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  1. #181
    Community Member Fenrisulven6's Avatar
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    Can I get a fair estimate of how much clerics would appreciate being compensated?
    Not interested in arguments that they should suck it up.
    Not interested in hearing "we're happy to get anything".

    Just looking for a good benchmark to adjust from, something like:

    x amt gp per quest level * number in party [assuming moderate use of resources]

  2. #182

  3. #183
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven6 View Post
    Can I get a fair estimate of how much clerics would like to be compensated? Not interested in arguments that they should suck it up, not interested in hearing "we're happy to get anything".

    Just looking for a good benchmark, something like:

    x amt of gp per quest level * number in party [assuming moderate use of resources]
    Unfortunately, it's never that simple. It's more of a "how smoothly did it go". If you zerged through with no problem at all, the cleric spends nothing. If you have to recover multiple wipes and reenter a couple times, it's a ton.

    So, on the scale of 0 to a ton, the max would be something like 1k plat per level of the quest, potentially double or triple that for some raids (Shroud/VoD come to mind).

  4. #184
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven6 View Post
    Can I get a fair estimate of how much clerics would appreciate being compensated?
    Not interested in arguments that they should suck it up.
    Not interested in hearing "we're happy to get anything".

    Just looking for a good benchmark to adjust from, something like:

    x amt gp per quest level * number in party [assuming moderate use of resources]
    Can't really do that math for you.

    All I want is if I use a noticeable amount of mana pots or a really epic amount of scrolls, please send me some. The only one that bugs me is if I have to chug several mana pots to get through VoD or the Shroud with a shaky group and nobody offers me a pot.

    Scrolls are cheap, pots are still expensive enough to bankrupt a casual player.
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  5. #185
    Community Member xman26's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeannie View Post
    Clericing is expensive. For those who have never played one and have never looked at prices, Cure Serious Wands run around 12-13,000 gold, Raise Dead scrolls are around 6,000. My cleric just made level 7, the minimum to use RD scrolls - I bought about 15 which seriously depleted my cash supply.

    I just finished Delera's with a pug. I almost declined the invite, but figured I could use the XP. We ran elite with mostly 6s and 7s, so did have to work for it. At the end of part 2 I told the group that I was running low on wands and money. The mana-sponge Paladin 5 who kept running headlong into everything responds by sending a group message saying "someone give her something" but doesn't do so himself. Three of the other five people responded and each gave me a wand (ironically, they were the ones who were the least demanding of my services!) I went through 5 CSW and 2 CMW wands and 2 raise scrolls (both scrolls on pally sponge-boy.)

    Anyway, this reinforced why I generally do not play my cleric much outside my guild; it's just too expensive. When I play my other toons, I usually offer the clerics wands or gold, even when I play self-healing types. I don't always give them stuff at the beginning, I have played with some clerics who would rather fight than heal, but if someone is really working to keep everyone up, I will defintely give them a wand or plat at some point.

    OK, rant over, just needed to vent
    While I can understand where you are coming from, I have a friend who runs 2 clerics on thel wolfhide and wolfpelt both capped, dont give up and find better pugs. If you join one and get little help or find you are using most resources on 1 idiot. Drop group, say your guild is calling and try to avoid said player in future. But at same time remember those who do in fact help you out. The guild I'm in has a habit of help peeps out all the time, not just guild members. I myself will give 5-10k plat to a cleric if the quests are going rough and I have the funds available.
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  6. #186
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    Age old story dude. Heard this story many times. Cleric'ing isn't for the faint of heart. Its costs money and when the success or failure of a mission relies on your ability to keep people in the fight its tough (although everyone in the end is responsible for their own health). You have to love cleric'ing to do it. I have only run into a few that love it and they tend to be very conscientious about it. They have a passion for it. I just gave 2 clerics 100k each recently after an SOS run because they hung in there and used their own resources to allow us to defeat Sor'jek.

    Props to all the clerics out there. Thanks for the heals.

    If i were you, i would be bold enough to rein that pally in. On an elite run with low-level toons I would have been a bit more vocal.

    Congrats on the level.
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  7. #187
    Community Member KLBen's Avatar
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    So how do you keep enough plat on hand to pay the cleric whatever the going rate is, be able to buy wands and/or pots, and still have enough to spend millions of gold on that +3 Strength tome you need but won't drop?

    Do not misunderstand me this is NOT meant as any kind of slam on those clerics that want or need compensation for their services, I have played a cleric or 2 in the past (Never again), its just that my experience so far has been it is extremely difficult to keep a lot of plat on hand, especially when at the end of a Shroud run you spend almost 250,000 gp for repairs.

    I know screen shot or it didn't happen *sigh* oh well.

  8. #188
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    I can find a cleric, it's the last alt on my selection list.

    Seriously though, I have not played clerics historically due to the cost and I rarely play mine now. Yes I know there are plenty of people out there who say their clerics don't cost that much to run, good for you all I know is I have gone through plenty of plat just getting to level 6 so for now it's shelved as the costs seem to escalate as the level gets higher.
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  9. #189
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    I just deleted my Cleric because I felt like I was watching peoples bars too much and not enjoying the game. I suppose I just don't like feeling responsible for other characters... Maybe I'm just being lazy

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  10. #190
    Founder Berryman's Avatar
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    I hate clerics. Who wants to play a cleric anyways.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodshot View Post
    Whats going on here? Walk in my shoes hurt your feet then know why berry and I do dirt in the street. Like he said, this is an IFV thread now, get off my block son...

  11. #191
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    I just deleted my Cleric because I felt like I was watching peoples bars too much and not enjoying the game. I suppose I just don't like feeling responsible for other characters... Maybe I'm just being lazy

    Nah your not lazy, I feel the same way. I can only play my cleric for short periods of time for the same reason. Now I know several people who enjoy clericing, some even prefer it. I'm not one of those. Plus my wife has a capped cleric and I have watched her go steadily broke so I'm not real thrilled about playing mine.
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  12. #192
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    I feel the need to repost what a million others have said.

    If you feel this way about clerics, you're playing them wrong. Either you don't have the ability to play one correctly or you're simply going about it the wrong way. But don't bash the class and discourage others, just don't play one.

    Clerics are easily top three easiest and cheapest soloing class, meaning almost all quests you should be able to get through with zero resources at all, once you hit level 11. Yes, the stretch from about 6-9 can be a bit painful but shouldn't cost any more than 10-20k plat.

    Clerics are also the best class to get better as a player at the game - it will teach you more about how party member actions affect party resources than playing any other class. But you must learn to utilize those resources optimally at all times. If you're just watching health bars, you're doing it wrong, think of something else you can do to make it to the next shrine, be creative! (Can you aggro a mob or few and kite them while the party fights and you still heal? Can you intimidate? Can you CC? Etc). But you *will* become heavily aware of health bars and party resources at all times, and this will make you a better player of any other class.

    Sometimes you must choose in letting a raid be expensive or not. But this is YOUR choice. My first VoD when it was new I spent 12 majors and whatever amount of scrolls - but I knew my limits and my own resources.

    When I left the game my cleric had 1.4 million plat, 50 majors on hand (not bragging, I know people have more money/majors than I, just giving an example), and has consistently geared out and resourced all my other toons.

    If you don't think you'll gain enjoyment about being the driving force behind a party's success, don't play a cleric. If you are only going to get enjoyment out of beating stuff up (rather than the *party* beating stuff up) - don't play a cleric.

    But this "it's too expensive" **** is a problem with people that don't understand the class, not a problem with the class.

  13. #193
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Ok so I guess if you play your cleric correctly then the cost of scrolls goes down? I didn't realize the game adjusted to your gaming skill. I guess I will just have to play better.
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  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoboldKiller View Post
    Ok so I guess if you play your cleric correctly then the cost of scrolls goes down? I didn't realize the game adjusted to your gaming skill. I guess I will just have to play better.
    Well, sarcasm and ignorance certainly won't help you be a better cleric. Perhaps you can find ways to use less scrolls?

  15. #195
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enochroot View Post
    Well, sarcasm and ignorance certainly won't help you be a better cleric. Perhaps you can find ways to use less scrolls?
    Well for me its not about the Plat I actually didn't spend much on my cleric I just didn't want to be responsible for other players. I like helping out the clerics in the group by topping myself off between combats and raising people with scrolls when the cleric is OOM or dead. Its why most of my characters have a decent UMD and/or other rez means.

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  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    Well for me its not about the Plat I actually didn't spend much on my cleric I just didn't want to be responsible for other players. I like helping out the clerics in the group by topping myself off between combats and raising people with scrolls when the cleric is OOM or dead. Its why most of my characters have a decent UMD and/or other rez means.

    Exactly, and that's perfect. You know you don't want to play one, so you don't. No problems!

  17. #197
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeannie View Post
    Clericing is expensive. For those who have never played one and have never looked at prices, Cure Serious Wands run around 12-13,000 gold, Raise Dead scrolls are around 6,000. My cleric just made level 7, the minimum to use RD scrolls - I bought about 15 which seriously depleted my cash supply.

    I just finished Delera's with a pug. I almost declined the invite, but figured I could use the XP. We ran elite with mostly 6s and 7s, so did have to work for it. At the end of part 2 I told the group that I was running low on wands and money. The mana-sponge Paladin 5 who kept running headlong into everything responds by sending a group message saying "someone give her something" but doesn't do so himself. Three of the other five people responded and each gave me a wand (ironically, they were the ones who were the least demanding of my services!) I went through 5 CSW and 2 CMW wands and 2 raise scrolls (both scrolls on pally sponge-boy.)

    Anyway, this reinforced why I generally do not play my cleric much outside my guild; it's just too expensive. When I play my other toons, I usually offer the clerics wands or gold, even when I play self-healing types. I don't always give them stuff at the beginning, I have played with some clerics who would rather fight than heal, but if someone is really working to keep everyone up, I will defintely give them a wand or plat at some point.

    OK, rant over, just needed to vent
    Im sure there are other interesting stories in this thread but I want to focus on yours since this is your story. Believe me I understand where your coming from. Bringing my clerics up specially Kamari was rough. I got into the mind frame that as a cleric I had to make sure everyone in the party stayed up to make things go smooth..

    That attitude has to go for your own sanity. If someone is a mana sponge, cant handle aggro or is just selfishly trying to plow threw a quest without proper dps or the good sense to know what they can handle, then they need to become a pretty soul stone that rides in your backpack till you feel they understand that they are not gods gift to cutting down mobs.

    Giving you wands/scrolls/money and the like will not help the situation, and playing a cleric is only expensive if you feel that you have to do everything in your power to keep foolish players up. Not the team but the idiots who go from full hp to almost a sliver taking on one skeleton archer in Deliras..

    As someone who has gotten to the point of being burnt out healing I can tell you the best thing you can ever do with a player like that is let them die. They may get mad cuss you out but if you take care of the ones getting the job done and do your best you will feel more rewarded. My clerics like team players those who dont see us as unlimited mana/reasource heal bots. I hope that as you gain levels you see that not all players are so grossly unprepared and treat you as a one function pony. Till then I say give what you cant to any quest and dont push yourself to hard to save everyone.

    Not everyones worth the effort you put into being a good healer and the sooner you learn that the more fun a cleric can be to play.
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  18. #198
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enochroot View Post
    Well, sarcasm and ignorance certainly won't help you be a better cleric. Perhaps you can find ways to use less scrolls?

    Actually sarcasm may be your best defense as a Cleric, such as "Hey Uber tank maybe you should stop and drink a pot between deaths". As for ignorance I suggest you keep those types of comments to yourself as you don't know me or have any clue as to my game knowledge.

    Depending on how you want to cleric it can be expensive. maybe I don't like seeing people die whether it's their own lack of game skill or not. I never said it had to be expensive I just said it can be.
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  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoboldKiller View Post
    Actually sarcasm may be your best defense as a Cleric, such as "Hey Uber tank maybe you should stop and drink a pot between deaths". As for ignorance I suggest you keep those types of comments to yourself as you don't know me or have any clue as to my game knowledge.

    Depending on how you want to cleric it can be expensive. maybe I don't like seeing people die whether it's their own lack of game skill or not. I never said it had to be expensive I just said it can be.
    Not letting people die does not require outrageous use of resources. It simply requires efficient use of resources and decent leadership skills to speak up when necessary.

    I was saying your comment was ignorant, your point about sarcasm I agree with. But now that we have you saying two ignorant things in a row, we're establishing a pattern. (Implying you need to use outrageous resources to prevent death and your first comment)

    Although, I think tanks drinking pots is about the funniest and worst use of resources I ever see, and think it's hilarious that it's always mentioned when people talk about "helping clerics." I scoff at ridiculously weak healing pots when a cleric can toss out full life bars left and right. I want my tanks to be effective and killing, not drinking way overpriced per heal pots. Just give me the plat you're wasting instead, I'll use it much more effectively.

  20. #200
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enochroot View Post
    Not letting people die does not require outrageous use of resources. It simply requires efficient use of resources and decent leadership skills to speak up when necessary.

    I was saying your comment was ignorant, your point about sarcasm I agree with. But now that we have you saying two ignorant things in a row, we're establishing a pattern. (Implying you need to use outrageous resources to prevent death and your first comment)

    Although, I think tanks drinking pots is about the funniest and worst use of resources I ever see, and think it's hilarious that it's always mentioned when people talk about "helping clerics." I scoff at ridiculously weak healing pots when a cleric can toss out full life bars left and right. I want my tanks to be effective and killing, not drinking way overpriced per heal pots. Just give me the plat you're wasting instead, I'll use it much more effectively.
    I see so now my opinion on how someone may play their Cleric is ignorant? I didn't realize an opinion could be ignorant, I always thought an opinion is what it is an opinion. I also didn't realize that your resources were so plentiful that is was so easy for you to just heal people. So I assume you never run out of sp and have to use scrolls or wands? Either that or you have never had a quest go bad. Must be great for you. The fact is this whole argument is pointless, people have their own opinions about how a cleric should be ran. I know several very good clerics that spend quite a bit in plat for resources. I by no means claim to be an expert on clerics but do not sit there and pass judgement on me for my opinions. And as for you thinking a fighter should not use a pot or be somewhat self sufficient that is ignorant as you put it.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
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