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  1. #1
    Community Member MondoGrunday's Avatar
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    Default opinions needed on feat choice

    i have a lvl 14 pure fighter (human) build. he is maxed str.32 with high con and dex. i followed all of the feats for slashing weaps (imp. crit, focus, specialization etc.) . I already have two handed, imp. two handed and greater two anded fighting feats. I had three other feats left, being human, to choose. I had toughness, iron will and power crit. i swapped out power crit and iron will for cleave and greater cleave and kept toughness. I'm a two hander with power attack already. I use great axes and bastard swords mostly. is cleave and greater cleave worth the feats used for them or should i look at something different? just some advice from other experienced fighters needed, thx
    aka Palladia Mors -Ghallandra
    Guilds: Wrath of God & Keepers of the BorderlandPalladia Mors- Fighter 16 Vaevictis Asmadi-Bard 16 Darigaaz TheIgniter- Paladin10/Rogue4/Fighter1 Bladewing The Risen -Sorcerer 16 Necrosavant -Barb 12/Fighter2/Bard 2Mondo Grunday - Rogue 14/Ranger2 Spiritmonger-Barb14/Ranger2-Propaganda-Cleric3/Ranger2Serraangel -14 Wizard/RogueMortify - 14 Paladin/2Monk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Not sure if there is much left for you to take, other than also picking up specializations for bludgeoning.

    Honestly though, if you drop Cleave/Great Cleave, what else is there? Not much for an offensive build like yours, really. Perhaps the Spring Attack line? I know not everyone is a fan of it, but mob AI seems to be evolving towards us having to chase them. Power Attack plus no Spring Attack puts you at a -9 to hit.

    Maybe Stunning Blow, especially if you've got something like Tenderizer? I've heard good things about this feat, but haven't played around with it myself.

    I'd suggest Improved Trip, but I'm guessing you don't have the INT/CE prereqs.

  3. #3
    Community Member MondoGrunday's Avatar
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    i unfortunately don't have the 14 intel for trip so i can't do that, wish i did tho
    what is pre req for spring attack? that is an interesting option i hadn't thought of for my tank. i'm looking into it for my twf rogue/ranger build but i've not taken them yet.
    are there any stat pre req's for spring attack? my only other options i've considered is the armour mastery since i don't usually carry a shield unless i really need to.
    Guilds: Wrath of God & Keepers of the BorderlandPalladia Mors- Fighter 16 Vaevictis Asmadi-Bard 16 Darigaaz TheIgniter- Paladin10/Rogue4/Fighter1 Bladewing The Risen -Sorcerer 16 Necrosavant -Barb 12/Fighter2/Bard 2Mondo Grunday - Rogue 14/Ranger2 Spiritmonger-Barb14/Ranger2-Propaganda-Cleric3/Ranger2Serraangel -14 Wizard/RogueMortify - 14 Paladin/2Monk

  4. #4


    spring attack is...

    dex 13: dodge: mobility: spring attack...

    I was told by folks in barbarian land that cleave/great cleave are a bit of a waste on a two handed specialist.

    Those swings more or less break your combat chain and don't get glancing blows, so they felt that you do better agaisnt your main target using the normal attacks and glancing blows.

    I especialy like cleave etc on characters using effect weapons or tanks looking to pull agro in a crowd.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  5. #5
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    spring attack is...

    dex 13: dodge: mobility: spring attack...

    I was told by folks in barbarian land that cleave/great cleave are a bit of a waste on a two handed specialist.

    Those swings more or less break your combat chain and don't get glancing blows, so they felt that you do better agaisnt your main target using the normal attacks and glancing blows.

    I especialy like cleave etc on characters using effect weapons or tanks looking to pull agro in a crowd.
    The difference in a barb 2HF though is that greater 2HF eats up all the feats for the PA, Cleave combo. Cleave however is hitting multiple targets at once and actually outdoes any regular swing in the combat sequence as far as DPS goes, one cleave will outdo a main target + glances in dps... with a SoS it is possible to crit every mob around you ... seldom do because it's more like 2-3 crits out of a cleave at a time with full hits to all the others around. You're correct that epics and stuff like cursespewers with a cleave are phenomenal when they hit... Greater 2hf will eat you feats to level 12 with power attack included, Barbs will most likely be looking at cleave above level 14 as it really does not matter if they start an attack sequence over as they're constantly hitting at 42 str anyway, and as stated cleave and the extra hits add up more then hit and glances.
    Last edited by Emili; 10-28-2007 at 09:00 PM.
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by MondoGrunday View Post
    i have a lvl 14 pure fighter (human) build. he is maxed str.32 with high con and dex. i followed all of the feats for slashing weaps (imp. crit, focus, specialization etc.) . I already have two handed, imp. two handed and greater two anded fighting feats. I had three other feats left, being human, to choose. I had toughness, iron will and power crit. i swapped out power crit and iron will for cleave and greater cleave and kept toughness. I'm a two hander with power attack already. I use great axes and bastard swords mostly. is cleave and greater cleave worth the feats used for them or should i look at something different? just some advice from other experienced fighters needed, thx
    aka Palladia Mors -Ghallandra
    bastard sword? swap out that feat and get something else. a little more dmg compared to longswords aint really that useful. if you want an exotic weapon, get khopesh instead. that said. respecing the bastardsword feat seems more useful if you are hard up on feats.... unless u have tons of nice bastard swords
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  7. #7
    Community Member Frodo_Lives's Avatar
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    I have a lvl 11 fighter that is currently using both Cleave and G. Cleave and I am a huge fan. Great for grabbing all the aggro, damaging a lot of the mobs all at once and great for quick killing when swarmed.

    I have taken 2HF and will go with Improved 2HF at 12 so when I use a Great Axe I'll have to see the benifit of the Cleave vs I2HF. Using mostly Dwarven Axes right now so the Cleave line is definately worth it so far.

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