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Thread: Future Races

  1. #21
    Community Member NiasTrams's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seneca Windforge View Post
    Unless there's a good mechanical reason to bring in a race, I'm not sure that they would serve any purpose other than to lure a new player into building an even less useful character.
    Some of us like to make characters that are fun, even if they aren't close to being PvP survivable or an exceptionally strong fighting or casting class.

    I have had other players tell me my characters "stink" because I didn't build them the way they felt they should be built. They seem to think we should all visit the guide that tell us how to build the "elitist toons" and play the way they think we should play; individualality is discouraged by some.

    Fortunately there are lots of us that like individuality.

  2. #22
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    I'm quite fond of the Mark of Shadows, and I think Eladrin is capable of making the Mark of Finding fun as well...

    I keep thinking if I build a more Solo-focused character I will really want the Mark of Passage. The cost is high but a non-caster with D Door and teleport? That's just cool. Just wish I had more time to work on my characters - it takes me about seven months to cap one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seneca Windforge View Post
    Some of the dragonmarks are useful in the right circumstances. I know some human fighters who take the Mark of Passage for the Expeditious Retreat, and the Mark of Healing is nice. My dwarven rogue has the Mark of Warding for the search bonus.
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  3. #23
    Founder Raiderone's Avatar
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    maybe they can use the Dragonmarks to create prestige classes based
    on which Dragonmark you choose.

    after lvl 20...they'll probably need prestige classes

  4. #24
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snike View Post
    Bring Kenders over from dragonlance! Every RPing player will love/hate you!
    I think you can remove the love portion of that comment. While we are at it, we should break all your fingers for even typing such a thing. Now I have to sit here at work with shivers running down my spine(and not the good kind).
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  5. #25
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    Smile Hmmm

    ...did anyone mention gully dwarfs?
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  6. #26
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringos View Post
    ...did anyone mention gully dwarfs?
    But we couldn't have more than two on any given server.
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  7. #27
    Community Member GrayOldDruid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meudy12 View Post
    Something else I'd find interesting would be templates. You could basically skin the existing races, and allow new feats and action points...I always liked the insectile and reptilian templates...
    Why this fascination with playing races that would/should realistically be attacked on sight?

    Had a guy in PnP gaming that was playing a Quetzoqtal (sp?) and then changed to a Phantasmal Stalker (or something... thing with a poison throat-dart) and thought me rude when I outright attacked his character simply for being an evil monster race.

    1/2 orcs are normal enough, I can see 1/2 giant, but insectile and reptilian races? Come on...
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  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by GrayOldDruid View Post
    Why this fascination with playing races that would/should realistically be attacked on sight?
    Welcome to Eberron, where attacking things on sight just because they're of a given race is most likely going to get you in trouble.
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  9. #29
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrayOldDruid View Post
    1/2 orcs are normal enough, I can see 1/2 giant, but insectile and reptilian races? Come on...

    Might I point out a race Core to Psionics. Psionics exist in Eberron.


    • +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
    • Monstrous Humanoid: Dromites are not subject to spells or effects that affect humanoids only, such as charm person or dominate person.
    • Small: As a Small creature, a dromite gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but it uses smaller weapons than humans use, and its lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
    • Dromite base land speed is 20 feet.
    • Chitin: A dromite’s skin is hardened, almost like an exoskeleton, and grants the character a +3 natural armor bonus to AC and one of the following kinds of resistance to energy: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, or sonic 5. The player chooses what type of energy resistance is gained when the character is created. (This choice also dictates which caste the dromite belongs to.) This natural energy resistance stacks with any future energy resistance gained through other effects.
    • Naturally Psionic: Dromites gain 1 bonus power point at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
    • Psi-Like Ability: 1/day-energy ray. A dromite always deals the kind of energy damage that its chitin has resistance to (for example, a dromite who has resistance to cold 5 deals cold damage with its energy ray). Manifester level is equal to 1/2 Hit Dice (minimum 1st). The save DC is Charisma-based.
    • Scent: Its antennae give a dromite the scent ability. A dromite can detect opponents by scent within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. When a dromite detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed - only its presence somewhere within range. The dromite can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever the dromite comes within 5 feet of the source, the dromite pinpoints the source’s location.
    • Blind-Fight: Its antennae also give a dromite Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
    • Compound Eyes: This feature of its anatomy gives a dromite a +2 racial bonus on Spot checks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Gnome, Goblin, Terran.
    • Favored Class: Wilder.
    • Level Adjustment: +1.

    Insectile race, for the win!
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiasTrams View Post
    Some of us like to make characters that are fun, even if they aren't close to being PvP survivable or an exceptionally strong fighting or casting class.

    I have had other players tell me my characters "stink" because I didn't build them the way they felt they should be built. They seem to think we should all visit the guide that tell us how to build the "elitist toons" and play the way they think we should play; individualality is discouraged by some.

    Fortunately there are lots of us that like individuality.
    The number of people who want to make a character for those reasons is going to be rather small. I'm not sure that warrants adding a new race, particularly races that would require new skins/animation.

    Look, I am far from an elite player, and I don't particularly care if someone is tricked out with the best combination of Stuff. However, realistically, MMOs are very much roleplay-lite and most people would rather take mechanical bonuses instead of choosing a race that could well be inferior overall. Even if they aren't inferior, half-elves aren't really that far a cry from humans or elves. They're hardly new and awesome (changlings can at least claim that) and anyone interested in the roleplaying can simply make an elf and call it a half-elf.

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Seneca Windforge View Post
    Even if they aren't inferior, half-elves aren't really that far a cry from humans or elves. They're hardly new and awesome (changlings can at least claim that) and anyone interested in the roleplaying can simply make an elf and call it a half-elf.
    I'll flip through my books tonight and see if I can't come up with some nice enhancement lines for Half-elves and Changelings.
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  12. #32
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    I'll flip through my books tonight and see if I can't come up with some nice enhancement lines for Half-elves and Changelings.
    Get to work already.

    MT quick question since you are the race guru, are there any races out there no more than ECL +2 (since that are what Drow are) with positive wisdom mods, you know a race that screams make me a cleric?
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  13. #33
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Default Half-Elves Too Powerful Ruins Balance

    No way on half-elves, they are like humans but give up their bonus feat for the awesome ability of....immune to sleep! OVERPOWERED, OVERPOWERED, NERF THEM NOW!

    And no breed of elf should ever be allowed the God-Like ability to grow a beard! Ok, maybe as an epic level feat with an intense pre-requisite feat line.

  14. #34
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Get to work already.

    MT quick question since you are the race guru, are there any races out there no more than ECL +2 (since that are what Drow are) with positive wisdom mods, you know a race that screams make me a cleric?

    Aasimar is ECL +2 with +2 CHA, +2 WIS with NO negative 2 on a stat. If that doesnt scream make me an over powered ass-whoopin cleric or paladin I dont know what does.

  15. #35


    Ok, here's what I've got


    Bluff I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Intimidate I, II, III: Self Explanatory.

    Able Learner I: Ranks in cross-class skills count 150&#37; toward your skill modifier.
    Able Learner II: Ranks in cross-class skills count 175% towards your skill modifier.
    Able Learner III: Ranks in cross-class skills count 200% towards your skill modifier.

    (Able Learner should be available to humans as well.)

    Racial Emulation I: You receive a +2 bonus on UMD checks made to use race restricted items.
    Racial Emulation II: You receive a +4 bonus on UMD checks made to use race restricted items.
    Racial Emulation III: You receive a +6 bonus on UMD checks made to use race restricted items.

    Disturbing Visage I: The duration of the effects of a Bluff, Intimidate or Diplomacy check in combat is increased by 50%.
    Disturbing Visage II: The duration of the effects of a Bluff, Intimidate or Diplomacy check in combat is increased by 100%.
    Disturbing Visage III: The duration of the effects of a Bluff, Intimidate or Diplomacy check in combat is increased by 150%.

    Mutable Anatomy I: Critical Hits or sneak attacks have a 10% chance of failing against you.
    Mutable Anatomy II: Critical Hits or sneak attacks have a 25% chance of failing against you.
    Mutable Anatomy III: Critical Hits or sneak attacks have a 50% chance of failing against you.

    (This does not stack with fortification, but both chances are checked separately.)

    Body Control I: Beneficial transmutation spells which target you have their durations increased by 125%. Harmful ones have their duration reduced by 10%.
    Body Control II: Beneficial transmutation spells which target you have their durations increased by 150%. Harmful ones have their duration reduced by 25%.
    Body Control III: Beneficial transmutation spells which target you have their durations increased by 200%. Harmful ones have their duration reduced by 50%.


    Listen I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Search I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Spot I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Diplomacy I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Lyrander Balance I, II, III: Dragonmarked skill bonuses.
    Medani Spot I, II, III: Dragonmarked skill bonuses.

    Heroic Destiny I, II, III: As Human Versatility, but just Attack, Saves and Skill Checks.

    Fearless Destiny: As the rogue special ability, Defensive Roll. (Assuming Eladrin works it out before we see Half-elves) Requires Heroic Destiny III.

    Melee Attack I: +1 to hit with longswords and rapiers.
    Melee Damage I: +1 to damage with longswords and rapiers.

    Ranged Attack I: +1 to hit with longbows and shortbows.
    Ranged Damage I: +1 to damage with longbows and shortbows

    Human Heritage: You can equip items which are Race Required: Human without a UMD check.

    Confusing Banter I: You gain a +1 bonus to hit against enemies which are under the effects of a diplomacy or bluff check you made.
    Confusing Banter II: You gain a +2 bonus to hit against enemies which are under the effects of a diplomacy or bluff check you made.
    Confusing Banter II: You gain a +3 bonus to hit against enemies which are under the effects of a diplomacy or bluff check you made.

    Investigator I: The time it takes you to search and disarm traps is reduced by 10%.
    Investigator II: The time it takes you to search and disarm traps is reduced by 25%.
    Investigator III: The time it takes you to search and disarm traps is reduced by 50%.

    Some of those may need rebalancing. And I'm sure there are potentially others that could be added, but that's what I've got for now.
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  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Ok, here's what I've got


    Bluff I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Intimidate I, II, III: Self Explanatory.

    Able Learner I: Ranks in cross-class skills count 150% toward your skill modifier.
    Able Learner II: Ranks in cross-class skills count 175% towards your skill modifier.
    Able Learner III: Ranks in cross-class skills count 200% towards your skill modifier.

    (Able Learner should be available to humans as well.)

    Racial Emulation I: You receive a +2 bonus on UMD checks made to use race restricted items.
    Racial Emulation II: You receive a +4 bonus on UMD checks made to use race restricted items.
    Racial Emulation III: You receive a +6 bonus on UMD checks made to use race restricted items.

    Disturbing Visage I: The duration of the effects of a Bluff, Intimidate or Diplomacy check in combat is increased by 50%.
    Disturbing Visage II: The duration of the effects of a Bluff, Intimidate or Diplomacy check in combat is increased by 100%.
    Disturbing Visage III: The duration of the effects of a Bluff, Intimidate or Diplomacy check in combat is increased by 150%.

    Mutable Anatomy I: Critical Hits or sneak attacks have a 10% chance of failing against you.
    Mutable Anatomy II: Critical Hits or sneak attacks have a 25% chance of failing against you.
    Mutable Anatomy III: Critical Hits or sneak attacks have a 50% chance of failing against you.

    (This does not stack with fortification, but both chances are checked separately.)

    Body Control I: Beneficial transmutation spells which target you have their durations increased by 125%. Harmful ones have their duration reduced by 10%.
    Body Control II: Beneficial transmutation spells which target you have their durations increased by 150%. Harmful ones have their duration reduced by 25%.
    Body Control III: Beneficial transmutation spells which target you have their durations increased by 200%. Harmful ones have their duration reduced by 50%.


    Listen I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Search I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Spot I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Diplomacy I, II, III: Self Explanatory.
    Lyrander Balance I, II, III: Dragonmarked skill bonuses.
    Medani Spot I, II, III: Dragonmarked skill bonuses.

    Heroic Destiny I, II, III: As Human Versatility, but just Attack, Saves and Skill Checks.

    Fearless Destiny: As the rogue special ability, Defensive Roll. (Assuming Eladrin works it out before we see Half-elves) Requires Heroic Destiny III.

    Melee Attack I: +1 to hit with longswords and rapiers.
    Melee Damage I: +1 to damage with longswords and rapiers.

    Ranged Attack I: +1 to hit with longbows and shortbows.
    Ranged Damage I: +1 to damage with longbows and shortbows

    Human Heritage: You can equip items which are Race Required: Human without a UMD check.

    Confusing Banter I: You gain a +1 bonus to hit against enemies which are under the effects of a diplomacy or bluff check you made.
    Confusing Banter II: You gain a +2 bonus to hit against enemies which are under the effects of a diplomacy or bluff check you made.
    Confusing Banter II: You gain a +3 bonus to hit against enemies which are under the effects of a diplomacy or bluff check you made.

    Investigator I: The time it takes you to search and disarm traps is reduced by 10%.
    Investigator II: The time it takes you to search and disarm traps is reduced by 25%.
    Investigator III: The time it takes you to search and disarm traps is reduced by 50%.

    Some of those may need rebalancing. And I'm sure there are potentially others that could be added, but that's what I've got for now.
    Able Learner suffers from the "front-loading" syndrome that many DDO enhancements have. Otherwise, the ideas are good and fit well enough, but...enh. If someone would enjoy them, that's great. I think I'll stick with existing races, though.

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Seneca Windforge View Post
    Able Learner suffers from the "front-loading" syndrome that many DDO enhancements have.
    Yeah, I thought about that. But I didn't feel like 133/166/200 (since the goal is to have cross-class skills be the same as class skills by rank three).

    Maybe I, II, III and IV is a better solution at 25% increase each.
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  18. #38
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Aasimar is ECL +2 with +2 CHA, +2 WIS with NO negative 2 on a stat. If that doesnt scream make me an over powered ass-whoopin cleric or paladin I dont know what does.
    That screams make me a cleric/sorceror Mystic Theurge is what it screams, or a cleric or a pally and the d20 says they are only ECL +1.
    Last edited by Cowdenicus; 10-23-2007 at 05:24 AM.
    Clerics of Fernia
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