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  1. #501
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  2. #502
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    I dont get how people dont read about the loot system and see that is up to a 1 in 4 chance depending on how the raid scales in difficulty and come on the forums complaining about not getting 1 in 4 on Elite Titan, c'mon people this raid is no more difficult than it is on normal of course it won't scale to 1 in 4 and im pretty sure reaver don't either. If you want the 1 in 4 drops you need to be doing dragon or queen elite.

    Now granted the no item runs are frustrating but so was seeing the item you wanted drop and have a bad roll and not get it. Come to think of it so is running xorian and not getting a gird or a chaosgarde, but not many on here complaining that they ran that quest 3 times and noone in party got one.
    Ghallanda Rerolled
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  3. #503
    Community Member Lanuric's Avatar
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    Default Omg!

    Seems Ive opened a real can of worms with this.

    Just a note, ran another Elite Reaver raid, so 3 raids on the 1 toon, 1 on another.........and 3 items dropped.....none that I could use or I already had.

    Personally, Id prefer rolling to get the item, but thats not how it is. It would be nice if atleast 1 item was guarenteed to drop, although that itself opens a whole other can.

    I suppose Im just venting my frustration at my bad luck for rolling on raid loot now. (My bad rolls are evidence at trying to unlock a door and rolling 8 numbers under 5 in a row) The way I obtained most of my items previously was that no other person wanted it. I have won 1 or 2 rolls, but they were more items that I werent worried about whether I got them or not.

    Feel free to bag my whinging if you like. With my mostly bad luck (with occasional flashes of brilliance) at loot pulling, my quest for needed raid items seems almost impossible.

    As for Xorian, it took me 8 runs to finally get my chaosgaurd, and I still only have 1 Gird between 4 toons. Ive lost count how many times Ive ran Xorian and watched other ppl (good luck to them) pull the items I need. But this is not isolated to me alone. Long live the crappy loot tablers!!
    Last edited by Lanuric; 10-17-2007 at 06:00 AM.
    Lanuric and Fenuric Halven, Arrass Katlan, Arconstruct and Kierahn the Servant, Gruntak the Songmaster, Kohahn and Dehli of the Blades, Taikiji, Shurikai and Dojuwa of the Ninjic
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    Ruby Covenant, Halfling Commandoes, The Harpers
    A collection of my Short Stories

  4. #504
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Maybe comments about the new raid system should be left to those who actually play the game and do raids.

    EDIT: Not directed to post above mine.
    Last edited by gpk; 10-17-2007 at 06:46 AM.

  5. #505


    Quote Originally Posted by Lanuric View Post
    Seems Ive opened a real can of worms with this.

    Just a note, ran another Elite Reaver raid, so 3 raids on the 1 toon, 1 on another.........and 3 items dropped.....none that I could use or I already had.

    Personally, Id prefer rolling to get the item, but thats not how it is. It would be nice if atleast 1 item was guarenteed to drop, although that itself opens a whole other can.

    I suppose Im just venting my frustration at my bad luck for rolling on raid loot now. (My bad rolls are evidence at trying to unlock a door and rolling 8 numbers under 5 in a row) The way I obtained most of my items previously was that no other person wanted it. I have won 1 or 2 rolls, but they were more items that I werent worried about whether I got them or not.

    Feel free to bag my whinging if you like. With my mostly bad luck (with occasional flashes of brilliance) at loot pulling, my quest for needed raid items seems almost impossible.

    As for Xorian, it took me 8 runs to finally get my chaosgaurd, and I still only have 1 Gird between 4 toons. Ive lost count how many times Ive ran Xorian and watched other ppl (good luck to them) pull the items I need. But this is not isolated to me alone. Long live the crappy loot tablers!!
    Apology accepted. Venting is sometime good for the soul, as long as you realise it was venting.

    Quoted from GPK:

    Maybe comments about the new raid system should be left to those who actually play the game and do raids.

    That was a little rude!
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  6. #506
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Well what is more rude: ppl who actually play the game, post grievances and being attacked for doing so by those who dont and the proffesional forum posters, or my comment?

  7. #507


    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Well what is more rude: ppl who actually play the game, post grievances and being attacked for doing so by those who dont and the proffesional forum posters, or my comment?
    He plays the game, and so do I. And he more or less apologised in the post above yours. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, maybe you should too.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  8. #508
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Oh no I wasn't referring to the post above mine, that's why i didn't quote him. Sorry for the confusion, it just seems to be ANYONE who actually plays the game and has ANY comments or insight derived from his/her gameplay experience is mocked and jumped on by those who who can't claim the same.

    I was in no way inferring the OP (post above mine) didn't have any right to air his thoughts, he has some legitimate complaints and look what it got him, I'm sorry for the confusion.
    Last edited by gpk; 10-17-2007 at 06:47 AM.

  9. #509


    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Oh no I wasn't referring to the post above mine, that's why i didn't quote him. Sorry for the confusion, it just seems to be ANYONE who actually plays the game and has ANY comments or insight derived from his/her gameplay experience is mocked and jumped on by those who who can't claim the same.

    I was in no way inferring the OP (post above mine) didn't have any right to air his thoughts, he has some legitimate complaints and look what it got him, I'm sorry for the confusion.
    ah. Then I apologise too. Sorry. that's why i didn't initially comment on the thread, except it sounded like a dozen other threads out there, for or against.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  10. #510
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Original thread title: What is the point???
    Original thread topic: Bad (unseen) rolls on raid loot resulting in low or no drops.
    My question: What is the point in even posting how much you dislike the current raid loot system when...

    1. It's already changed and I seriously doubt Turbine is going to say, "oh, we screwed up, let's genuinely exercise our brains to make something completely different that actually makes sense and works out for everyone instead of this half-assed attempt that makes some of (1/3? 1/2?) the people happy because they're getting invited into guild raids now (or insert other reason here)".
    2. There's tons of people just waiting for a chance to criticize you for disliking the changes or posting in general how you feel, why you feel that way, etc. (you know, giving feedback to the designers).

    I personally detest the raid loot changes but this is the first time I've posted about it in a while and will be my last because THERE IS NO POINT in posting. Do I hate it? Hell yeah. Am I leaving over it? No...too many other things left they haven't bungled so badly so I'm still mostly having fun. Just not at raiding.
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  11. #511
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Well what is more rude: ppl who actually play the game, post grievances and being attacked for doing so by those who dont and the proffesional forum posters, or my comment?
    So please correct me if I am misinformed or misunderstand you in any way please, am I supposed to infer from your post(s) above that anyone that seems in favor of the new raid system does not actually play this game (regardless of being on this games forums, which last I checked you actually had to have an active account for in able to have the privledge of using.....) when compared with those that do not like it, or is it that when people disagree with the MILLIONTH thread regarding a topic (ok slight exageration there, but not by much ) then they do not in fact play?

    Please sir enlighten me about the actual intention of your post so that we may have it out in the air....
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  12. #512
    Community Member Attomic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vinos View Post
    I like to see how I'm getting hosed
    Now that's just sick.

  13. #513
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Two things seem possible to me here. There is something wrong with the new loot mechanics, causing more, no loot drops then should be.

    Or people are jumping on the, I-killed-the-raid-mob-and-all-I-got-was-10-pinches-of-sand bandwagon.

    To me, it sounds like he is saying in one day, he did 3 raids, two on elite, 12 full people all on the same day.

    While I don't rule out the idea of something being wrong with the loot mechanics causing more no loot then there should be, this particular story raised red flags with me on it's truthiness.

  14. #514
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hvymetal View Post
    So please correct me if I am misinformed or misunderstand you in any way please, am I supposed to infer from your post(s) above that anyone that seems in favor of the new raid system does not actually play this game (regardless of being on this games forums, which last I checked you actually had to have an active account for in able to have the privledge of using.....) when compared with those that do not like it, or is it that when people disagree with the MILLIONTH thread regarding a topic (ok slight exageration there, but not by much ) then they do not in fact play?

    Please sir enlighten me about the actual intention of your post so that we may have it out in the air....
    It has nothing to do with being for OR against something.
    It's just unfair that no matter what, new voices in the forums are met w/ mockery and ridicule. More often than not, these are the ppl who do this for a living, the ppl who never seem to leave the forums to actually play the game and make an informed statement about gameplay, like those they go after.

    It's kinda like the guy who's memorized all the Monopoly rules (but doesn't play) sitting there criticizing you, the person who has played it a lot, for your thoughts on the game based formed by actual gameplay experience. Sure some ppl will oooh and ahh about his encyclopedic knowledge of the rules, but who would you say makes more valid points?

    A million posts? Let there be a million and ONE posts then. You don't have to read them and ppl who haven't voiced their opinion have the right to do so. Unfortunately they can't reply to an old thread and chime in there because that may constitute "necro bumping", which apparently is against the forum rules.

  15. #515
    Community Member Ringlord's Avatar
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    Well I have run raids and I played the game long before I ever did run a raid so I am commenting on the new system no matter who likes me doing so.

    Personally I don't care if no raid loot drops on a run because the way the new system is supposed to work is 100% better than the old system. That said I don't think no raid loot drops on a consistent basis is working as intended.

    Maybe, if it is not too much of a thing to actually code into the game, they could set it up that there are automatic drops on 10+ member raids. Say for example you have 12 raid members and each roll is done seperately before the chest is opened or even as it is opened. Now the computer keeps track and if you get 10 rolls no raid loot the last two automatically get raid loot. Order of the rolls could remain random. If it is 10 or 11 raid members then there is 1 automatic raid loot drop.

    Of course I still think if the non-raid loot pulled from the warded chest was coming out a lot better quality than from any other chest in the quest then people would feel less dissatisfied even if no raid loot dropped.

    There is nothing wrong with setting raid loot rules prior to starting the quest and making sure everyone understands. If I was invited to a raid like that I would abide by the rules. My luck is generally so bad I doubt I would be one of the people to actually pull a raid item with their name on it anyway or if I did it would surely be an item I could not use in the first place LOL.

  16. #516


    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    More often than not, these are the ppl who do this for a living, the ppl who never seem to leave the forums to actually play the game and make an informed statement about gameplay, like those they go after.

    I wish I got paid to post on the forums.
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  17. #517
    Community Member Lanuric's Avatar
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    Default The cup of worms runneth over

    My thoughts were similar to Ringlords on the Raid loot chances, atleast 1 raid item drops for a 12 man group. And the level of non-raid loot in raid chest is great for many ppl, just not me (or Ringlord :P)

    The best non-raid item I ever pulled from raid chest on elite is +1 para Greatclub of PG. Nice item, but almost nobody will use it. (I could be wrong of course. If you want it, Im on Sarlona server, and its yours free)

    There are many of us out there that have the loot table of a potato. We just have to learn to like them mashed. But eventually, you want something else.
    Lanuric and Fenuric Halven, Arrass Katlan, Arconstruct and Kierahn the Servant, Gruntak the Songmaster, Kohahn and Dehli of the Blades, Taikiji, Shurikai and Dojuwa of the Ninjic
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  18. #518
    Community Member miceelf88's Avatar
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    I hated the old system. I like the new one.

  19. #519
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post

    I wish I got paid to post on the forums.
    We'd be rich I tells yah, RICH!

  20. #520
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Last 3 days cycle, i have run and seen:

    Reaver elite 12(barbarian) 3 item/ got amulet
    Reaver elite 12(cleric) 3 item/ got dreamsplitter
    Reaver elite 12(bard) 3 items/ got madstone boots
    Velah elite 12(barbarian) 3 items/ got delving suit
    Velah elite 12(cleric) 4 items/ Got SoS

    Like i've said before, its pure luck what drops, and for who(4 of those runs i had something drop for me, which i either traded for an item or kept. That was a lucky streak for me, rolling 4 fours out of four in a row has a probablility of 1/256 of happening, and will most likely never happen again for me.
    Aundair, New Khyber
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