Incoporeal Undead Beholder with 5000 hit points, 20 eye ray attacks per second, and antimagic zone..sure no problem, got no complaints about him. Hell, I like him.
Bugged wraiths that don't even register your attacks/swings and give you a roll to-hit, bugged wraiths that can't be touched by anything but a firewall, and bugged wraiths that hide in the walls, transparent crevices and "safe" areas in the zone, bugged wraiths that when you kill them don't count against the optional mob waves..It kind of uhhh, bugs me. Did I mention the word bug?
It's just a kind of a small pain in the ass waiting around for these to unbug for 10 minutes while an undead beholder spams negative levels, stat damage, and flesh to stone on you. I want my shield pieces and nobody wants to run this **** quest for the optional because its so ridiculously broken.
If you intended it to be exactly like this please let me know, but I got a problem with when I swing at a wraith I don't even get a to-hit roll.
Thanks, Twerpp