What changes were made to the raid that I'm aware of:
extra death affect (-10 to all stats until you rest 2 days at an inn)
barrier in the doorway to prevent ranging the Abbot to death.
it appears as if the Abbot has double or more HP than before and an AC of 43.
encasing (bug?) should no longer entrap people around the intended victim.
it was reported that inferno is no longer fire damage? I know from my previous attempts (even though my combat log didn't report it as such) that fire protection/resist did prevent some damage, if this has changed, I find it silly.
Goggle bug? This was posted in the release notes for the raid and you still haven't resolve this bug?
Ice wands still mis-firing, not firing, etc.
Let me see if I understand what these changes imply as to what's needed to solve this raid. You will need a full Raid party of 12 people, all able to reliably complete each of the three puzzles (at reportedly nearly the exact same time) while still maintaining a group of 6 people left on the platform to keep each other alive while this is happening. It would also appear that everyone in the raid needs to be using a high-end computer with high quality graphics settings to hope to have a chance to succeed. They have changed the puzzle to ''help'' with the invisible platforms, but still, voice communication for those seems to be essential. Asteroids require twitch like reflexes to complete. Ice wands seem to be the one puzzle with the highest chance of success. Only to what, have the remaining survivors try to gather and not crowd the caster(s) to avoid the non-fire based inferno damage? We all shall do this, what, three times, essentially killing the Abbot two and a half times overall, just to get a crack at, well, honestly, some raid loot that I probably won't use? While I see that there are other threads posted about the Abbot raid, I took this opportunity to make my voice/opinion heard on its own.
I do not enjoy running the Abbot raid. I will assist fellow guild members who wish to attempt the raid until which time they share my feelings towards the raid.