Logging onto Sarlona tonight there was prob 25% less people then last night. Sarlona I think is the largest server right now so thats alot of people. alot harder to find a group. Usually same amount each night. So apparently you really ****ed off alot of people with this last 'update'.
IMO ( and I havent even done the abbot raid) the Touch Of Dolurrh thing was a bit much.
Also some advice to the devs. People typically get bored with the content rather quickly and all we have to look foward to are loot runs. So far each mod has had some quest that is labeled a loot run. Last mod it was pop now it was TOV. You guys made changes to pop before mod 5 which was fine because people could make easier adjustments. Then with mod 5 you lowered the loot tables and now all I hear on pop runs is how the loot absolutely sux, pulling lvl 6-9 garbage out of a lvl 15 quest., But this may have been done to push people to play the new MOD 5 content which prob 50% of people hate the LOTD series anyway. So for those that hated it we still had loot runs.
With the change to shadows youve eliminated the TOV loot run which now the people who needed the loot runs to stay interested now have nothing to really do or look foward to when they log on, so hence a HUGE drop in server POP I see tonight. Maybe they are just ****ed and will come back but I doubt it, what do they have to do.
But youve made the shadows immune to the most usefull spell against them becaus ethe phasing they do is horrible.
I cant agree with the way the loot run was before it was actually easier then POP runs, but this was not the answer.
Few suggestions.
1- Make the shadows partially immune to FW heck even 50% immune is a huge difference compared to total immunity.
2- If you dont wanna do the partial immunity then make them either stop phasing as much or eliminate their phasing entirely. Ok so in PNP they 'do this' so to speak but then again in PNP they are not immune to fire. This is the reason LOTD is so disliked anyway because people have finger cramps halfway through the first quest thrying to kill these things. Firewall is the only solid weapon against them.
This last update you may have thought it was necessary, prob was for the most part but you guys took a MAJOR hit on customers.