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  1. #1
    Community Member Rindalathar's Avatar
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    Default Devs, please consider mechanics updates between Mods

    As we now know, we won't be getting an Update 5.1 or 5.2, but rather plowing right into Mod 6 sometime late this year or early 2008. Fine, if that's what they want to do, I'm ok with it.

    But, we all know there are many outstanding bugs with the current state of the game as it stands. A good number of these bugs are addressed, as we see in the WDA every week.

    Now, if the intent is to not release new content between Mods, could we at least have mechanics/bug updates in place of 5.1 or 5.2? I think Turbine could definitely get some mileage out of fixing bugs and releasing a nice update/fix per month to better demonstrate that the commitment to DDO is still there.

    How does everyone feel about getting a bug fix per month, seeing that new content is now off the table?
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  2. #2
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Jan 2006


    I agree some bug fix releases for the most annoying bugs would be nice.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Despite my desire to have new content on a regular basis, I've been after a "cleanup" release for a while. There are way too many bugs that have been persistent since mod 3 or earlier that have simply never been addressed. Each update/mod adds a huge number to this pile. Most seem to result from radical game mechanics changes, so I'm pretty surprised by the don't-give-a-**** attitude we have seen since mod 3.

    I mean, come on, mod3 was released about a year ago! Shouldn't we have the bugs that are major impacts to gameplay fixed by now?

    I know someone will ask for an example, so here's one everyone should be familiar with: the first swing while running making the sound (and the actual swing) on the animation for the backswing. After dealing with this problem for a year, I'm actually pretty used to my first swing using the backside of the dorf axe... but COME ON! A YEAR? To fix a problem that was INTRODUCED????????????


  4. #4


    I'd actually love to see them release some of the little things more periodically too.

    I understand if the level cap, 8th level spells, 15/16th level enhancements and all the new quests get bundle together in a dec/jan update.

    But it'd be nice if whatever level 1-7 spells, 1-14 enhancements, new feats and so on are ready got released every so often between now and then.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Thumbs up a big thumbs up!

    Yes, please. My post for this idea from another thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    I don't agree with Mods only. At the same time, I think too many Updates (3 after Mod3) pushes back the big Mod content too much. Compared to earlier releases, 10 weeks per Mod is VERY aggressive scheduling. Right now, we've gotten 5 Mods in 77 weeks; an average of 1 Mod per 15 weeks (or 1 Mod per 19 weeks not counting Mod1). They're proposing to cut that by 1/3rd to 1/2! And that is impressive.

    Launch- Feb 06
    Mod1- April 06 (content done in beta, so doesn't really count)
    Mod2- July 06 (5 months from Launch)
    Mod3- Oct 06 (3 months from Mod2)
    Mod4- April 07 (5.5 months from Mod3)
    Mod5- Sept 07 (5.5 months from Mod4)

    But, [the new 10 week plan] does leave a lot of time between Mods. We're not even 2 weeks after Mod5 and people are clamoring for more. I think there needs to be *something* between Mods. We will always see patches/hotfixes for problems. But, I'd still like to see Updates between big Mods that include: new spells, gameplay balance changes, quest rebalances, maybe a few new quests. Leave out the big content focused Updates like Evil Resurgent and expand them into their own stand alone Mods. But, keep smaller updates that focus on different areas of the game (eg., Mark of the Dragon, Academy Training, Stormreach Under Siege)
    Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 10-10-2007 at 01:02 PM.

  6. #6
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Default I agree

    Fxiing some "known Issues" from the latest module (and prior ones) in November and some more in December if Mod 6 waits until January would be REALLY nice!

    Also, when does Festivus start again?


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