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DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Yeah, but DDO works differently, especially when it comes to prereqs for these enhancements.
I mean, you shouldn't, as someone's pointed out in another thread, even have to be a ranger to become an Arcane Archer, so... the prerequisites are obviously going to be a bit different.
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DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Interesting stuff. Can't wait to see the stats for the enhancements.
Arcane archer goes in (and who was saying something about it being too hard to code in my PrC thread the other day) and still no Mystic Theurge.
I am going to go cry.
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge)
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And technically, anything 3.0 that hasn't been updated to 3.5 is still usable.
That leads to some horribleness, though.
But still, that's a nice list of PrCs, *especially* making Arcane Archer a ranger focus. Honestly, the AA is a very cool sounding class that makes you sad you took it at level 10. About the only thing really spiffy about it is the ability to apply self only buffs to party members, and to apply self-only AoEs (primarily Anti-Magic Field) to locations or enemies....
But as an archer tree alone, it would be pretty nifty, especially given the relative lack of stuff that makes the AA largely irrelevant in PnP.![]()
I play on Ghall...Gall..Galli...The new Fernia. Lifetaker, Heartbreaker, and Battlemage
Terrakal: Roguey Stabby guy. Gyness the Stout: I drink to hide my rage. Gyshe: Race: Elf. Class: Elf. Roomsweeper: Boomsticks. Ramparts: Pally Intimitank. Crucible: Hammer and Tongs. And Shafted: Cleric* Archer *Not a cleric.
Sounds interesting especially if they add Zen Archery too. Personally, I would rather have 1 bow, 1 melee, and 1 FE focused PrC-type enhancements. 2 bows seems like a waste especially when you're talking about being limited to 3 enhancements.
so if you taken bardyour more likely to rock the boat
don't rock the boat, baby..
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths
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Someone alert the The Hues Corporation........
I think these will be welcome additions to the ranger set. I would love to see these "functional equivelents" to PrCs added for other classes as well.
Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.
AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.
Please allow me to make a request for some flexibility with the Arcane Archer prerequisites.
My main character is fashioned as an Arcane Archer of my own creation
She has 11 levels as a Sorcerer and 1 level as a Ranger
Her Feats are Point Blank, Rapid Shot and Precision (her next feat will be multi-shot) and she has a base Dex of 17 and she is an Elf.
I’ve taken spells in line with an Arcane Archer… Flame Arrow, Melf Acid Arrow, Magic Missile, Force Missile, Niacs Ray
My request is that you don’t limit the Enhancement to only high level Rangers. Please consider making the enhancement also accessible to Elves with the appropriate prerequisites (high dex, precision, rapid shot, etc.) that demonstrate a commitment to archery but who may not be higher level Rangers.
I know I am only one player but there may be others who made magic use as there primary class that operate in the spirit of an Arcane Archer
Seeing that Prestige Classes are being tossed in as part of the enhancement line, does that pretty much kill the chance altogether that they are going to be implemented as actual character levels that you take that have special prerequisites?
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