Summary and response to the various criticisms:
Bards aren't nerfed, you can hypno stuff.
I know the power of hypno from my sorcerer. It is great and that's why I took it for my one and only 1st lvl spell. Tell me how to hypnotize a metal dog or a scorpion and I will gladly stand corrected.
You can't... that is why Bards are not the ONLY class to play. Their balance is that certain things can not be affected by their magic or songs. Avoid such creatures if you can. In other words, do this quest at level 2 if you can't at level 1. My bard took CLWs and solo'd everything but WWs.
Your build is bad.
Maybe so... This is too subjective to nail down. I can tell you that I am not twinked... Some people would say that is bad. I also have the end game in mind, so did not put a whole lot into melee combat ability. I think I have about a 10 str and a 14 dex, with a heavy focus on charisma.
The point is, I am talking about the SOLO quests here... You know... The ones that a bad fighter with bad tactics can safely go AFK in the middle of battle on. I am not asking to be a great combatant... Not even a good one. But it should be nearly impossible to get killed on those.
Not impossible, but unlikely. I'm amazed you managed dying. You don't have negatives for your attacks. You CAN use a shield in there since you are not planning on casting at that point. It would help you live.
Your tactics are bad.
Ok... tell me what I did wrong the 2 times I died in Berregen enge's quest. Heres what I did (and this is just an example... BlackTail and the Captain of the Guard pwned me too):
Go down the path... Hypno won't work and there won't be time to switch weapons, so break out the starter sicle. Kill the first dog... Take a hit or two in the process, HP down to 20+/- from 28. No starter potions left after other quests, so just carry on.
Swing wide and try to get a bow shot or two off on the next two dogs... Miss twice while running backward... Switch back to sickle, draw them to a wall so you don't get attacked from both sides. kill them... down to 10 HP.
Talk to what's-his-name. Open the door and run back to get some more bow shots in... Get greased as you run backward. Fall down. Get eaten.
Recall out, heal up, figure it will be easy to go back in and finish it. Go down the path and stop way in the back... Far enough away that you can't even see him. Start shooting where you know he must be... Notice you are missing... Good. That means you are aiming in the right place. Hit once. This starts him running toward you... Hit again while he runs the distance. Get greased. Fall down. Get eaten.
Recall out, heal up, go back in and kill him. Done.
So, I'm a newb at Bards. What should I have done differently?
This is what I do with the end boss. Talk to the miller then head over to the boxes on your left when you enter. Climb up those and jump to the ones near them that have no way to climb. Now you can range the end boss at your leisure.
Kobold Island is a stupid waste of time. Do Low Road instead.
K... That's why the thread title includes "Quest Fixes Needed". Any time you hear yourself saying "X quest or area sucks", that is a sign that something is wrong. I (now) know that I should have run something else if my goal was to level. But Kobold Island could be easily fixed by giving it 200XP for completion and putting a lvl 1 chest out there somewhere. This would turn it into a worthwhile place to go, and bring it in line with the other lvl 1 quests.