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  1. #61
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword;1384541[B
    All you clerics out there...[/B]
    1.) Do you notice your healers friend type forged have a dramatic reduction in the benefits they receive from your healing?

    2.) Have my bretheren made you angry or something?

    3.) Do you have any fluffy, pink, stuffed bunnies to eat?

    Thank you...

    ~~EDIT: Lol...I typoed!....
    1. Never ask if have healers friend. Just look at the bar and how far up it goes with what healing spell. In the same way I never ask how many HP a character has, I just find some bars go up more than others. I leave it up to the player to choose how much strain to put on the cleric resourses of a party.

    2. I don't think wf are very good looking and feel much better about them when they wear pink.

    3. I was unaware you liked pink stuffed bunnies but I will keep an eye out for those for you. Is that where the pink comes from?
    "Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.""--Jack Burton, Big Trouble Little China

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post
    :All you warforged out there...
    1.) What is your level? 8 7cleric/1 sorcerer

    2.) Do you have healers friend? yes, so I can heal myself

    3.) How many levels of healers friend do you have at this level? one

    4.) Do you like to eat fluffy, pink, stuffed bunnies too? warforge don't eat.

    All you clerics out there...
    1.) Do you notice your healers friend type forged have a dramatic reduction in the benefits they receive from your healing? yes, but that is normal.

    2.) Have my bretheren made you angry or something? no

    3.) Do you have any fluffy, pink, stuffed bunnies to eat? they give me heartburn

    Thank you...

    ~~EDIT: Lol...I typoed!....
    There is areason you should never accept blind invites, thanks for reminding us of that fact. I do ask if they have healer's friend, if only to know what spells I cast in their direction. And I do ask if they can be healed. Sometimes I have problems healing them due to thedamage they take, and I let the party, notably the casters, know this. You had an idiot cleric. Ignore and move on. I'm surethere are many more fleshies to kill. My WF likes Fleshies, it's his job.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  3. #63
    Community Member Daedalis's Avatar
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    All you Warforge out there....
    1.) What is your level? 9th level Barbarian....code name: Deaath. Mission: Bring death to all without discrimination. Forged after my mentor Havek.

    2.) Do you have healers friend? Yes

    3.) How many levels of healers friend do you have at this level? 2 levels to insure mission completion. Wouldn't go over 2 as it is a waste of AP.

    4.) Do you like to eat fluffy, pink, stuffed bunnies too? Eating is not apart of the mission parameters....but the squish just fine

    All you clerics out there...
    1.) Do you notice your healers friend type forged have a dramatic reduction in the benefits they receive from your healing? Depends on the spell used. When I run my cleric at lower levels and cure light is what I have, I do see a difference....but by the time I have cure moderate, I usually don't see much difference. Another thing....if the said cleric is healing a human...they do have the AP for increased healing too. Not all fleshies are created equal

    2.) Have my bretheren made you angry or something? When I cleric, I heal without discrimination....unless the player has an IQ less than their shoe size. Then I usually let them die in their own misery. Something like, zerging ahead of the group without letting anyone know or the group deciding to send someone ahead to pull mobs.

    3.) Do you have any fluffy, pink, stuffed bunnies to eat? My cleric doesn't have any fluffy pink stuffed bunnies....but my wizzie does , he can make them out of thin's magic.

    Some people just don't do what they should....of course of all the party is taking a huge hit....then they usually stick to the ones taking the most damage. In the case of my Barbarian it would be him. But for every 10 pts of damage I take, I give 80 . Sounds like you got a defective Cleric unit, dispose and initiate new cleric build with UMD/sorc/wiz capablity...just ask the fleshmaker to make one for you...Surely he can find the parts of a few bad cleric units to make a good one (there are some really good ones out there, just have to find the wizzie with reconstruct ...but I do have to say that I haven't yet had to dispatch a cleric unit for my barb....yet)...mission complete.....all moving things destroyed. Recharge in progess......
    Last edited by Daedalis; 01-05-2009 at 10:11 AM.

  4. #64
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    There is areason you should never accept blind invites, thanks for reminding us of that fact. I do ask if they have healer's friend, if only to know what spells I cast in their direction. And I do ask if they can be healed. Sometimes I have problems healing them due to thedamage they take, and I let the party, notably the casters, know this. You had an idiot cleric. Ignore and move on. I'm surethere are many more fleshies to kill. My WF likes Fleshies, it's his job.
    Although the OP wandered off back in June, twas still a good reread from the days of old.

    The only good fluffy pink bunnies, are the ones sticky with their own leakages, so they can be used to adorn our plating - Pillows McFluff, Thelanian Combat Unit, lvl 8.

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #65
    Community Member crisisphat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post
    All you warforged out there...
    1.) What is your level?
    A level 15 (almost 16) wf wizzy, and a level 8 wiz/2 rogue wf arcane trickster.
    2.) Do you have healers friend?
    Hell no
    3.) How many levels of healers friend do you have at this level?
    Refer to question #2
    4.) Do you like to eat fluffy, pink, stuffed bunnies too?
    Of course

    All you clerics out there...
    1.) Do you notice your healers friend type forged have a dramatic reduction in the benefits they receive from your healing?
    As long as they have first tier HF, no, not really
    2.) Have my bretheren made you angry or something?
    Yes, but then again, everyone irks me.
    3.) Do you have any fluffy, pink, stuffed bunnies to eat?
    Yes, but I'm not sharing

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