Item traded.
I would like to trade a Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Disruption no rr but is an Exotic Weapon.
I am primarily looking for either a:
Elemental Light Repeating Xbow of Smiting
Elemental or Ghost Touch Light Repeating Xbow of Disruption.
I would also trade for an two of the following:
Light Repeating XBow of Greater Constuct Bane
Light Repeating XBow of Greater Undead Bane
Light Repeating XBow of Greater Giant Bane
Light Repeating XBow of Greater Dragon Bane
Light Repeating XBow of Disruption
Light Repeating XBow of Smiting
or any one of the above and maybe something else you want to offer.
Please PM me or you can contact me ingame in the evening, I am currently playing as Cedrist.