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  1. #1
    Founder Trang's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Rapid Reload and Rapid Shot

    I am not all knowing I just am wondering why, after reading many different threads, why these two feats dont work with a heavy repeating crossbow.

    Is it an oversight, planned, broken, or what?

    I play rangers mostly and use longbows, but made one for fun using a heavy xbow repeater feat. I do fairly well dealing damage, and have both feats, but to my understanding are wasted.

    If they dont work, is it possible maybe to put in text of the feat which xbows they apply too?

    Bow str feat not working actually makes sense, mechanically as the repeaters are cocked and you pull a trigger but rapid shot and rapid reload should apply.
    Long Live the Fighters!!!
    Dragon, The other white meat!

  2. #2
    Community Member Invalid_86's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    The 3.5 rules specifically say that Rapid Reload only works with hand, light, and heavy crossbows, and that reloading a repeater's clip is a full round action. So no you shouldn't get Rapid Reload.

    You should be able to Rapid Shot though as long as there is ammo in the clip.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Trang View Post
    I am not all knowing I just am wondering why, after reading many different threads, why these two feats dont work with a heavy repeating crossbow.
    Is it an oversight, planned, broken, or what?

    Rapid Reload is bugged and should work with Repeaters.
    Should work with Rapid Shot...

    Quote Originally Posted by Trang View Post
    If they dont work, is it possible maybe to put in text of the feat which xbows they apply too?
    I agree with that, it's one of things I'd really like them to implement soon!

    Codog said he'll do what he can. I'd tell you to read this thread, lots of good information. Just scroll down and read all of Codog's answer. Very interesting., #1 source for DDO information.

  4. #4
    Founder Trang's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Thanks for info on the 3.5 rules, but this game doesnt exactly follow those rules to the "T" to begin with. My crossbow loads pretty fast, but I was mainly looking at the feat as it is displayed in game. Their is no reference that it works with which xbows and which it doesnt. I know we have respec ability and I will more than likely do that to fix the problem.

    Rapid shot is another issue, and I think needs fixing.

    THank you very much for the COdog link, very interesting response and insight to the problems.

    Ill continue to use the xbow with my second ranger being he is for fun. Maybe at somepoint they can fix the rapid shot issue.
    Long Live the Fighters!!!
    Dragon, The other white meat!

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