Since Mod 5 I have had reboot issues after being ingame for about 5 mins.....everything freezes (Might still hear voice chat for 5 seconds) then my system reboots.
It will do this 1ce or twice in the first miniutes of loging in then it seems to bo okay for the next several hours until I finish and come back the next time log in 2-5 mins...reboot...
...This Has happened prior to Mod 5 but only 1-2 a month if that (About mod 3 it started) Now it is REGULAR - every session - I have had it happen on my 2 bards. (All I have played lateley)
I do not have to be doing anything much (checking auction)
Annoying when I log in, join a group enter an dungeon get my buffs and bam - reboot - 2-3 mins of group waiting for me to return and I have no buffs anymore...
I have had other members of groups mention it has been happening to them since mod 5
No other application or game causes a reboot on this sytem.