Reaver Elite - 1 item.
Dragon Normal - nothing.
Reaver Normal - 1 item.
Titan Elite - 1 item.
Reaver Elite - 1 item.
Titan Elite - 0 items.
Dragon Hard - 1 item.
Dragon Normal - 0 items.
Reaver Normal - 5 items(the most I have ever seen from this new system, and it does not balance the failure of this system).
DQ Normal as Sorc - 1 item.
DQ Normal as Ranger - 0 items.
Reaver Hard - 0 items.
Reaver Normal - 1 item.
Dragon Normal - 1 item.
DQ Normal - 1 item.
The list goes on, and the general average of all the raids I have done comes to a 12.3% chance of Raid Loot dropping. This is after the '25% on Elite' fix(items still drop more frequently on Normal).
There needs to be a conditional set:
If raid loot % is less than 16.67, then reroll until over 16.67.
If raid loot % is greater than 83.3, then reroll until under 83.3.
If players<2, then raid loot rolls at 1d2.
This guarantees one piece for a 2-man, or at least 2 for a full raid, and a 50/50 chance for a soloer. It would stop these 'z. o. m. g...... the loot... is... broken....' threads.
Simple fix is simple.