Remember talking about max str numbers a while back, never thinking we'd get so high.. Hit a new high today:
Blood rage is fun.
Remember talking about max str numbers a while back, never thinking we'd get so high.. Hit a new high today:
Blood rage is fun.
Last edited by Shade; 10-11-2007 at 01:22 AM.
did madstone with you yesterday man, torrak. Nice stuff.
You where doing whatkind of damage in there man?
1d12+30 str +16 PA + 6 bard+5 weapon = 58-69, 192-225 crit?
Aundair, New Khyber
Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>
Shade, shouldn't it be 54?
18 Base
+3 Levels
+3 Tome
+6 Item
+2 Rage spell
+6 Greater Rage
+4 PowerRage IV
+4 Madstone Rage (x2)
+8 Blood Rage (x3)
54 STR
And what was your carrying capacity? Did you happen to look? Nothing like being able to deadlift the Stormreaver above your head!![]()
hehehe I could lift 10 of him and toss him across them across the room.
127,680 pounds.
Oh and I can get stronger
Haven't got a +3 tome yet, so just use power rage III to save AP. Can move up to power rage IV, get the tome or the new littany of the dead trinket for 52.
For some reason 2 of the str from the bloodrage doesn't stack with something. Can't quite figure out what it is yet as I only hit that with every possible rage active.
Max dmg I can do in madstone is about 220 +25 glancing +18 greater bane = 263.
Last edited by Shade; 10-11-2007 at 10:13 AM.
If 2 of the bloodrage doesn't stack, then the current highest possible str is 56, right? (just wanna double check my calculations):
18 base
3 levels
3 tome
6 item
6 greater rage
4 power rage
4 madstone rage (x2)
2 rage
6 bloodstone rage
3 alchemical bonus
1 ftr str 1
56 str (53 sans silly alchemical bonus, 52 for straight barb with no silly alchemical bonus)
The timer in your SS was at 0:00. Are you sure it hadn't just worn off? The entire +8 stacked in Aranticus' original explanation & screenie.
Edit: with Shade's addition.
Max currently possible should be 60 (with alchemical. which, despite player scoffing, are very handy for boss fights). I can't wait for Half-orcs and 63 STR! +26 to-hit/dmg.![]()
Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 10-11-2007 at 12:07 PM.
Think 2 more:
18 base
3 levels
3 tome
6 item
6 greater rage
4 power rage
4 madstone rage (x2)
2 rage
6 bloodstone rage
3 alchemical bonus
1 ftr str 1
1 Human adapatability
1 Littany of the dead profane ability bonus
58 Str
Nah I've got screenshots with all rages showing a timer too, no difference I cant get above 50. They are still activte for a second while showing 0:00.
Maybe 50 is just like the hard cap for attributes?
I just have one question...
Do your arms rip themselves off your body when you flex?
Dude...I used to work at my sister's resturant which was located next door to a gym...we had a special protein shake menu...just for the over indulgent ones...and those muscle bound types...the pros at least...Seemed to have low dexterities...couldn't even get the straw into the lid slot without help...had to twist sideways and all.
Big macho men...need help...from little old me...I had to show off and pop the straw through the slot with style...after watching them disintigrate a coulple first...![]()
/flexes tiny muscles
/puts straw through the slot first time every time
Say it ain't so! That would suck...
My dreams of a Half-Orc Quadruple Raging Barbarian with 63 STR could be shattered.
For reference, let's look again at Blood Rage by Aranticus. Then if we can't find any other explanation, let's ask in Dev Discussion.
From that picture, we can tell something is messed up. Look at the strength in the character sheet... it shows 44. Look at the strength in the tooltip breakdown... it shows 42. It appears that Aranticus hit a timer, or possibly that there is a bug in what gets displayed in what window (my money is that Aranticus hit a timer and either the character sheet or tooltip had not been updated when that screenie was taken).
Also, Aranticus seems to say that you don't get the full rage effect immediately... that you must first obtain and lose L1, then L2, then L3, then the rage simmers back down to L2/L1/fatigue. So perhaps Shade (Axer) was at a L2 when he thought he was at L3 (or something along those lines).
I KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS!!! : Shade or Aranticus need to send me their item that gives them bloodrage.![]()
If there is a hard cap for stats at 50, it would prolly go up with a cap increase. I can see the cap going up before we get half-orcs. So you still may be able to get you half-orc, no foam, 63 str, quad mocha, barb.
To OP:
I am reminded about a post of funny things said while playing pnp D&D. One poster's subbmision:
Player: How much damage does a half-orc do?
DM: Well, that depends on what he has equipt, strength bonuses & etc..
Player: No, I mean, if I pick up the half-orc and throw him, how much damage does he do?
Nice on the strength. I can see I have a long way to go.
Tourbillon * Hyper * Headbanger * Speedstick * Arkane
I'm not sure if D&D has caps for attributes, but in a semi-related thing I know the cap for attributes in Neverwinter Nights is 50 as well.Maybe 50 is just like the hard cap for attributes?
Maybe we can consult the all knowing MysticTheurge or someone with similar knowledge on this subject.
Server - Thelanis
What isthis Bloodrage? Where do you aquire it?
Originally Posted by Handee
Scourge Choker, cursed crypt.
(Got the littany of the dead beating the raid on hard tonight)
Nice to see stats are not hard capped.![]()
By the way, you are a physical paragon... I'm jealous.
Server - Thelanis
odd question, but why were your hps only at 510 when you had a 48 con? You should be getting almost 200 just from the con bonus.
I ask because I am about to start a babarian and I have him slated for 500 hps with gear, but with out rageing.
----------------<]--+ DEAD BLADES +--[>---------------[Korvee FTR14] …… [Siins CLR14] …… [Sinned RAN13/ROG1] …… [Sinning BAR7/FTR2] ...... [Fluffer WIZ4]