Got some items that I'm looking for trades on, and things that I'm looking for. If you're interested in anything I have, please let me know. Otherwise, good luck and happy looting.
- +1 Wisdom Tome
[+6 Stat Gear]
- (2) +6 Strength Belt {ml 13}
- +6 Intelligence Goggles of Minute Seeing (+3) (RR Drow/Elf) {ml 13}
- +6 Intelligence Goggles of The Eagle (Spot +3) {ml 15}
- +6 Dexterity Gloves {ml 13}
- +6 Charismatic Cloak of Invisibility {ml 15}
- +6 Dexterity Gloves of Sustance (+5) [Halfling Only, UMD 22] {ml 15}
- Mace of Smiting (Old Version)**{ml 6}
- +1 Impact Maul of Disruption (RR Elf/Drow) {ml 10}
- +1 Banishing Greatclub of Shatter (+2) {ml 12}
- +1 Paralyzing Heavy Crossbow {ml 10}
- +1 Vorpal Khopesh {ml 10} (New)
- +1 Crippling Khopesh of Smiting {ml 12}
- +5 Acid Silver Falchion of Maiming {ml 12}
- +5 Shocking Burst Light Hammer of Shattermantle {ml 14}
- +4 Transmuting Scimitar of Backstabbing (+1) {ml 12}
- +3 Transmuting Greatsword of Pure Good {ml 10}
- +3 Bodyfeeding Bastard Sword of Pure Good {ml 12}
- +2 Cursespewing Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling {ml 12}
- +1 Seeker (10) Kukri of Righteousness {ml 12}
- +1 Holy Composite Longbow of Greater Construct Bane {ml 10}
- +1 Flaming Burst Short Sword of Destruction {ml 12}
- Fearsome Robe of Greater Fire Resistance {ml 14}
- +5 Mithril Chain Shirt {ml 8}
- Helm of Wizardy VI {ml 13}
- Belt of Heavy Fortification {ml 9}
- Disease Immunity Belt of Heavy Fortification {ml 13}
- Ogre Power (+1) Belt of Heavy Fortification {ml 13}
- Ogre Power (+1) Belt of Spell Resistance 19 {ml 13}
- +25% Striding Boots of Tumbling (+3) {13}
- Cloak of Protection (+3) - {ml 9}*
- Cloak of Protection (+4) - {ml 11}*
- Cloak of Invisibility - {ml 9}
- (Out of Stock)
- Ring of Heavy Fortification {ml 11}*
- Ring of Protection +4 - {ml 11}
- Underwater Action Ring of Protection +4 - {ml 13}
- Underwater Action Ring of Haggling (+11) - {ml 13}
- Death's Locket - {ml11}
- Proof against poison necklace of protection (+4) - {ml 15}
- Necklace of Haggling (+10) - {ml 9}
- Pearl of Power X {ml 9}
- (Out of Stock)
(New) - New item added.
* = Item is a little dinged up. If you would like to see it first please let me know.
** = Smiting {Doesn't Add +2 when attacking constructs, Crits on a 20 naturally}](Little Dinged Up, but still works fantastically.)
[Things I want]
Looking for the following items;
- Want a +4 Adamantine Rapier of Greater Giant Bane (elements is fine) (RR:Elf/Drow is fine).
- Want a Smiter/Paralyzing Rapier (RR:Elf/Drow is fine). [Don't know if they actually make the rapiers of smiting, if not, please let me know]
- Want a +1/+2 Adamantine Wounding Rapier of Puncturing (RR:Elf/Drow is fine).
- Want Inferno Bracers (+6 Dexterity)
- Want +6 Strength Gloves
- Want (2) Ring of the Ancestor
- Looking for Rings of Spell Storing
- Looking for +6 Constitution Ring (Elf, Drow RR is fine)
- Looking for Beholder Optic Nerves
Here's what I need for Ingredients;
- Chipmunk Funk
- (5) Large Devil Scales
- (4) Large Glowing Arrowhead
- (2) Large Twisted Shrapnel
- (5) Large Sulfurous Stone
- (1) Large Gnawed Bone
- (4) Large Length of Infernal Chain
* - For ingredients I'm handling this a little differently. You can offer me items I need, buy them (not going to be cheap), or make me an offer. That being said, right now cash/ingredients I need go further then say a vorpal.
For what I have
Green = Glad to trade
Red = Looking for something of equal value, otherwise won't trade.
Yellow = Going to have to be really good to trade. Possible suggestions; Scales, Tome Pages, Rings of the Ancestor, Vorpals, Disrupters, etc. High end gear.
For what I want
Want - I want, and willing to do some trading to get.
Looking for - Generally looking for something equal in value, willing to go without.
Alas I fear my continued operation is in question, so I am doing what I thought I would never do. On any of the items above I will entertain offers for platinum. I am nearly broke on all of my characters and am in need of fresh cash supplies. If you wish to buy an item from me, please let me know.
Generally speaking, green items are negotiable, red require a decent commitment of cash, and yellow will probably go for no less then two million. Bear in mind though that I reserve the judgment on whether I will just flat out sell it. I'm happy to listen to offers though.
Thanks for your continued patronage and safe travels to you all.