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  1. #641
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Reaver Elite - 1 item.
    Dragon Normal - nothing.
    Reaver Normal - 1 item.
    Titan Elite - 1 item.
    Reaver Elite - 1 item.
    Titan Elite - 0 items.
    Dragon Hard - 1 item.
    Dragon Normal - 0 items.
    Reaver Normal - 5 items(the most I have ever seen from this new system, and it does not balance the failure of this system).
    DQ Normal as Sorc - 1 item.
    DQ Normal as Ranger - 0 items.
    Reaver Hard - 0 items.
    Reaver Normal - 1 item.
    Dragon Normal - 1 item.
    DQ Normal - 1 item.

    The list goes on, and the general average of all the raids I have done comes to a 12.3% chance of Raid Loot dropping. This is after the '25% on Elite' fix(items still drop more frequently on Normal).

    There needs to be a conditional set:

    If raid loot % is less than 16.67, then reroll until over 16.67.
    If raid loot % is greater than 83.3, then reroll until under 83.3.
    If players<2, then raid loot rolls at 1d2.

    This guarantees one piece for a 2-man, or at least 2 for a full raid, and a 50/50 chance for a soloer. It would stop these 'z. o. m. g...... the loot... is... broken....' threads.

    Simple fix is simple.

  2. #642


    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    This is after the '25% on Elite in some raids' fix
    They've flat out said that some raids don't increase their chances on elite. Most people assume it's the ... wait for it ... Reaver and Titan that don't increase. You know, the two you seem to be doing on elite.
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  3. #643
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    They've flat out said that some raids don't increase their chances on elite. Most people assume it's the ... wait for it ... Reaver and Titan that don't increase. You know, the two you seem to be doing on elite.
    If Velah the Red Dragon God of All Planes of Existence was actually beatable on Elite, I would post the results.

    Oh, I left out a Demon Queen on Elite - 0 items.

  4. #644
    Community Member Torilin's Avatar
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    Default Titan Raid

    Do I think the raid loot mechanic is broke? Yes

    Let me give you my experience.

    Only one item in titan my fighter wants, the belt of course, so I grind and grind to get to 20 because it has to be in that list. On my first 20 runs I saw the belt drop 2 times. Needless to say the belt is not there for my end reward after running #20. Ok chalk it up to a "bad roll". Not to be discouraged because I really like that belt and every fighter should have one. I begin the new process of getting another 20 titan runs under my belt. Grind and Grind, wow finally at #40. I saw the belt drop only 1 time in this set of 20 runs. No biggie Im sitting on 40 lets go check the loot the belt has to be there. NOPE. I would also like to point out that I have never seen the +6 Chr helm drop. 35 elite runs and 5 normal or hard.

    Needless to say i'm retired from the Titan, poor raid loot drop rate, I will just have to eventually craft the belt.
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  5. #645
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    I have retired from all raids non shroud personally. I was running the reaver and the shroud, but I never got tomes in the reaver so it became not worth running it. On my 20th shroud run on my fighter the other day I got 3 +3 tome options. If they fix the abbot I will run the abbot some but in my opinion there is no reason to run the other raids. Running the old raids 20 times is a serious grind and nets a 50% chance at an item on the 20th completion hardly worth it now. Running the reaver from what I can tell nets you a 50% at a +3 tome on the 20th run with no way of knowing if that is a tome you can use and running it each individual run is a 0.8% chance of pulling one. The reaver is a 6 person quest masquerading as a 12 person raid which is no longer fun for me..
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  6. #646
    Community Member Lucian_Navarro's Avatar
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    Default My 2 cents...

    On a personal level I must play devils advocate and list the items from my main toon that I have obtained from the warded chests both pre and post changes.

    Titan Awakes, 38 Runs
    Seven Fingered Gloves (Given to me before the change but I pulled a pair after the change, wearing)
    Chattering Rind (Awarded on my 20th, wearing)
    Shinning Cresent (In the bank but dont know why I keep it)
    Titanic Warforged Docent (Sold)
    Rattle Charm (Sold)
    Visor of Concentration (Sold)
    Breavement (Sold)
    Nullcloth Gown (Wears for fashion)

    Reaver, 58 Runs
    Stormreaver Amulet (In the bank)
    Two Tenderizers (One is used and the other is in the bank, one was my 20th)
    Five Madstone Boots (Four are carried, one was given away, one was my 40th)
    Stormreaver Napkin (Wearing)
    Ventilated Bracers (Given away)
    Two Stormreaver Shields (Given away)
    Two Treason's (Given away)

    Vellah, 12 Runs
    Kundarak Delving Suit (Wears for fashion)

    Demon Queen, 12 Runs
    Torc of Prince Rayium (was given one then obtained one later and gave away)

    Abbot, 2 Runs
    Ring of Hatred (In the bank)

    Also Note: I have never pulled a +3 Tome on any of my characters or been offered as an end reward and I have only obtained four +2 Tomes.
    Last edited by Lucian Navarro; 04-10-2008 at 05:31 PM.

  7. #647
    Community Member FoxOne's Avatar
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    Default agreed with all

    it's not "cool" as it is.Ok,you might get some raid loot but in my case it's always something i can't use or have better already (cloak of the silver concord yesterday in dragon elite but have napkin...i took it for umd but that was about it really) so i wouldn't mind a revamp of loot,nobody or very few run any raid anymore,Demon queen once a week a few titans (java runs it but not many others) abbott everyone hates to even try,so that leaves the reaver and the shroud.I hate farming so when i go shrouding it's for completion.Reaver gave me my First ever +3 tome on my fighter,on 20 i got a dex tome.Fn wow.20th on caster : tenderizer,cloudburst,gloves,head,shield,madstone boots.Yippefn doodely.

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