but for me its not, i only keep track of what fell for me, god only knows how many times we ran it and none was in chest for a party of 12.
    Yes, I'm an uber player and clock a lot of playing time and for that i think my return should be high. I know what random, percentage and stats are. The average stats for what i ran is something close to 4 out of 24. And the number of times i ran it and got raid loot is 1; in the world of stats, there is something wrong there.
    Also i just ran DQ on Elite and for a group 12 NO RAID LOOT FELL. so stick that in your computer and calculate it. There is somehting wrong with the raid system.
    Last edited by The Truth; 10-27-2007 at 11:13 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    It is random - sorry for your bad LUCK - but it is just that, luck.

    Personally, since the MOD, I have only run the raid on elite, and the most frequently occurring number of raid drops I have seen for the entire party is 3, followed by 2. Only once have I seen a raid with 0 items (last night ironically - the nerfed it!)

    Statistics are what they are, and if you read the MANY posts out there explaining the statistics for those without the background - the numbers make sense. Better luck next run
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  6. #26
    Founder Skaves's Avatar
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    And I've been on a Titan raid post Mod 5, set on normal.
    Nine pieces of Raid Loot dropped and one tome.

    Theoretically you could run 100 raids on elite and never see raid loot.
    Theoretically you could run 100 raids on normal and see 12 pieces of raid loot each and every time.

    PS: I've also been on a Queen raid that dropped exactly 0 raid loot on elite with a 12 member party. That's random for you.

    Yew says, "Don't worry, I have a plan."

  7. #27
    Founder Cinwulf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukiko View Post
    I agree 100%

    To many times have i been cheated out of raid loot because the group leader felt his guild mate needed an item more then i did.

    I once rolled a 100 for an item and did not get the raid item because someone rolled a 69. the leader said in his guild that beats any other number rolled and there for i did not get the raid item.

    That's the lamest thing I've ever heard

    Bones Combat Brigade

  8. #28
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    Default Bug that cant be fixed

    As a side note if anyone runs abbot raid. If you put the goggles (the one you use to see the tiles on the floor) on and you recall you will get stuck on load screen and you will have to do a hard shut down on your game. When you log back in your toon will then be in active status and can’t log into it. You will have to log into another toon and open bug report.

    Here is my issue:
    This bug was reported since beta on Risa and still has not been addressed, but turbine has time to fix so called exploits and reset the abbot raid in a weekend but this simple bug still exist. Makes you think what is more important; fixing a raid where people are running it and are having fun or stuck and have to wait 20 minutes to rejoin his group to continue running the raid??? Waiting 20 minutes not only waste my time, but takes up the DM’s time as well.

    Yes I’m ranting and boisterous but heck this ain't fun no more.

  9. #29
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    LOL bugs that can't be fixed? Come now take a look at SC, how long was that buggy? It'll get fixed but you may have to give them just a little bit of time.....
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  10. #30
    Community Member Attomic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Truth View Post
    Also, don’t tell me that my post will start a flame war and it won’t be published. Because it's not. It’s simply the truth.
    Already has, publishing is a complete non sequitur, non sequitur #2 and rank subjective opinion.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post

    So now you're all up in arms about a 7.5% difference... yet now you even had your choice of items on your 20th run.
    How short-sighted can you be? He's not up in arms about a mathematical difference.

    He's up in arms having done a raid a dozen times and not having ANY different result under the new system, which is supposedly "better".

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukiko View Post
    I agree 100%

    To many times have i been cheated out of raid loot because the group leader felt his guild mate needed an item more then i did.

    I once rolled a 100 for an item and did not get the raid item because someone rolled a 69. the leader said in his guild that beats any other number rolled and there for i did not get the raid item.
    And this, right here, is the reason why the change was made.

    Too many complaints about "raid leaders" sole-sourcing the loot to people. Which, in most cases was probably the right decision.

    Sorry no, the Madstone Shield should not go to a Sorc (seeing as how ASF applies to scrolls, as well) when there are other classes (such as Clerics, or Paladins for example) who not only could use it more OFTEN but more overall benefit is realized.

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