This is starting to bug me enough to see if I can find a solution
I usually play on my Dell XPS laptop. Works great, but I have one annoying issue.
Using a potion, or a wand seems to mess with my mouse pointer speed.
Example, playing my ranger last night, and was switching between quaffing a cure serious or using a cure moderate wand to heal. I would use the wand, and my pointer would be crawling, take forever to get to anything. Solution, go to windows, and adjust the pointer speed up to the high end so that the pointer would track normally agian. I go back to playing , things are normal, but take a potion and now my mouse is hopped up on speed, and the littlest movement sends the pointer flying. Back out to windows, adjust the pointer speed down to the low end of the scale and things are back to normal until I hit a wand again.
It is a bit frustrating, and really, how much sense does an action in the game affecting your pointer speed make? The speed change isn't just in game, it affects the setting in windows as well.
Thought I'd bounce that one off of here, and see if there is anything I can do.
Mouse is a Logitech MX518, corded mouse. Dell XPS M1710
Windows XP.
Been happening for a long time (months), just not as consistently annoying as it was last night.