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  1. #141
    Community Member pMagic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default A challenging build request: The resist all toon

    I like to see what you come up with for a highly resistant toon. I'm looking for something fun to play. 32 point build but if it looks like a lot of fun it could be 34 or 36 point build. Past life cleric, paladin, or fighter and cleric or fighter and paladin.

    I have a good set of gear and can grind for the common to moderately rare one but not the epic ones. I have all the +2 tomes. I have +3 tomes for wisdom, strength, charisma, con.

  2. #142
    Sketchy Adventurer Monroid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hiya there!

    I'd like to request a build for a bowbarian with a wisdom as high as possible for good spot checks

    It would be a human, I guess, but if the numbers are available, you could post it as a Half-orc

    Do I need to pay anything in-game for this?

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