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Thread: My DDO Gripes

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Angry My DDO Gripes

    My gripes about DDO

    I was all for the new raid system which seemed fair. But with my many runs it now seems very unfair. I ran the reaver raid 19 times to date (since mod5) with 3 toons and have not landed one raid loot. That’s a far cry from 1 in 6. One of my toons was on his 20th run and of course the choice of raid loot for me was all the ones I could not use and or ones I already have(ones i had before mod 5). My choices were...(Shield, sword, tenderizer, scimitar, gloves, staff, head and napkin) gloves, napkin and head I had before mod 5 update. NO tomes. So I think this new system really stinks.

    The new raid.
    They developed it, tested it, and sold it. We played it and found a way to reach our goals but are told that it’s an exploit, that’s a joke. I wonder if the developers ever read some Greek history. 300 titans??? How did 300 kill so many, range weapons come to mind. You can’t blame players for being creative; the blame sits on developers who don’t have the foresight to see this.

    Why does it seem when players like a quest and loot it dev’s get upset?
    Looting is part of the game. When you are capped at 14 and you ran all the content what else is left to do? Looting provides a channel for those players who are capped and are in a perpetual hunt to increase their characters potential. Remember developers we pay to have fun, not to be punished. We keep you guys in business. Your job is to create new content and game balance. Please don’t say that looting or finding ways to finish the raids are creating unbalanced game play.

    The services from the DM are horrible, when ever there are issues they tell you “we are sorry there is nothing that can be done”. However you look at it this game, it is a business on their end. If I did that in my business I would not have any clients. I feel like I’m paying someone to punish me. (Maybe I’m into S&M, sorry I don’t think so). We play to get away from RL and have fun. This game is not fun anymore.

    Also, don’t tell me that my post will start a flame war and it won’t be published. Because it's not. It’s simply the truth.
    Last edited by The Truth; 10-24-2007 at 11:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Prinstoni's Avatar
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    I agree with you OP.

    I am sick of fixes on things that are not broken, and too much concentration on changing old content instead of creating new.

    If it is a true exploit np you can fix it.

    Otherwise stop changing things and concentrate on new content.

    We want to be challenged not upset. It is a game and supposed to be fun not Developers versus Players.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Truth View Post
    My gripes about DDO

    I was all for the new raid system which seemed fair. But with my many runs it now seems very unfair. I ran the reaver raid 19 times to date with 3 toons and have not landed one raid loot. That’s a far cry from 1 in 6. One of my toons was on his 20th run and of course the choice of raid loot for me was all the ones I could not use and or ones I already have. (Shield, sword, tenderizer, scimitar, gloves, staff, head and napkin) gloves, napkin and head I had before mod 5 update. NO tomes. So I think this new system really stinks.
    Note Bolded Type....
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  4. #4
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Anyone know or have tested that option under "Gameplay" to see if it affects the drop rate of things like tomes? I have kept mine set at the default which rolls based on your class and am wondering if a tank has less chance of rolling a tome maybe?

  5. #5
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Note Bolded Type....
    Chuckled at that also but assumed he meant he got those in raid loot rolls and has gotten nothing since mod 5. Although I have no idea if the 19 times is post mod 5 or total.

  6. #6
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    No i was talking about the my total loot run after after mod 5. Such a shame D&D could have been such a great success.

  7. #7
    Founder dragonofsteel2's Avatar
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    Yeah its also great fun watching a caster loot the madstone shield without even asking if anyone needed it lol. Sure there be someone out there will say, yeah he might want to take some fighter lvls soon, half these people could not even beat the raid on there own. Although they seem to love looting anything is not for there class. This why do not bring them to the titan or demon queen, could not stand seeing a caster looting the true seeing goggles lol. People can think what ever they want but this loot system blows. Oh lets compare Pnp like so many like to do, guess what the loot attain never had names on it, you had to make choices how to give it out fair. Not like my luck change though pulled 4 peices of loot in 12-13 raids.

  8. #8
    Community Member aax's Avatar
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    the new system has been fair to the raids ive lead. lots of people i hear otherwise from. but boy am i gonna kill that caster that rolled against me for the madstone rage boots if i dont get it in my next 4 runs (20th time) only 2 things i need/dont have are the head and boots... i would be very dissapointed too. im sorry to hear this. hopefully you get a streak of good luck

  9. #9
    Community Member saber7's Avatar
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    Default Raid loot

    I agree that if you have an item for another class you should give it up. I gave away a +3 cha tome cause my wizard couldn't use it. Perhaps that is stupid but there were 3 sorcerers in the party begging for it. Maybe you shouldn't get a specific item but a choice of an item from a list INCLUDING tomes everytime you would get an item

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by saber7 View Post
    I agree that if you have an item for another class you should give it up. I gave away a +3 cha tome cause my wizard couldn't use it. Perhaps that is stupid but there were 3 sorcerers in the party begging for it. Maybe you shouldn't get a specific item but a choice of an item from a list INCLUDING tomes everytime you would get an item
    This is my problem with that..

    It is up to me to decide what my character can use not others...

    For example If i was in a Party of 3 Sorcerers and I was playing my Rogue.. I would keep that + 3 Chr tome because I could use it.

    Sure the Sorcerer probably could get better use out of it, but there will almost always be a sorcerer in the raid which means I can never get it? I think not. It is up to me to decide if I need it.. not other people.

    Now if I have absolutely no use for a raid item or it is an item I could use but would never use, it is up for graps.

    Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
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  11. #11
    Community Member NiasTrams's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aax View Post
    the new system has been fair to the raids ive lead. lots of people i hear otherwise from. but boy am i gonna kill that caster that rolled against me for the madstone rage boots if i dont get it in my next 4 runs ...
    My cleric took the boots not understanding what the other people were saying about the madstone rage, they didn't say it so I would understand, the Madstone Boots cause you to go into a madstone rage and until combat is over and the rage wears off you cannot cast spells, use scrolls or wands. The one time I have seen the boots come up on a caster class that didn't know about them I explained that the rage was more than just the one clickie. The boots were put up for a roll off.

    As far as the shield, some wizards and sorcerers put a lot of AP into being specced for wands and scrolls, to have a tower shield that gives you the tower shield feat and provides +6 damage reduction and better AC while using the wands and scrolls, I can understand why some wizards and sorcerers would love to have that shield. My sorc is specced differently so he uses a Skyvault shield, same with my rogue/wizard.

    Under the old system I did not enforce "need before greed" because I had no way of knowing what someone else's future needs might be, I only allowed rolling on one of the two items. And under the old system, as "leader" of the party I took the same less desirable item twice in a row and not rolled on the more desirable item.

    Under the current system, it is up to the person that receives the item to decide if they need it or not. Not needed or desired items are encouraged to be traded, within party, if more than one person gets an item not really appropriate for them, then comes putting it up for a roll-off between players that want the item or selling it. Todate, no one in any of my parties have sold items, but have traded them and put them up for roll-offs. I personally hope I never see someone try to sell raid loot to the party that just helped it become acquired, but would not stop it if they did (they run the risk of being put on a "blackball list" that I know people do keep).

    The system is still new, for those who say a raid should never yield zero pieces of raid loot I agree, and posted a solution to fix that specific issue. Also suggested that the entire list of raid loot be offered for every fixed number of times loot drop and gave suggestions on how that could be tweaked.

    While many of us are saying raid loot needs to be given out better, others are telling the Devs that raid loot is supposed to be rare and they are giving to much out.

    I once suggested different servers be set up for different playing styles, that suggestion was just made again by another player.

    The only issue that the majority agrees upon is that we want new content; unfortunately, we are not in agreement on how that content should be made.

    Poor Devs, they will probably never win a popularity contest.

  12. #12
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    For instance, why the heck did they change the Dragon raid to increase it's difficulty? It's a lvl9 Raid as it is. Even without the base changes the Dragon on elite is still a *****.

    Personally I believe (based on my experience) that imagination and business rarely leave room for each other. I'm certain there are better ideas floating around at Turbine, but they have a lot of economic and legal obligations. Too many people to keep happy. Most of which have no direct contact with what happens to the lives, futures or outcome of a product and its developers.

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  13. #13
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    Just as an update, I ran reaver raid 2 more times and still no raid loot fell for me. I highly doubt that its a 1 in 6 chance. Thats 22 times and 1 raid loot fell. (20th run did get choice but i dont count that, since its seperate).
    Does anyone else think this is weird? or is turbine just lying to us?

  14. #14
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Truth View Post
    Just as an update, I ran reaver raid 2 more times and still no raid loot fell for me. I highly doubt that its a 1 in 6 chance. Thats 22 times and 1 raid loot fell. (20th run did get choice but i dont count that, since its seperate).
    Does anyone else think this is weird? or is turbine just lying to us?
    Wha? Not only did you get raid loot... but you had your choice of multiple items. Mark each of those as a notch where an item was in the warded chest, that you did not roll on it... then redo your math and let us know how that turns out.

    Otherwise, learn the definition of RANDOM and ROLL and STATISTICS.

    Here's what your saying... 22 runs, 1 item fell, and 1 time you actually had your choice... so that's 2 in 22... lowest common denominator 1 in 11... roughly a 9% return. 1 in 6 is roughly a 16.5% chance.

    So now you're all up in arms about a 7.5% difference... yet now you even had your choice of items on your 20th run.

    Yes, if a raid has 15 items, and I can use 7 of them, but already have 3... now I'm looking for 4 out of 15 items... so not only are you having to compete with 1 in 6, but you have to consider the 4 in 15 chance that the raid item that drops you can actually use...


    Otherwise... enjoy the raid loot you already have. A lot of people don't have that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  15. #15
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    Hmm, well I'm not sure why Turbine would have reason to lie about the raid loot drop rate. It could be a glitch..... Although, I will say that since the update I haven't gotten or seen much drop in Reaver on elite 12 man runs, 2-3 itmes per run. A few days back we did 6 man normal and 2 items dropped, and I got a Vorpal end reward, whereas every elite run I've done since update my end rewards have been complete junk. Also on the normal run another person pulled a smiting Falchion from non-raid loot chest. So norm seems better to me

    I'm still up in the air about the raid loot change really. I think the lack of warrding is a good thing, but I'm of the opinion that maybe they need to increase the drop to Elite 1 in 3, Hard 1 in 3.5, Norm 1 in 4.

    As for the Abbot, well that'll chjange again I'm sure... They should've closed it really.. Then fixed it.... As for the ranged thing THAT needed to be fixed...... Period

  16. #16
    Community Member Yukiko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragnmoon View Post
    Sure the Sorcerer probably could get better use out of it, but there will almost always be a sorcerer in the raid which means I can never get it? I think not. It is up to me to decide if I need it.. not other people.
    I agree 100%

    To many times have i been cheated out of raid loot because the group leader felt his guild mate needed an item more then i did.

    I once rolled a 100 for an item and did not get the raid item because someone rolled a 69. the leader said in his guild that beats any other number rolled and there for i did not get the raid item.

  17. #17
    Founder StanC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Truth View Post
    Just as an update, I ran reaver raid 2 more times and still no raid loot fell for me. I highly doubt that its a 1 in 6 chance. Thats 22 times and 1 raid loot fell. (20th run did get choice but i dont count that, since its seperate).
    Does anyone else think this is weird? or is turbine just lying to us?
    Dont think they are lying to us. Only 1 drop in 22 runs could still be from 1 in 6 chance, it could also be from 1 in 2 chance. One must remember that the 1 in 6 chance is for each individual raid and is not cumulative, a bad roll in one raid does not mean that you will have a better chance in the next raid. Technically you could go 100 raids with out getting one piece of raid loot, if you never roll a 1, but then again you could run 100 raids and get 100 drops.
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  18. #18
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Cool Chance

    If the rate really is 1/6, then there's a 3.13% chance you'll run 19 times without getting anything. It happens.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukiko View Post
    I once rolled a 100 for an item and did not get the raid item because someone rolled a 69. the leader said in his guild that beats any other number rolled and there for i did not get the raid item.
    That blows. Who is running this guild? Bill and Ted? I have never heard anything so dumb in my life.

    Evil Duke: Put them in the "Iron Maiden".
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  20. #20
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    Example: If you get a raid item drop that you could possibly use (+3 tome for a rogue) and there are three sorcs in the group, were they offering comperable trade items for it, or just asking for the handout?

    For a guild group: hand over the tome to the guildie, if no one offers any trade for it.

    For a 100% PuG group: offer it up for trade (observing honorable guilds/known players, because you can get screwed)

    If you can use it just as much as another player: State that this item benefits you just as much as him, and either offer him a chance to make a trade you can't refuse, or take said item.

    I have been in all three situations, and all three went peacefully. What happens most of the time, is someone gets "loot crazy" and double-clicks on it as soon as it appears, not giving anyone a chance to discuss trades/gifting/selling.

    I had my Warchanter get the madstone boots drop, and I made a deal for a +2 Vorpal Greataxe for it. I could use the boots, but not as well as the ftr I traded it to. He has multiple vorpals (Lucky), and we struck a deal. I trusted he would make the trade after I gave him the boots in the chest, and he honorably got teh axe for the trade.

    I am very careful who I travel with, and it has treated me well.
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