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  1. #1
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Default How hard could it be to code the Mystic Theurge prestige class?

    As I see it, it really could not be that difficult, the spells are already in game, To make the class excel they would but need to only add in one feat. In my opinion it really could not be all that time consuming and it would send a great signal that Turbine is serious about adding at least some prestige classes.

    Can anybody think of any issues that would preclude Turbine from adding this PrC into the game?
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  2. #2
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Can anybody think of any issues that would preclude Turbine from adding this PrC into the game?
    the current class system probably doesn't support a system anywhere near similar to "+1 caster level to existing spellcaster class"

    aside from that, once you implement one PrC, you better be dang well ready to add a bunch of others. if you don't, you've caused more harm than good.

  3. #3
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    the current class system probably doesn't support a system anywhere near similar to "+1 caster level to existing spellcaster class"

    aside from that, once you implement one PrC, you better be dang well ready to add a bunch of others. if you don't, you've caused more harm than good.
    How many PrC's would be acceptable in you opinion to roll out at once at the beginning? 4? 6? 2?
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  4. #4


    I think in an old DDO interview that was done by TopTenHammer it was stated that if they were to release any prestige classes that they would try to have about 8 or so to start with. This was about a year ago and with a different person in charge, so I don't know how much validity this holds anymore.

    Regardless, at minimum there should be at least one prestige class that affects each base class we currently have (and trying to mathmatically find the fewest prestige classes to fill this expectation is probably not a good idea to go about this ).
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  5. #5
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    How many PrC's would be acceptable in you opinion to roll out at once at the beginning? 4? 6? 2?
    i'd say minimum 6 ideally (one or two options for most characters if you pick them right), but that's a paid-expansion worthy endeavor.

    Odds are, they'd have to release 1 "magical" PrC along with 1 "combat" PrC in a set, and say that they are working on another set for the next release.

    PrCs would also probably require some sort of "re-leveling" system... or at least a skill respec if they implemented them in-line with PnP.
    Last edited by Laith; 10-17-2007 at 12:33 PM.

  6. #6
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    I persdonally dont see why they would need a releveling system for it, Turbine just gave everybody 2 free slots per server.

    That being said, I think they could easily put out the following 5 PrC's quite easily: Mystic Theurge, Arcane Archer, Dwarven Defender, Duelist, and Dragon Disciple with little else needing to be programmed.

    You could probably add Arcane Trickster, Archmage and Thaumaturgist to that also.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I persdonally dont see why they would need a releveling system for it, Turbine just gave everybody 2 free slots per server.
    i think it would. honestly, most people have enough problems planning feats & enhancements with complicated prerequisites...

    PrCs also require that you map out skills, class levels, and additional feats become prereqs.

    If class levels cannot be undone, it becomes very easy to make irrepairable mistakes.

    From a "learning curve" aspect, PrCs are quite far above the current slope... and many newbies will be attracted to them. If no re-leveling scheme is to be added, then at the very least DOCUMENTATION would become even more a concern than it is currently.

    of course, i'm not really a fan of the "re-leveling" concept, but PrCs would certainly bring it up...
    Last edited by Laith; 10-17-2007 at 12:55 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    ...Arcane Archer...
    I thought about this for a while, and I would say that this one is anything but "simple to program." You have to design a system that is capabale of placing any area of effect spell into an arrow, one at a time (until fired) that the player can hold onto until their next shot. That is a whole lot of spells from Hypnotic Pattern and Hypnotism to Chain Lightning and Cloudkill.

    In addition you need to program arrows that will follow a target around a corner if needed. That seeker arrow can be a nice tool when used. The death arrow is an easy one, honestly, as slayer arrows are there already and the death arrow is a form of the slayer arrow basically.

    Then each Prestige class will need it's own enhancement trees (I would hope that certain enhancements would not be added to the prerequisits). Sure, the class based implementation is easy overall, but this is anything but a simple task to do.

    I want my PrC's more than anything else, but I realize that they are not likely to happen soon, if ever.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I persdonally dont see why they would need a releveling system for it, Turbine just gave everybody 2 free slots per server.

    That being said, I think they could easily put out the following 5 PrC's quite easily: Mystic Theurge, Arcane Archer, Dwarven Defender, Duelist, and Dragon Disciple with little else needing to be programmed.

    You could probably add Arcane Trickster, Archmage and Thaumaturgist to that also.
    I think their special abilities would involve more than a 'little' programming.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    aside from that, once you implement one PrC, you better be dang well ready to add a bunch of others. if you don't, you've caused more harm than good.
    Exactly, and we dont even have all the core classes. Plus prestige classes would likely put a lot of pressure on the devs to allow more then 3 classes on a character. I know almost all my NWN2 builds that use prestige classes have at least 4 classes.
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  11. #11
    Stormreach Mentor ccheath776's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    As I see it, it really could not be that difficult, the spells are already in game, To make the class excel they would but need to only add in one feat. In my opinion it really could not be all that time consuming and it would send a great signal that Turbine is serious about adding at least some prestige classes.

    Can anybody think of any issues that would preclude Turbine from adding this PrC into the game?
    its not coding that they are concerned about. Its balance.

    Yu introduce one prestige class you have to introduce many more. Yu cant just have one.

    The problem is many of the current prestige classes, due to the design of DDO, are overbalanced and would make the game too easy. Thats not a criticism of Turbine development or design.
    I am saying within the parameters of DDO. Prestige classes would throw a huge wrench into the balance.

    making things not be as playable as they should.
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  12. #12
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    My guess is that they have a problem with the "Add +1 to existing caster level" stuff.

    My bet is they have a predetermined number of spells a character can prepare based on the level of the class.

    Set: Wizard 3
    Define: 3 L1 wizard spells, 2 L2 wizard spell

    Set: Wizard 4
    Define: 4 L1 sorcerer spells, 3 L2 sorcerer spells

    Therefore, there is a problem with Wizard 3+1. They probably would have to recode the how spellcasting is defined.

    Disclaimer: This is just a guess from a person who is not educated in programing.

  13. #13
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    My guess is that they have a problem with the "Add +1 to existing caster level" stuff.
    yes, it does change some fundamentals, but really it's just another variable in a stack of variables.

    there way i see it is:
    1) you pick the class(es) the "+1 to existing caster level" applys to like a feat when selecting the PrC lvl1. The list of selections includes applicable selections of your current classes. whether or not this can be changed at a later time with shards is questionable, and may be complicated by #2.
    2) each time your PrC would give you "+1 to existing caster level", you get a feat (say "Cleric: +1 caster level") that stacks, similar to how Trap Sense works (it says "Taken X Times).
    3) when you cast a spell, load your spell list, or calculate your max SP: instead of looking at just your class level, it adds in these feats to calculate your caster level. Then, using this modified caster level determines your sp, spell slots, etc

    not completely obscene, but definately an expansion on what is probably the current system of just looking at class levels.

    This is one possible implementation.
    Last edited by Laith; 10-17-2007 at 03:11 PM. Reason: edited due to #13

  14. #14
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    yes, it does change some fundamentals, but really it's just another variable in a stack of variables.

    there way i see it is:
    1) you pick the class(es) the "+1 to existing caster level" applys to like a feat when selecting the PrC lvl1. The list of selections includes applicable selections of your current classes. whether or not this can be changed at a later time with shards is questionable, and may be complicated by #2.
    2) each time your PrC would give you "+1 to existing caster level", you get a feat (say "Cleric: +1 caster level") that stacks, similar to how Trap Sense works (it says "Taken X Times).
    3) when you cast a spell, load your spell list, or calculate your max SP: instead of looking at just your class level, it adds in these feats as well.

    not completely obscene, but definately an expansion on what is probably the current system of just looking at class levels.

    This is one possible implementation.
    It is difficult for a feat to give a specific amount of SP because SP gained by a specific class varies as the level increases. A sorcerer going from L10 to L11 gets more SP then if they were going from L4 to L5.

    It would be easier to add +1 caster level to the effects of the spells, I agree, but it seems like the number of spells available for preperation is defined specifically by the class level. A level 8 sorcerer has X L1, Y L2, Z L3 and A L4 spells, not L8 sorcerer gets +1 L4 spell and +1 L2 spell. Since each class gets different spells at different levels I assume it would be difficult to create a feat that is smart enough to determine what spells you get if you added base class + mystic theurge class = base class spell list.

    My guess is just that the spells available for preperation is hardcoded into the class dependant on level which makes adding spells from a secondary class difficult.

  15. #15
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    It is difficult for a feat to give a specific amount of SP because SP gained by a specific class varies as the level increases...
    you misunderstand where the feat would be applied.

    the feat wouldn't give a set amount of SP, etc... you're right, that wouldn't work. it would have to modify your level BEFORE sp, spell slots, etc were calculated.

    step 3 should have read
    "3) when you cast a spell, load your spell list, or calculate your max SP: instead of looking at just your class level, it adds in these feats to calculate your caster level. Then, using this modified caster level determines your sp, spell slots, etc"
    Last edited by Laith; 10-17-2007 at 03:12 PM.

  16. #16
    Community Member Shrazkil's Avatar
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    Would need at least 6 or so prestige classes to start.

    Arcane Trickster
    Dwarven Defender
    Mystic theurge
    Arcane Archer
    Dragon Disciple
    Sacred fist

    Great all around start.

  17. #17
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    As I see it, it really could not be that difficult, the spells are already in game, To make the class excel they would but need to only add in one feat. In my opinion it really could not be all that time consuming and it would send a great signal that Turbine is serious about adding at least some prestige classes.

    Can anybody think of any issues that would preclude Turbine from adding this PrC into the game?

    I wonder this about lots of races, sub-races, and prestige class, where the work is already done it seems.
    How hard would Duergar be? We've got dark skin tones available for Dwarves, just add the special abilities. Gold/Shield Dwarves, Wood/Moon Elves, it seems like its as easy as pushing a button and changing the starting stats. Prestige classes like Dwarven Defender, Duelist, Assassin, it seems like all it takes is adding some bonuses here and there at certain levels easy as pie right? Apparently not or I'm sure we'd have some of it, since it would only bring more customers and money and keep more of us playing.

  18. #18
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Default pretty plz with sprinkles on top

    I would love dwarven defender, duelist, and mystic theurge. That would be beyond fun if they had those..
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  19. #19
    Community Member Taur's Avatar
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    well... the entire skill system would have to be reworked in order to properly implement most prestige classes and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

  20. #20
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taur View Post
    well... the entire skill system would have to be reworked in order to properly implement most prestige classes and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
    They could always change the skill pre reqs as DDO does not really have many skills in the game. (comparatively to what is available in P&P)
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