I know many of you are adamantly against this but please consider the following:
Back in the day DAoC implemented a feature to encourage cross server playing where once you had a maxed lvl 50 character you could start a character on x server at lvl 20 or y server at lvl 30 (y server being the least populated etc).
I personally loved it as did 99% of my guild. Certainly the first 2-4 hours that I played my new level 30 I was not completely proficient but once i had 8-10 hours under my belt there was nothing i didn't know how to do and do well. The argument that keeps coming up in every game where this is suggested, that people need to go through the level up process, is complete and utter garbage. Sure, someone brand new to the game shouldn't be handed a level 10 character but most of us have been playing for close to two years now. The ones who will use this service will quickly learn their new roles and their friends will still want to play with them.
Regarding the actual level given. I am not suggesting level 14s be handed out. I personally would be happy if I could start at 7-8 but at least 5-6 would be fine. It would alleviate the boredom I feel two years later at doing harbor and marketplace content. I have started so many characters and deleted them around 4-5 because I was not happy with the build. I would love to be able to , in one weekend playing, start a level 6 new build, get it to level 7-8 and not feel as though I wasted many hours after deleting if i wanted to change something.
I do not expect that this will ever happen but it is my opinion. Feel free to tear it apart.