Hail mighty players of Argonnessen, I give you a brief report of tonight's WF Nights v8.0 and the updated roster for the weekly mechanized destruction crews. I am up and running again, rerolled Destructorx and had a blast running lowbies in Greymoon with Dkerbot, Spawwn, Mekboyz, Warx and Icewind. Multiple WF crews could be seen in the LFM, with Nekromanteia setting up the high lvls with TS Elite on the menu and some Cursed Crypt loot running afterwards. Mythral himself had another LFM up there, waiting on feedback regarding his adventures. As always, pure WF power, I am stoked to be once again back in the game and looking forward to rolling with the big bad bots one day.
Roster updated. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=122550
1) Ghoste - Wiz - The Mithril Hand
2) Babyeater - Battlemage - Tinted Faces
3) Destructorx - Wiz - King's Blood (RIP)
4) Thumps - Killer - Incarnation
5) Anniebear - Barb - Incarnation
6) Babayaga - Wiz - Elite
7) Starscream - Battlemage - Tinted Faces
8) Trouvere - Bard - Intrepid Adventurers Guild
9) Pyropus - Wiz - Prophets of Velah
10) Wolfwood - Destroyer - King's Blood
11) Technine - Evasion Barb - Eternal Guardians
12) Kroshgar - Barb - Unguilded
13) Colenus - Barb - King's Blood
14) Lseven - Rogue - Stormbringers
15) Gkar - Fighter - A Universal Mind
16) Tootsie - Barb - Storm Shadow
17) Izrafel - Battlebard - Ordos Draconum
18) Paradime - Battlemage - Unguilded
19) Getthepoint - Ranger - Unguilded
20) Uranic - Paladin - Amethyst Empire
21) Tyranous - Fighter - King's Blood
22) Breakbeat - Battlemage -
23) Eftup - Barb - Celestial Knights
24) Ricendithas - Barb - A Universal Mind
25) Volt - Sorc - The Mithril Hand
1) Wardroyd - Ftr - King's Blood
2) Mythral - Wiz - The Mithril Hand
3) Wilting - Bard - The Mithril Hand
4) Shadowrage - Fighter - Tinted Faces
5) Khesbot - Battlecleric - Tinted Faces
6) Kundalini - Cleric - The Warrior Nation
7) Invocation - Wiz - Grounded Aces
8) Fleshkiller - Wiz - Iron Liege
9) Borganagain - Ranger - Unguilded
10) Rowanshadow - Ftr - Unguilded
11) Chucknorris - Ftr - Mud
12) Cfour - Ftr - Unguilded
13) Squishymasher - Ftr - Money
14) Rjs - Barb - Unguilded
15) Leafs - Sorc - Unguilded
16) Prometheus - Barb - Unguilded
17) Anabasis - Eternal Guardians
18) Beech - The Stormreach Companions
19) Enorm - Flaming Fist
20) Ignot - The Mithril Hand
21) Experimental - A Universal Mind
22) Darrd - Tinted Faces
23) Perplehaize - The Mechranos
24) Toga - Unbreakable
25) Rtoodtoo - King's Blood
26) Xaz - Unguilded
27) Aaargg - Unguilded
28) Shunyata - Rogue - The Warrior Nation
29) Three - The Mithral Hand
30) Kukri - The Mithral Hand
31) Nemesisx -The Mithril Hand
32) Prometheus - Barb/Ftr -Unguilded
33) Frontline - Fighter -
34) Gonpo - Battlemage -Night Wolves
35) Spawwn - Paladin - King's Blood
36) Dkerbot - Paladin - King's Blood
37) Warx - Wizard - King's Blood
38) Icewind - Ranger -
39) Ambulant - Cleric -Ordos Draconum
40) Teslya - Bard - Ordos Draconum
41) Deathbot - Wizard - Ordos Draconum
42) Mekboyz - Battlemage - The Mithril Hand