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  1. #21
    Community Member Ringlord's Avatar
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    I hope for those who ran elite raids with full groups and got nothing that you bug reported it because even if it is not a bug they need the data to determine if the game is actually increasing the chances with the increased difficulty from normal to elite. That could be where the bug is if it exists and you could still be only getting the 1 in 6 chance even on elite.

    I would definitely advise the player who made 20 completions and did not get any raid loot on the end reward table to bug report that immediately.

  2. #22

    Default In case this turns into a tracking thread:

    Reaver Elite last night, group of 11, one raid loot item (Dreamsplitter)

  3. #23
    Community Member Prinstoni's Avatar
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    Dragon elite 10 man no raid loot...
    Reaver elite 11 man no raid loot...

    Well, I have heard from many peeps that I am not the only one. No so called ubbers either that everyone already has. Ubber now is really a double stacked weapon. No one goes ooh at vorpal anymore. Ubber is now a cursespewing disruptor, curspewing adamantine schimitar of smiting, etc.

    What is wrong with this picture?

    +1 vorplas, para's, +2 tomes, disrupters and banishers are by no means replacements to named loot.

    Give us back our warded chests at least we know we are getting something for our work as a group. I knew this is how it would be and all the brown nosing weenies said "no it will be better". LOL How many times is a 12 man elite group going to have to run a raid now to get said loot? Impossible pretty **** close.

    Oh and I have to run the quest 20 times to get my choice of half the raid loot? Wow, been playing since VON came out and only have 1 character who has ran the dragon 13 times. Well, that shouldn't take to long to get named loot.

    BS, just plain BS!!!

  4. #24
    Community Member mrtreats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    I fear we've found a flaw in the new raid loot system.

    This evening a group of 10 ran Titan Awakes on Elite and received not one single piece of raid loot. I understand that the new system is a "1 in 6 cance" for loot to drop which increases in proportion if the raid is run on elite but no raid loot at all on an Elite raid? That's just not an acceptable use of players play time.

    Find an alternative to no loot dropping on elite raids if not any level of raid because people will start to lose their patience receiving nothing for their work they put in. The system doesn't need to be like it was but again... NO raid loot on an elite raid is not an acceptable choice.

    EDIT: We ran Stormreaver Hard with 9 people next after the Titan raid and again NO RAID LOOT DROPPED. Sorry Devs this is not acceptable. Those odds are not 1 in 6 and don't tell me we must have rolled crappy. On top of that we had someone run their 20th Reaver on a toon and did not get raid items in his end rewards.
    1. I just wanna say welcome to MMO's this is just like any MMO in the bigger ones you could do the raid 100 times and never get an item because u have 40+ people at least u have a great chance here.

    2. With raids so easy the are just like normal quests for all the players so why should we be 100% guaranteed a big end reward

    3. Do it 5 times with 12 and tell us on the same raid how many times u get 0/12
    Last edited by mrtreats; 09-29-2007 at 09:38 AM.
    Server: Fernia Guild: Southern Tenant Farmers Union
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  5. #25


    Honeslty, there should be a minimum of one raid item, never zero. There is many people that are mad about not even seeing anything drop., #1 source for DDO information.

  6. #26
    Community Member MacDaddy89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    I guess what Im saying is a raid, elite or not, should never... NEVER, yield no reward from the special loot table.
    Agreed. Raiding should equate to some raid loot.

  7. #27
    Community Member The_Hoff's Avatar
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    Default raid drops

    What I've seen so far -
    - 6 man reaver normal - 1 piece of raid loot
    - 8 man reaver hard - 3 pieces (Including +3 tome)
    - 8 man reaver normal - 1 piece
    - 7 man dragon - 1 piece

    I did get raid loot on my 20th run of the reaver - 8 raid table items (no tomes)

  8. #28
    Community Member wizzy_catt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Hoff View Post
    What I've seen so far -
    - 6 man reaver normal - 1 piece of raid loot
    - 8 man reaver hard - 3 pieces (Including +3 tome)
    - 8 man reaver normal - 1 piece
    - 7 man dragon - 1 piece

    I did get raid loot on my 20th run of the reaver - 8 raid table items (no tomes)
    20th run today? oOoOo Exploit? oOoOo

  9. #29
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    Default something isn't right

    Quote Originally Posted by Strangelove66 View Post
    Relax guys, if there is really a 1/4 probability of raid loot for each player, then a 12-man group on elite has a 97% probability of receiving at least one item. Some of you (including the OP) had their chest fall into the dreaded 3% catagory - it will likely happen to many of us. Just keep your head up and try again next time.

    (For comparison, a 6-man group on elite will have a 83% chance of receiving at least one piece of raid loot).
    I was in those groups last night and while i understand your line of thinking, we did just that. After running the 1st raid and not getting anything, they said "OK, maybe it was just a bad rolls. Let's do a reaver and test the theory." And bam, again no raid loot again. So since we are talking about odds, what are the odds of running 2 raids with over 10 people in each and not getting a single peice of loot.

    I don't hate the idea behind the new system. I don't even really disagree with that they are trying to do, but something is wrong. I have seen lots of post about people getting 0-3 peices of raid loot in 10+ groups and NOT ONE about people getting 10-12 peices of raid loot.

    I say the devs should make the following change. If normally you get a peice of raid loot by rolling a 5 or 6 on a 1d6, then change it so you get the loot on a 1 or 2. If eveything is fair then it shouldn't matter.

    I didn't get involved in the aurguments on this topic before it was released because i was willing ot give it a shot. I wanted to give the system the benefit of the doubt, but now i have tried it and i can say first hand. It is broken or applied incorrectly.

    I encourage anyone who has run a raid since the patch and pulled 6+ peices of raid loot to post and let us know, but until i hear from someone who has i have to assume that what i am seeing is what is happening to everyone.

    Basically what i am saying is that while the system works OK in theory, it must not thave translated to actual preactive very well or it is simply bugged and needs to be reviewed. Whatever the case, Turbine needs to look into it.

  10. #30
    Community Member brootus31's Avatar
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    I would normally side with the " it's all in the luck " crowd, but I ran 2 reavers last night myself.... not one piece of raid loot in 2 12 man raids. Completely unacceptable.

    At least ONE person should have gotten a piece of un-needed loot.

  11. #31


    12 man Reaver, hard. One Dreamspitter, nothing else., #1 source for DDO information.

  12. #32
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizzy_catt View Post
    20th run today? oOoOo Exploit? oOoOo
    Or he was already close to 20......
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  13. #33
    Community Member Solstyse's Avatar
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    I agree there should be at least one raid loot item drop. Doesn't have to be all super uber just one pice of raid loot.
    I still like the new system more than a DKP system where you could go on 20+ raids before even being considered to be able to bid/roll on an item.
    So, till Sony buys Turbine make mine DDO.
    When you're pushed killing is as easy as breathing, unless your underwater then neither is really that easy.

  14. #34
    Community Member brootus31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solstyse View Post
    I agree there should be at least one raid loot item drop. Doesn't have to be all super uber just one pice of raid loot.
    I still like the new system more than a DKP system where you could go on 20+ raids before even being considered to be able to bid/roll on an item.

    You can dkp all you want, but if no loot drops, then there isn't anything to bid on.

  15. #35
    Community Member Solstyse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brootus31 View Post

    You can dkp all you want, but if no loot drops, then there isn't anything to bid on.
    What does rops mean? I don't want to respond to you till I figure that out : ) But I been on plenty raids where nothing has dropped, ecxpt maybe keys/shard for other raids and even those needed to be bid/rolled on.
    But I still say I wish it was at least one pice of loot would drop then everyone else had the 1 in 6 chance. But that one pice that is guarenteed shouldn't be player bound it should be open for rolling.
    So, till Sony buys Turbine make mine DDO.
    When you're pushed killing is as easy as breathing, unless your underwater then neither is really that easy.

  16. #36
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    I was also with Luthen on those two raids where nothing dropped. Also had a Madborn raid not get one single piece of raid loot. Nothing decent dropped at all on any of those three raids. I am in agreeance that this is a bunch of bull. If a team works hard for two hours to complete a raid at least one piece of raid loot should drop or soemthing of its equivalance. All we were getting were level 8 and below rewards. If all my hard work isn't going to pay off I am not going to be very likely to keep wanting to run these raids. This is a good way to drive off a very dedicated crowd of people.

    Xoriat Born
    Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs

  17. #37
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ick View Post
    I was in those groups last night and while i understand your line of thinking, we did just that. After running the 1st raid and not getting anything, they said "OK, maybe it was just a bad rolls. Let's do a reaver and test the theory." And bam, again no raid loot again. So since we are talking about odds, what are the odds of running 2 raids with over 10 people in each and not getting a single peice of loot.

    I don't hate the idea behind the new system. I don't even really disagree with that they are trying to do, but something is wrong. I have seen lots of post about people getting 0-3 peices of raid loot in 10+ groups and NOT ONE about people getting 10-12 peices of raid loot.

    The odds of 1 in 6 per person highly skew the results to 1-3 pieces while leaving a possibility of 10-12. However, that means much fewer parties are going to get 10-12 than 1-3. This should not be surprising. What would be surprising is to see one or more groups of 10+ raid items.
    I say the devs should make the following change. If normally you get a peice of raid loot by rolling a 5 or 6 on a 1d6, then change it so you get the loot on a 1 or 2. If eveything is fair then it shouldn't matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Honeslty, there should be a minimum of one raid item, never zero. There is many people that are mad about not even seeing anything drop.
    I agree there should be a minimum of 1 or maybe 2 pieces of raid loot for every raid. However, how does one determine who gets it, if it is guaranteed? This way is random and everyone has the same chance to get it. I don't see how they could decide who gets a minimum item? This system may not be perfect, but I still think everyone having a chance of raid loot is better than the previous system and I don't want to go back, ever.

    Did two raids yesterday, both with 12 people, Titan and Reaver. Titan dropped 1 item (docent) and Reaver dropped 2 (Shield and Ring) and 2 people got stuck outside and couldn't open the chest. (If either one had pulled something we would have been even with the old system and ahead on that raid.

  18. #38
    Community Member Solstyse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorloch View Post
    I was also with Luthen on those two raids where nothing dropped. Also had a Madborn raid not get one single piece of raid loot. Nothing decent dropped at all on any of those three raids. I am in agreeance that this is a bunch of bull. If a team works hard for two hours to complete a raid at least one piece of raid loot should drop or soemthing of its equivalance. All we were getting were level 8 and below rewards. If all my hard work isn't going to pay off I am not going to be very likely to keep wanting to run these raids. This is a good way to drive off a very dedicated crowd of people.


    I know that you all are level 14 and all but having a few pieces of level 8 gear drop ( was it at least good gear for twinks, other level 8 toons? ) is very diffrent then having nothing drop.
    So, till Sony buys Turbine make mine DDO.
    When you're pushed killing is as easy as breathing, unless your underwater then neither is really that easy.

  19. #39
    Community Member BereanMalachi's Avatar
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    Default not good enough

    Quote Originally Posted by Strangelove66 View Post
    Relax guys, if there is really a 1/4 probability of raid loot for each player, then a 12-man group on elite has a 97% probability of receiving at least one item. Some of you (including the OP) had their chest fall into the dreaded 3% catagory - it will likely happen to many of us. Just keep your head up and try again next time.

    (For comparison, a 6-man group on elite will have a 83% chance of receiving at least one piece of raid loot).
    Sorry man to try to defend DDO at this point and time is simply LAME !!!! Are they trying to drive People away?!!! the old system was not great either, but hey at least the fun of raiding was seeing the raid loot go somewhere!!! Now... You might see it you might not ??? *** to me and most of my guild is casual players... not worth the freaking chance !!!!! You know I was reading the Dev chat one time and the cube was asking if the devs were doing something to get away from the grind mentality of the game ... huh ....wwent the wrong effin way if you ask me ! Explore areas based on rares and discoveries that may not pop then you repeat . raids set up to have so many of certain rare items , dungeons dropping only sop many of said rare items? hmmm then repeat. raids set up to if you done 20 time then you get raid loot ( sometimes) then repeat 20 more times ?????? sounds like an effing grind to me !!!! and now they wont commit to a name or month of release on the new content on the flash screen........ Maybe we need to go to the LOTRO forums and complain about DDO there because nothing is happening here any more !!!!!

  20. #40
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    If you say ok, these are the percentages for drops, BUT we will have ATLEAST 1 drop per raid. We will go back to people short manning it for the exact same reason they short manned it before the MOD. To increase thier percentages for getting raid loot. NO to at least 1 loot. If you should be asking for anything, ask for loot to be changed back, or for the percentages to be looked at and verified.

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