I would love to be able to take two pieces of equipment of the same type and have them merged as follows:

Both items must be the same; i.e. shortsword, full plate, staves, etc...

One must have the primary attribute of the end product and the other must have the secondary product.

The combined value must not exceed 125% of the highest value item used.

The end product would be bound since it is customized.

I would really love this to be implemented, as well as being able to reskin an items appearance or settling for XP above level cap, i.e. 1,049,999(= or -), so future debt could be erased from accumulated credit with the full knowledge and disclosure that positive XP balances will be wiped out when level caps are raised with future updates.

Being able to spend XP, whether or not capped, for mnemonic enhancer potions for spell casters or customizing equipment, then having the items bound since they were made, at least in part, from the essence of the character is an interesting concept I like; I would gladly take a Fearsome Robe of Lesser False Life and a Lesser Acid Gaurd Robe of the Magi and give 50,000 XP to have a bound Fearsome Robe of the Magi crafted for me, and think nothing of dropping 10,000 XP a pop for a bound Major Mnemonic Enhancer Potion I could use at a later date but not be able to sell or give away, even to a merchant; could only leave inventory by being used or dropped from inventory and thereby destroyed.