Of course in order to introduce the Arcane Archer ranged combat needs to be fixed. That would push that class back a bit.
I know it's not the same as a Mystic Theurge but it would be nice just to have the humble Practiced Spellcaster feat.
I'd like the server to stop "losing my arrows" and "losing my bolts" after I fire them and reload. Instead of a Synch I think a Clientside packet should be sent, then the server implements said packet immediately instead of having the server verify that you fired when you were able(at latency), and having a synch error(literally 33% of the time or more in combat).
The only time I don't "lose more than half my shots(and thus tons of secondary DPS)" is when I turn on Autoattack and spam my Attack button to shoot, and even THEN I lose at least 1 in 10 arrows/bolts.
I'd also like you(devs) to bring back that nifty effect in MOD 3 where if you crit on a ranged touch you get a triple-hit.
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP MENTIONING ARCANE ARCHER AS A PRESTIGE CLASS! It's a terrible prestige class and should be thrown away in favor of peerless archer and or Order of the Bow. Don't have the developers waste a PrC slot arcane archer please!!!
We're getting something like Arcane Archers in the form of enhancements![]()
- NEW – Tip #52 no longer mistakenly says that the Jump skill reduces falling damage. The appropriate skill is, in fact, tumble.
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