Trade Only Items:
White dragon scale (1)
Black dragon scale (2)
Stat Items:
Int 6 Goggles
Dex 6 Repair +3 Gloves (rr: drow/elf)
Chr 6 Cloak
Wis 6 Necklace
Str 5 light fort belt
Dex 5 perm 3 gloves
Chr 5 Cloak
Int 5 DD +3 Ring
Greater False Life belt + Str 1
Girdle of Giants Brawn
Special Items:
Protection 5 Necklace (rr: human)
Resist 4 cloak
Greater Cold Resist Cloak + Chr 1
+1 Vorpal of Righteousness Falchion for (Rapier, Shortsword, dagger) Vorpal
+1 Ghost Touch Heavy Mace of Disruption (RR: Halfling) only for (Rapier, Shortsword, dagger, light mace) GT of Disruption
+2 Weaking Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling
+1 Wounding Shortbow of Enfeebling
+3 Crippling Shortsword of Puncturing
Giant Stalkers Knife
+2 Necro dagger (1 necro, 1 illusion)
+3 Spell Pen VII Dagger
Fire Guard Robe of Heavy Fort
+3 Mobile Padded Armor of Shadow
Finesable Vorpal
Wounding of Puncturing (Rapier, Shortsword, dagger)
Greater Undead bane (Dwarven Axe, Rapier, Shortsword, dagger)
Greater Construct bane (Dwarven Axe)
Greater Giantbane (Dwarven Axe, Rapier, Shortsword, dagger)
Con 6 Belt
+1 Str tome
+2 Str tome
+2 con tome
Boots of the Innocent
+6 Int Helm