But it could easily turn into a 'doom' post, with the responses. I'm just wondering what everyone else thinks.
With the recient Mod 5 implement, every instance but Necropolis is a ghost town. Even the Marketplace is considerly empty. I personally don't think it was this bad in gianthold, but who knows, could very well be.
The questions is. Do you really think it wil return to normal? Or is Gianthold, and virutally all other quests a forgotten memory?
I ask because it takes me two hours to actually form a Non-necropolis party, no matter the quest. People will not do Prison of the Planes on elite anymore on Kyber.
Granted, it is still early, but given the farming needed in Necropolis, (more so than gianthold. Gianthold was just relics, Necropolis is a plethoria of stuff.) the new content, and generally just the sheer time sink of it all...is the rest of DDO going to be harder to gather a party to explore?
I personally miss Gianthold.