OK I went through my three 14's and this is what i found in the bank/on characters not using. What I am looking for is at the bottom.
Cha+2Prot+4 Cloak
Str +5 gloves x2
PlanarGird- brandnew(TRADED)
Resistance +4 cloak
spell resistance +19 ring
mysterious rings x2
int +5 goggles
Ring of solid fog5times a day(gave to friend)
Manacles of ceaseless toil
necklace of diplomacy +13 x2
wisdom+5 necklace
disease immunity ring of haggle+11
25% strider ring
+5 heavy steel shield of stability rr human min lvl 8(SOLD)
+5 MITH FP- Brown/white(traded)
+4 MITH FP of lessar fire guard and lesser fire resist(RED/WHITE)(gave to friend)
+4 Heavy steel shield of Moderate Fort
+3 mith chain shirt of shadows
Carved Bone Shield**
Potions of Wonderx6
Black dragon scale(gave to guildy)
Blue dragon scale(gave to guildy)
16 tapestries(gave to guildy)
+4 Shock Rapier of parrying
+1 para light mace of vertigo
+1 str sapping rapier of puncturing(traded)
+4 true law cold iron ss of pure good
+3 transmuting Battle axe of pg
+2 holy greatsword of maiming
+2 anarchic burst battle axe of pg
+3 scimy of undead bane
+1 true law scimy of Greater Reptillian bane
+4 true chaos longsword of maiming
+1 axiomatic burst scimy of maiming
+5 keen byshck scimy of pg
+1 keen adamantine Battle axe of Greater Gnoll bane
+1 true law Heavy Mace of Greater Elemental Bane(gave to guildy)
+3 crippling Denswood Quarterstaff of Greater Giantbane
+1 axiomatic warhammer of Greater Construct bane(sold)
+2 Holy light repeater of maiming
+5 Frost longbow
+4 Flaming denswood longbow of pg
+4 ghost touch light crossbow of pg
+1 axiomatic burst longbow of puntering
+3 Flaming burst BS of tendonslice 2%
+2 Flaming burst khopsh of pg 1 tick of damage
+4 anarchic khopesh of maiming
+5 dorf axe of pg
+2 keen khpesh of greater chaotic outsider bane
+1 truelaw dorf axe of greater dorf bane
+3 flaming burst flametouched iron dorf axe of deception
+1 holy bs of vertigo+8
+3 anarchic cold iron khopsh of enfeebling
Looking for PLAT for most items... .. i am looking for : bloodstone, , goggles from ghost beholder or minute seeing goggles +15, +4 burst(cept fire) khopesh of maiming, , would like to trade for some of these above items. looking for some lvl 10 and higher greater bane, or burst of maiming great axes.