Any hint on whether or not some more lvl 1-4 adventure zones are in the works? Or even more 2-7s?
List of possible converts:
Kobold Island (Harbour)
Steam Tunnels (hey they did it to WW) (Marketplace)
Three Barrel Cove (House D)
Outside area to Faithfully Departed (House P)
Ruins of Threnal (House P)
Black Anvile Forest
Restless Isles
My main (rerolled) is currently stalled at lvl 4 for fear of outleveling new lowbie adventure zones, it would help me tremendously to know if there are any more planned or in the works.
And is there any plan to allow higher level characters to be able to get these completed just for the sake of completion?
And YES this is obsessive compulsive of me. Completing everything on at least one character is quite fun for me. Not being able to is quite annoying.
Yes I posted something similar (without response) a few months back.
YES I know most people don't care, though I know theres a small group out there who care about this as much as I do.
There that should take care of most of the trolls. Cue the trolls in 3....
Oh and if anyone can think of other areas that might be upgraded (Especially the lvl 1-4, or even 2-7 areas), be sure to post them.