Over the course of the last 2 years I've rolled a lot of new characters. I've played every dungeon. Top to bottom, Normal, Hard and Elite. The following are my opinions. I rarely bother to sit down and share them at this magnitude. So please, if you are a DDO player, and enjoy this game, read the following and reply intelligently. I encourage logic in all facets of life, even gaming.
Please at least read the first line!
My goal here is to maintain an optimistic outlook. I'm not trying to downplay DDO's current design. I'm trying (hopefully) to inspire some enhancement to DDO. I believe that Elite should still offer increased XP and loot rewards. But I want to also suggest that some changes should be made.
Difficulty: Hard ~
I never truly understood having a middle man. A time waster? Something to keep the masses from soloing Elite after their first run? A 'fun' free option? Never liked having the Hard setting. It should be Normal and then Elite. No point crying over XP loss from not having the Hard choice. That can always be modified to compensate when only having Normal and Elite.
Difficulty: Elite ~
I've never agreed by DDO's particular definition of an Elite difficulty. The Elite setting in DDO is very much first-person shooter style. Everything in the dungeon gets beefed up and their new stats play way out of sync with D&D rules (including DDO rules); an overall level of challenge, and more importantly entertainment, is lost.
Instead because of this, dungeons on Elite feel like a rat race. Or at the very least a stamina test. Basically a way for min/maxed characters to push their limits. Who hits the hardest, who has the best Spell DC. I've always felt that in a lot of dungeons on Elite the 'non-min/maxers' lose ground. So of course since the greatest reward is usually gained on Elite, character classes get mutated or abandoned for a min/max build. It leaves alot of useful/interesting spells, abillities and skills unused. Shame.
Personally I think Elite should be revamped. By that I mean the Elite setting should still host a greater challenge but without genetically altering the CR of all the creatures within the dungeon. I wish to promote a change.
(The following is based on ideas I got from DM's I've known)
Some ideas for revamping Elite:
Number of Monsters ~
Roll back the clock a bit and remember the days of AD&D. On Elite in DDO I think most dungeons should simply have more monsters. Maybe a whole lot more monsters. But they shouldn't be any stronger then how they are on Normal. Maybe add more monsters and throw in a few sub-bosses to lead them. More Worgs to Trip your party would certainly be entertaining.
Even on Elite just about any group of monsters can easily be stopped in their charge. You rarely feel overwhelmed; ever. A frontline is instantly formed by spells or Intimidating or say even a crazy Barbarian (hitting everything to gain the aggro). The A.I. for most monsters seems a simple thing to bait and control. So therefore the party is almost never over-run or even pushed back. A greater number of monsters could possibly increase this challenge and certainly make it more fun. At least I think it's more fun when everyone in the group participates to hold back a swarm of creatures.
More monsters could also make it more difficult for dungeons to be completed in extremely short periods of time. I realize a good number of players beat their chests when they are praised for their 9minute Doomsphere's Haunt run. But in reality it cheapens the experience and makes every dungeon a loot run. Having more monsters in this way might also make it more difficult or impossible for a single player to bunny-hop passed monsters to complete a dungeon.
More monsters could also mean more lag. I have no solutions for that. That's your department.
Rest Areas ~
Remove rest shrines from a dungeon on Elite. Cornering a group of players to use some actual tactics would be (I think) more fun. It would allow them to 'use up' their characters full potential. No Rest Shrines on Elite could completely change the way a quest is completed. I'm sure it would even make Rogues a bit more useful.
Leaving/Re-entering ~
Offer no loot or XP rewards for players that leave a dungeon on Elite and re-enter it. Doing so could help to teach some players how to show up better prepared. You would certainly show more respect for the status of the other members in the party. You'd also (hopefully) be less likely to charge off into the darkness leaving your comrades behind. Claiming all the glory and enjoyment for yourself. An act even I am guilty of. (My apologies to those I've annoyed.)
Coupons! ~
Elite should offer different kinds of rewards. Perhaps completing a Raid on Elite (or accomplashing certain optional goals) could award the party discounts in shops local to the Raid Dungeon. Discounts or Coupons for things like scrolls or potions would simply make you feel good. Not to mention help stitch up the old coin purse.
Perhaps these Coupons could even act like vouchers to help you skip a step the next time you get ready to run the raid again. Sort of like a Get Out Of Jail Free card for pre-req dungeons. (I swear on my soul I would use every single one for Chains :P )
Anyway I've got a lot of ideas, I don't want to write a book. The purpose of this was just to get some juices flowing. Some thinking going. I very much hope that in the future the difficulty of dungeons is revamped.