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  1. #1
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Default The Post-Mod 5 Holy Avenger

    Alright Fans, it's time for the Mod-5 Update on the Holy Avenger Build (Originally by Grenfell).

    Mod 5 brought a few changes to the game, but not a whole lot to the Holy Avenger, per se. Yes, the new focus on Undead and importance for the Death Ward spell gives one plus to the "Pure Paladin" argument, I still think that the Holy Avenger is one of the best Paladin-based templates out there.

    Now, the Holy Avenger has been pretty much "standardized" in my Basic Paladin Build Guide as the default "Human Evasion Paladin" Template... however, since my brother-in-law finally made his 1750 favor over the weekend, and he wanted an updated copy of Benedict (my Holy Avenger), I sat down and revisited the Holy Avenger a bit to see what I could "update" on it. A few things came to mind... one was a Dragon Raid we did a week or so ago when we had to wait for nearly an hour to get a 2nd Cleric to jump into the Raid to hit the fracking Wis Rune... the other was my Soloing the VON's the night before, only to have to grab a friend to join in to hit the stupid INT runes... so I thought... "With a little bit of tweaking, I wonder if I can get the Holy Avenger to be able to hit 16 INT and 20 WIS?"... and lo-and-behold... I can!

    EDIT: I found out the other night that the VON 5 Wis rune is NOT 20 Wis... It appears to be 24 or 25... so that portion will not work. However, the INT is right for VON 3, and I still like the higher-overall Wisdom, as it gives the option to not wear a Wisdom item for more equipment space, or wear one for more SP and Will Saves. If the 20 Wis is not appealing to you with this information, then I recommend dropping Wis to 8 or 9, and pushing up CHA and possibly CON.

    So, let me state that the "Basic Human Evasion Paladin" in my Build Guide is still the "default" Holy Avenger template.. but I will offer this as an updated Post-Mod 5 Holy Avenger, to extend the Holy Avenger's abilities to do just a little bit of everything.

    NOTE: I am now including the Least and Lesser Dragonmark of Passage as a part of this build. This is from my personal playtesting and play-preference. If you do not want to go the Dragonmark Route, I would suggest Weapon Focus: Slashing, and either Power Critical, Stunning Blow, Mental Toughness, or whatever feat makes it your "personal" fit.

    NOTE #2: Yes, this build is set for 6 +6 Stat Items and 5 +1 Tomes... I know that is a steep requirement, but it can still be built without that, it's just the 20 WIS becomes very difficult to hit otherwise. If you do not like the Item/Tome requirements for this build, please look at the Post Mod-4 Post, or the Basic Paladin Build Guide for a less item/tome-stringent build.

    The Holy Avenger
    Level 14 Human
    Lawful Good
    11 Paladin / 2 Rogue / 1 Fighter

    STR: 17 + 3 (Levels) + 2 (1750 Tome) + 6 (Item) = 28 (+9)
    DEX: 12 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Rogue's Dex 1) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5)
    CON: 13 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5)
    INT: 9 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 16 (+3)
    WIS: 12 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Human Wis 1) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5)
    CHA: 13 + 1 (Tome) + 2 (Paladin Cha 2) + 6 (Item) = 22 (+6)
    Alternate Build: WIS: 9 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Human Wis 1) + 5 (Item) = 16 (+2) *AND*
    Alternate Build: CHA: 15 + 1 (Tome) + 2 (Paladin Cha 2) + 6 (Item) = 24 (+7)

    Level Progression:
    L1-L7 - Paladin
    L8-L9 - Rogue
    L10-L13 - Paladin
    L14 - Fighter

    1) Exotic Weapon: Kopesh
    1) Least Dragonmark of Passage
    3) Toughness
    6) Skill Focus: UMD
    9) Improved Critical: Slashing
    12) Lesser Dragonmark of Passage
    14F) Power Attack

    Skill Points:
    Level 1-7 - Max UMD, Jump. After INT Tome is used, put remaining point in Balance
    Level 8-9 - Max UMD. +1 Tumble, Rest in Jump, a splash in Balance
    Level 10-14 - Max UMD. Any remaining points into Jump or Balance

    Hit Points:
    20 - Heroic Durability
    110 - Paladin 11
    10 - Fighter 1
    12 - Rogue 2
    70 - Con Bonus
    16 - Toughness
    50 - Paladin Toughness 4
    10 - Draconic Vitality
    30 - Greater False Life
    328 Hit Points

    27 / 24 / 21 - Standing Saves w/ Resistance +4 Item
    31 / 28 / 25 - Resistance +4 Item & Greater Heroism

    13 - BAB
    9 - STR
    5 - +5 Weapon
    4 - Greater Heroism
    1 - Haste
    1 - Rage Potion
    3 - Divine Favor
    +36 To-Hit
    +31 To-Hit w/ Power Attack
    +41/+36 To Hit w/ Human Versatility 4 Attack Boost

    9 - STR
    5 - +5 Weapon
    1 - Rage Potion
    3 - Divine Favor
    +18 Damage
    +23 w/ Power Attack
    +28 w/ Power Attack & Human Versatility 4 Damage Boost

    17 - Ranks
    3 - Skill Focus: UMD
    6 - Charisma
    4 - Greater Heroism
    3 - Golden Cartouche
    33 UMD - Raise Dead on a 3 or better. Heal on a 7 or Better.
    5 - Human Versatility 4 Skill Boost
    38 UMD - Automatic Raise Read. Heal on a 2 or Better.

    10 - Base
    10 - +5 Mithral Breastplate
    5 - Dexterity
    7 - +5 Heavy Mithral Shield
    3 - Spectacular Optics
    2 - Ring of Balance
    2 - Chaosguarde
    1 - Paladin Aura
    2 - Bulwark of Good 2
    42 AC Standing & Unbuffed
    3 - Ranger's Barkskin
    2 - Recitation
    1 - Shield of Faith (Deflection Portion)
    1 - Paladin Aura
    5 - Human Versatility 4 AC Boost
    2 - Defensive Fighting
    1 - +5 Mithral Tower Shield (only +1 AC due to -1 Dex)
    56 AC Buffed & Stanced
    3 - Chattering Ring
    1 - "Of Parrying" Item
    60 AC Buffed, Stanced, with Raid Loot
    Last edited by Dworkin of Amber; 11-29-2007 at 02:13 PM.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  2. #2
    Community Member Taerdra's Avatar
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    I thought the Tower Shield would cancel Evasion. Is that an incorrect assumption on my part?

  3. #3
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    I'll have to double-check on that. I have a +5 Mithral Tower Shield on Benedict (My Holy Avenger), but I so rarely use it... But then again, when you are turtling up like that, you usually aren't as worried about evasion and maximizing your AC vs. Melee attacks
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  4. #4
    Community Member Slayer918's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure a tower shield does NOT restrict evasion I tested it a while ago don't know if anything has changed though
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  5. #5
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    The only problem with a Tower Shield for this build, is that at 20 Dex, and in a +5 Mithral BP, you only get +1 AC going to a Tower Shield, due to the Dex Capping, and the fact that you don't have access to FTSM 1 yet. Now once the cap goes up and you take more Fighter levels, then you can take FTSM 1 for the full +2 AC... now there is more DR... but is -2 to hit worth only +1 AC? I guess it depends on your playstyle and what quests you are in.

    I am surprised that no one has really commented on the changes I have made to the build vs. the older version. The increase in INT and WIS (for the ability to hit 16 INT and 20 WIS for Runes and such)... I thought they would be very useful to some, and useless changes for others.

    Maybe some people don't think this is a really viable build anymore? Let me assure you, that is not the case at all. Benedict (my Mod-3 Holy Avenger) is a BEAST and an absolute blast to play. Now I have played him for a while, eaten 2x +2 Tomes, and 3x +1 Tomes, and I have some good gear on him, but the build itself is still a rock-solid base to work. Benedict is a DPS-class paladin, and usually ranks at or near the top in kills (not that kills are everything). The only classes that consistantly out-kill Benedict are 2Handed Barbarians! I stand toe-to-toe with pure 14 Fighters and have no problem keeping up. Plus my saves are all above 20, so I rarely fail a save, usually only on a 1, and I have the UMD to save the party in the event of a near wipe (and this has happened MANY times!!!)

    I am also loving my 2nd level Dragonmark of Passage. Paired with the Extra Dragonmark 1, I now have 5x 14-minute Expeditious Retreats and 3x Dimension Doors per rest. No more burning through my precious DD Scroll reserves!

    Well, that's all for now, but I welcome any input.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  6. #6
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Don't humans get to add +1 to 2 different stats? I only saw the +1 for Wis. I'd say add +1 for CHA and bank on getting a +2 CHA tome. That would add +1 to your saves and to your UMD.
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
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  7. #7
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Dworkin, might I suggest taking one of your cha points out at creation and adding it to Int, then making room for Paladin Cha 3 enhancement. Also if you do that and take rogue at lvl 1 you get a bunch of extra skill points (room for haggle and spot or more into tumble, and yes you might be weaker at lvl 1 but anyone making a planned 32 pt build should be able to survive to get lvl 2 Just a tweak

  8. #8
    Community Member Slayer918's Avatar
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    But if all he really wants to max is UMD he's better off taking rogue levels later since at level one he can only put 4 points into any one skill...
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  9. #9
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    yeah but he can't max it out taking the rogue levels when he does so he must be putting points into UMD all along the build. Might as well do it as the first and last character levels taken to maximize the utility of the character.
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
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  10. #10
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Ok, a couple of good points here... let me hit them one at a time:

    @Yaga Nub - I try to design build only assuming +1 Tomes and the 1750 Tome. If you want to plan for other +2 Tomes, then that is an excellent idea, but I don't like to plan for other +2 Tomes, as they are random and mostly only Raid Loot (I know unbound +2 Tomes are dropping again, I just don't know where). But if you want to plan for another +2 Tome, then Charisma is probably the best bet. And yes, I am not using the second Human Stat Point, mainly because this build is AP-hungry, and can't take everything that it wants to take at Level 14 as it is (BoG 3, RoG 3, Pal Cha 3, Human Adaptability 2, etc).

    @Jondallar - Another good suggestion, and I think it depends on your goals for the build. I go back-and-forth on the Rogue 1 option for most Rogue 2 splash builds, as the extra skill points in the other skills can be nice, but limiting it only to 4 ranks, in the long run, I personally don't think it is worth it... but that is my personal opinion here. Yes Rogue @ 1 gives more diversity, but you end up spending 2 points/level in UMD from there on to keep it maxed. Now this build assumes a +1 INT tome at Level 1, to give 3 points/level, which if you went Rogue @ 1 means you could keep UMD Maxed, then 1 point into Jump, losing the boost to Balance along the way... I guess it can work out, if you want the extra points.

    @ Slayer918/Yaga Nub - Exactly. I can max UMD either way... With taking Rogue later on, I get to max it whenever the Rogue levels are taken, and with a few points left over into Jump/Balance/whatever. Tumble is just to enable tumbling, I don't care about any more (1 Rank + 5 Dex - 0 Mithral Breastplate = 6 Tumble).

    @ All - I don't like the idea of taking the second Rogue level @ 14, as that is way too late to pickup Evasion. I like to get it around Level 8, when the traps and casters start getting nasty, and that puts it just in time for Dragon Raids too. Plus Level 8 is the ML for +5 Mithral Breastplate, which this build will likely wear (unless you plan for KDS, then you want 22 Dex instead of 20).

    So in short, Rogue @ 1 then again at 7/8 is a very viable way to build it if you want more skill diversity, but it really only allows 4 ranks in a bunch of skills and 7 or 8 extra ranks at the second Rogue Level (1 into UMD, 7 more if 8/9 INT, 8 if 10 INT). So it is a toss-up... either one has maxxed UMD... one is more focused on Jump & Balance, the other has a little more skill distribution, but low-leves for each (I guess you could assume a max of 12 ranks into one extra skill like Haggle if you wanted)

    NOTE: If you do not have any Kopeshes banked, then Rogue @ 1 becomes a little better option, as you can't take Kopesh at Level 1 if you start Rogue... so take SF:UMD at one in it's place, then Kopesh @ L6.

    Great discussion and points... keep 'em coming!
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  11. #11
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Arrow Nice Build for Evasion Paladin...but..

    When u calculated your To hit u take into account all the buffs and Rage Pot; BUT when u calculate AC u "forget" the rage pot?

    I believe the best way to Post Build Stats and AC, STR, etc... is as if you were standing in front of a beholder and all your boosts ran out, THAT way u r in a pinch and the rest of your party is dead, and YOU the Holy Avenger have to kill or be a true Holy Warrior....just my opinion.

    ** And also no time to be switching gear for STR, AC, or saves...what u walk into a battle is what you use in default mode, that's the best way IMO to "Build and Present" character builds.

    With that in mind I present you....Bruttus Chaosbane

    I'm posting the Character Creator file for ya. (I cooked him up rather quickly so some skills/enhancements are not exactly right.)

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.70]DDO Character Planner Home Page

    Bruttus Chaosbane
    Level 14 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
    (4 Fighter \ 10 Paladin)
    Hit Points: 263 - Final: 344 (W/+6 CON Necklace)
    Spell Points: 174 - Final: 304 (+4 WIS Helm and Magi Club for Pre-Quest Buffing)
    BAB: 14\14\19\24
    Fortitude: 19 - Final 30
    Reflex: 12 - Final 25
    Will: 10 - Final - 20

    Starting Feat/Enhancement Current Gear
    Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats Modified Stats
    (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 14) (Level 14)
    Strength 16 22 28 (+6 STR Gloves)
    Dexterity 15 16 20 (Madstone Boots +4 DEX / 20% Striders)
    Constitution 13 16 22 (+6 CON Necklace)
    Intelligence 11 13 18 (+5 INT Helm used for rare ocassions like Wiz King panels, VON 3, etc..)
    Wisdom 11 12 16 (+4 WIS Helm used + Magi Club for Pre-Quest Buffing)
    Charisma 11 16 22 (+6 CHA Helm)

    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 1
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 1
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 1
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1 (Need to eat one of these so Skill Pts become available from L2 on)
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 1
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 1
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 13 (Gambled on getting this so Combat Expertise was available)
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 14 (1750 Favor Tome - Needed to hit STR 28))
    +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 14 (Just recently got this from Reaver...YEAH BABY!!)

    Starting Feat/Enhancement
    Base Skills Modified Skills
    Skills (Level 1) (Level 14)
    Balance 3 7
    Bluff 1 3
    Concentration 2 3
    Diplomacy 1 11
    Disable Device n/a n/a
    Haggle 1 3
    Heal 1 1
    Hide 3 3
    Intimidate 1 3
    Jump 4 20
    Listen 1 1
    Move Silently 3 -7
    Open Lock n/a n/a
    Perform n/a n/a
    Repair 1 1
    Search 1 3
    Spot 1 14
    Swim 3 6
    Tumble 4 4
    Use Magic Device 3 14

    Level 1 (Paladin)
    Feat: (Selected) Dodge

    Level 3 (Paladin)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack

    Level 6 (Paladin)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell

    Level 9 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Cleave
    (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons

    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh

    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness

    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Combat Expertise

    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Armor Mastery I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II
    Enhancement: Dwarven Faith I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Faith II
    Enhancement: Dwarven Giant Dodger I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Toughness I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Toughness II
    Enhancement: Dwarven Toughness III
    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Mastery I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Giant Dodger II
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Enhancement: Fighter Tower Shield Mastery I
    Enhancement: Paladin Bulwark of Good I
    Enhancement: Paladin Bulwark of Good II
    Enhancement: Paladin Resistance of Good I
    Enhancement: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
    Enhancement: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II
    Enhancement: Paladin Energy of the Templar I
    Enhancement: Paladin Energy of the Templar II
    Enhancement: Paladin Charisma I
    Enhancement: Paladin Charisma II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Paladin Toughness II
    Enhancement: Paladin Toughness III

    Standard Gear:
    Head: +6 CHA Helm
    Trinket: Kardin's Eye (+5 Resistance)
    Neck: +6 Con Necklace
    Torso: +5 Mithral Full Plate
    Arms: Chaosgarde Bracers (+2 Dodge Bonus, +2 Saves from Chaotic's and something else....)
    Gloves: +6 STR Gauntlets
    Ring 1: Chattering Ring - Titan Raid (+10 Spot, -10 Hide +3 Dodge Bonus (*Dodge Bonuses stack))
    Ring 2: Seal of the Earth - Demon Queen Raid (Acid Resistance 10, +3 Natural Armor Bonus and Stoneskin L12 3x Day)
    Boots: Madstone Boots (+4 DEX, 20% Striders, Rage x1 Day : Natural Armor Bonus 4, +4 CON, +2 STR, Melee Speed +10% or 15% I believe)
    Belt: Heavy Fortification Belt
    Cloak: +5 Protection Cloak

    OK, now to answer the coming AC Questions: undispellable AC 60+.

    +5 Mithral Full Plate / +5 Mithral Tower Shield / Chaosgarde Bracers / Madstone Boots / Seal of the Earth Ring / Dodge feat / DEX 20 Bonus / Dwarven Armor Mastery I & Fighter Armor Mastery I / Fighter Tower Shield Mastery I / Paladin Bulwark of Good II / Combat Expertise and that should do it.

    Basically AC is 55 w/out Combat Expertise, 60 with, and 61 when Madstone Boots Kick in due to Natural Armor bonus hitting another +1. (Of course STR and CON go up as well as Melee Alacrity when Boot's go off as well)

    Add +6 additional vs Giants from Dwarf + Enhancements; Also u can add the +4 Flaming Burst Dwarven Axe of parrying I recently acquired for another +1 to AC.

    And the ever mentioned.... Haste(+1) + Recitation(+2) is 63/64! (69/70 vs Giants).
    Last edited by Dexxaan; 11-05-2007 at 10:32 AM. Reason: Update I
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  12. #12
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
    When u calculated your To hit u take into account all the buffs and Rage Pot; BUT when u calculate AC u "forget" the rage pot?

    I believe the best way to Post Build Stats and AC, STR, etc... is as if you were standing in front of a beholder and all your boosts ran out, THAT way u r in a pinch and the rest of your party is dead, and YOU the Holy Avenger have to kill or be a true Holy Warrior....just my opinion.

    ** And also no time to be switching gear for STR, AC, or saves...what u walk into a battle is what you use in default mode, that's the best way IMO to "Build and Present" character builds.
    Actually, if you look at my AC breakdown, there are a number of "Stop Points", including a Standing AC (no buffs or anything that could be dispelled).

    Your build would be an effective one, and may be a good candidate to normalize and add to my Basic Paladin Build Guide, but this is a discussion about the Holy Avenger build, an Evasion Paladin (11P/2R/1F) build. This is an established and well-known build, and I have taken ownership of this build from Grenfell (with his blessing, before he quit the game).

    Now, as to your build, it is a nice 10/4 Build, but listing 3x pieces of Raid Loot and +5 Mithral Full Plate is a bit excessive... as well as an extra +2 and +3 Tome. I am trying to present a template/build that anyone can follow with items that are Reasonable to get in the game currently. +6 Stat Items are reasonable, and +5 Mithral Breastplate is actually affordable (I have bought them for LESS than 200,000 Plat on the AH!, whereas I have never seen +5MFP for less than 2 million plat)
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  13. #13
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    if your not going to take lvl 11 pally enhancements(i didnt check them, so dont stone me for this) then taking 2 levels of fighter and only 10 pally might be a good option for you, that way fighter strength I and human versitility will give you a 30 str.

    Also, a daggertooth belt opens up 2 more Dex AC points if you can fill it, if not a delving suit would also add +1. If you could muster the 6 extra dex, thats an extra 3 ac, for

    10 base
    10 armor
    8 dex
    5 protection
    2 choasguard
    4 pally
    4 natural
    3 chattering
    1 haste
    7 MHS
    54 self buffed ac, though it would require 1 piece of easy raid loot and 2 hard pieces.

    Which is enough that most gianthold mobs wont hit you all that often.

    add in +2 recitation
    2 DF
    1 parrying
    1 ranger bark
    5 boost

    for 63 AC.

    Which isnt bad, though a fighter tank should be atleast 4 points ahead of you, seeing he is gleaning your aura.
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  14. #14
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    also, you may wany to look into a breastplat of vol on a build like this, +5 mith BP, +4 dex. Killing two birds with one stone.
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  15. #15
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    I was just looking through the Static Rewards & Loot list, and something of interest caught my eye for the Holy Avenger: Scales of Surety. The Scales is a semi-static end-reward for the Necropolis Quests (It looks like you have to run All 3 Necropolis Series carrying they Emerald Claw trinket (or just upgrade it 3 times, however you might know how to do that). Once it is upgraded in the Cursed Crypt into the Talisman, you can turn that in to get the Scales: +5 Mithral Chain Shirt (AC: 10, Max Dex: 5 - Same as +5 Mithral Breastplate) w/ Nightshield 1/day & +1 Competence Bonus to Hit!

    That +1 To-Hit Bonus is the same bonus found on the Battle Coin, and a very select few other Raid Loot items.... think Weapon Focus: All, as this will stack with any feats and items (except those rare few other Raid Loot items that have this... the Coin is the only one I can think of right now).

    That is a very nice way to get the armor you need for this build.
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  16. #16
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    I was just looking through the Static Rewards & Loot list, and something of interest caught my eye for the Holy Avenger: Scales of Surety. The Scales is a semi-static end-reward for the Necropolis Quests (It looks like you have to run All 3 Necropolis Series carrying they Emerald Claw trinket (or just upgrade it 3 times, however you might know how to do that). Once it is upgraded in the Cursed Crypt into the Talisman, you can turn that in to get the Scales: +5 Mithral Chain Shirt (AC: 10, Max Dex: 5 - Same as +5 Mithral Breastplate) w/ Nightshield 1/day & +1 Competence Bonus to Hit!

    That +1 To-Hit Bonus is the same bonus found on the Battle Coin, and a very select few other Raid Loot items.... think Weapon Focus: All, as this will stack with any feats and items (except those rare few other Raid Loot items that have this... the Coin is the only one I can think of right now).

    That is a very nice way to get the armor you need for this build.
    but you also have to complete the raid after doing the tombs and advancing your trinket. Hence the BP of vol being a generally better choice. Also the attack bonus wont stack with bard songs, and a +1 to hit is generally kinda weak. I think the silverflame equivelent is better.
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  17. #17
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nbhs275 View Post
    but you also have to complete the raid after doing the tombs and advancing your trinket. Hence the BP of vol being a generally better choice. Also the attack bonus wont stack with bard songs, and a +1 to hit is generally kinda weak. I think the silverflame equivelent is better.
    I realized that last night as I was getting ready to start a Trinket Upgrade run.... and I forgot that that is the same type of bonus as a Bard Song... Ah well... The Silver Flame version isn't bad... not that most Paladins really need the SR, as their saves are pretty good anyways... but every ounce of prevention, right?
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  18. #18
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    I realized that last night as I was getting ready to start a Trinket Upgrade run.... and I forgot that that is the same type of bonus as a Bard Song... Ah well... The Silver Flame version isn't bad... not that most Paladins really need the SR, as their saves are pretty good anyways... but every ounce of prevention, right?
    oh my WF pally will be happy

    WF immunities

    all saves 20+

    22 SR

    great AC

    and he looks purdy too.
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  19. #19
    Community Member DME543's Avatar
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    Default Strength stats for evasion Paladin

    Dworkin (or anyone else who can answer),
    Where do you get the +3 (levels) added to your strength stat? Is it in enhancements? if so which ones?
    "People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It's in a glass jar on my desk.” Stephen King
    Doken - Human Evasion Paladin 11P/2R/3F

  20. #20
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DME543 View Post
    Dworkin (or anyone else who can answer),
    Where do you get the +3 (levels) added to your strength stat? Is it in enhancements? if so which ones?
    The "+3 (Levels)" to Strength is from your +1 Stat Increases at Level 4, 8, & 12.

    Also, remember that a +1 Stat Increase will happen at Level 16, so add that to Human Adapatability 2 Strength (+1 STR) and you hit 30 Str. Alternately if you take at least one more level of Fighter @ 15 or 16, then Fighter's Strength 1 + Level 16 Stat Increase means 30 Str.
    Also, if you are lucky enough to pull a +3 Strength Tome, then +3 Tome + 16 Stat Increase + Fighter's STR 1 + Human Adaptability Str = 32 (+11) Str.

    And yes, at this point I would advocate taking Fighter @ Levels 15 & 16. This will gain +1 Fighter Bonus Feat (Weapon Focus: Slashing, Stunning Blow, Cleave/Great Cleave, Dodge, THF/ITHF, Shield Mastery/ISM, are all viable options), in addition to the Normal Feat @ 15 (Greater Dragonmark, Cleave/Great Cleave, Force of Personality, Toughness, Extend Spell, THF/ITHF, Shield Mastery/ISM are all viable options - Or taking Dodge/Mobility in preparation for Spring Attack @ 17 after the next Cap Raise, or respeccing Dodge in for a lower level feat to get Spring Attack), and at Level 16 (Fighter 3) will unlock FAM 1 & FTSM 1. This is important, as this build should sit @ 20 Dex (+5), and a +5 Mithral Tower Shield is Max Dex 4... so add in FTSM 1 for Max Dex 5 on your MTS, and you will then get the full +2 AC for your Tower Shield (instead of +1 AC as the build would stand @ L14).
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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