Now that I've leveled my new tank to 8, I've come to the point where I planned on taking Kopesh and cant see the reason why anymore.... Ater trying a few different Kopesh builds, I cant get into them. My Loss is your gain. My Vorpal Kopesh has gone to my Tradelist.. Not Auctioning that right now.
Auction will go until Thursday Oct. 25th 6:00 Central Time
NOTE: Extended to 7:00pm on EVERYTHING except the Byshek Seeker RRwarf
Minimum Bid 10k Plat
+1 of Pure Good ML2 Bid 10k
+2 Frost of Pure Good ML6 Bid 10k
+3 Icy Burst of Vertigo(+2) ML10
+3 Frost of Evil Outsider Bane ML10
+1 Holy of Rightousness RR Elf/Drow DC14 ML4
+4 Axiomatic Burst ML14
+1 Shocking Burst of Rightousness ML6
+1 Shock of Backstabbing(+3) ML8
+2 Flaming of Lesser Undead Bane ML6
+1 Wounding ML6
Minimum Bid 25k Plat
+2 Transmuting of Maiming ML8
+1 Seeker(+10) of Maiming ML12
+4 Acid of Maiming ML10 Bid 25k
+4 Frost of Maiming ML10
+1 Holy Burst of Maiming ML10
+2 Seeker(+10) Byeshk of Maiming ML12 RR Dwarf DC22 - Bid 25k
Minimum Bid 75k Plat
+1 Paralyzing ML10
Minimum Bid 125k Plat
+1 Vicious of Smiting ML12
NO "Lot" Bids. Once this Auction Ends, I will most likely auction any that remain as a Lot.
Happy Bidding!