I am posting a suggested Build-Out for the upcoming Level 16 Cap Bump. As we don't have all the Feat & Enhancement Information, I am basing it on what we currently have, and what we do know about the upcoming Mod 6. The Level 15 Feats will have a few options, as I am not quite sure the best way to go right now.
The Holy Avenger
Level 16 Human
Lawful Good
11 Paladin / 2 Rogue / 3 Fighter
STR: 17 + 4 (Levels) + 2 (1750 Tome) + 1 (Fighter Str 1) + 6 (Item) = 28 (+9)
DEX: 12 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Rogue's Dex 1) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5)
CON: 13 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5)
INT: 9 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 16 (+3)
WIS: 9 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Human Wis 1) + 5 (Item) = 16 (+3)
CHA: 15 + 1 (Tome) + 2 (Paladin Cha 2) + 6 (Item) = 22 (+6)
Alternate Build #1: WIS: 12 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Human Wis 1) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5) *AND*
Alternate Build #1: CHA: 13 + 1 (Tome) + 2 (Paladin Cha 2) + 6 (Item) = 22 (+6)
Alternate Build #2: INT: 8
Alternate Build #2: WIS: 11 + 1 (Tome) = 12 (+1)
Alternate Build #2: CHA: 14 + 1 (Tome) + 2 (Paladin Cha 2) + 1 (Human Adapt Cha) + 6 (Item) = 24 (+7)
NOTE: Alternate Build #2 will not hit 16 INT without a Human Adaptability AP or a +2 Tome, but would work well with the "Force of Personality" Feat (Uses Cha Bonus for Will Save instead of Wis) and then wear no Wisdom Item, except when you need to cast Level 2 Spells.
Level Progression:
L1-L7 - Paladin
L8-L9 - Rogue
L10-L13 - Paladin
L14-16 - Fighter
1) Exotic Weapon: Kopesh
1) Least Dragonmark of Passage
3) Toughness
6) Skill Focus: UMD
9) Improved Critical: Slashing
12) Lesser Dragonmark of Passage
14F) Power Attack
15) Cleave
15B) Great Cleave
Other Feat Pair Options for Level 15:
Shield Mastery & Improved Shield Mastery
Dodge & Mobility (Preparing for Spring Attack @ L17)
Greater Dragonmark & Weapon Focus: Slashing/Stunning Blow
Two-Handed Fighting & Improved Two-Handed Fighting (But I think Cleave & Great Cleave is a better option)
Extend Spell & WF: Slash/Stunning Blow
Force of Personality & WF: Slash (This would be a good option for Alternate Build #12, gaining +6 Will Save and no need for +WIS Item.
Skill Focus: Intimidate & Shield Mastery (for a Intimidate-focused alternate build)
NOTE: If you do not want to go the Dragonmarked route, then there are a number of good options for those 2 feats + L15 Feats:
Dodge+Mobility+Spring Attack+Weapon Focus
SM+ISM+Cleave+Great Cleave
Extend+Force of Personality+__+__
SF:Intimidate+SM+ISM+Stunning Blow (For an Intimitank variant)
Skill Points:
Level 1-7 - Max UMD, Jump. After INT Tome is used, put remaining point in Balance
Level 8-9 - Max UMD. +1 Tumble, Rest in Jump, a splash in Balance
Level 10-16 - Max UMD. Any remaining points into Jump or Balance
Hit Points:
20 - Heroic Durability
110 - Paladin 11
30 - Fighter 1
12 - Rogue 2
80 - Con Bonus
18 - Toughness
50 - Paladin Toughness 4
10 - Draconic Vitality
30 - Greater False Life
18 - Minos Legens
378 Hit Points
28 / 25 / 22 - Standing Saves w/ Resistance +4 Item
32 / 29 / 26 - Resistance +4 Item & Greater Heroism
32 / 29 / 30 - w/ Force of Personality, Resistance +4 & GH
15 - BAB
10 - STR
5 - +5 Weapon
4 - Greater Heroism
1 - Haste
1 - Rage Potion
3 - Divine Favor
+39 To-Hit
+33 To-Hit w/ Power Attack
+43/+39 To Hit w/ Human Versatility 4 Attack Boost
(Also, +2 Recitation, an additional +5 with Bard Songs for a possible +46 To-Hit)
10 - STR
5 - +5 Weapon
1 - Rage Potion
3 - Divine Favor
+19 Damage
+24 w/ Power Attack
+29 w/ Power Attack & Human Versatility 4 Damage Boost
19 - Ranks
3 - Skill Focus: UMD
6 - Charisma
4 - Greater Heroism
3 - Golden Cartouche
35 UMD - Raise Dead without fail. Heal on a 5 or better
5 - Human Versatility 4 Skill Boost
40 UMD - Automatic Raise Read. Automatic Heal.
10 - Base
10 - +5 Mithral Breastplate
5 - Dexterity
9 - +5 Mithral Tower Shield
4 - Protection +4 Item
2 - Ring of Balance
2 - Chaosguarde
1 - Paladin Aura
3 - Bulwark of Good 3
46 AC Standing & Unbuffed
3 - Ranger's Barkskin
2 - Recitation
5 - Human Versatility 4 AC Boost
2 - Defensive Fighting
58 AC Buffed & Stanced
3 - Chattering Ring
1 - "Of Parrying" Item
62 AC Buffed, Stanced, with Raid Loot