The devil's easy fix: Random Number Generator.
The Random Number Generator is the worse thing that can be done to award those who put their hard time and work into any game.
The random number generator works based off of statistics. The statistics have been shown time and time again so I won't go into that.
What has NOT been discussed here (But was discussed before MOD 5 and the Developers IGNORED) is how the random number generator will follow a normal distribution curve which is posted for you below:
What this means is that everyone who says "Oh that's too bad that you got bad luck. Better luck next time" is 100 % wrong. Everyone who says "Would you be complaining if you got loot 3 times in a row" is 100 % wrong.
This whole discussion is about equality and fairness and currently the random number generator follows a normal distribution curve which is 100 % unfair.
It means that the majority of people will get a bit less raid loot... certain people will get more other will get less and that some people will get way way way more loot and others will get ZERO!
This is why this thread is full of "I LOVE IT" "I HATE IT" posts.
Obviously those who are getting more loot love it and those who are getting less loot hate it.
The absolute unquestionable FACT is that with this current system there will be lots of people who will get completely utterly scrwed out of raid loot. They will put in their hard time, work and effort just like everyone else does but they will get absolutely nothing to show for it.
Same goes for the far right side of the distribution curve.... some people who put in the exact same effort as those mentioned above who got no loot will get massive ammounts of loot. The closer you are to the center of the distribution curve the closer you are to the mean.
The solution to this is you have to put in place a system that does not use the random number generator as it's starting point for determining loot.
There are many many other systems out there some of which have already been suggested. 1 of which is already in the game. The "20 Completions" method.
Here is a small list of NON Random number generator systems that could be applied:
Each and every successful raid completion generates 1 or more tokens for that given raid.
Normal = 1 token
Hard = 2 tokens
Elite = 3 tokens
These tokens can then be brought to the quest given and redeamed for loot. Please note that this system has been used in such games as World of Warcraft and was very successful.
Rewarding Repetition system:
Just like the current system where you get to chose which item you want from a list every 20 successful completions. HOWEVER for this to work you must make the item list the ENTIRE item list and not just a "selection" of the entire item list. Because if you do not do this then again you are using a random number generator and you will find that some people will run the quest 100 times wihtout getting the actual item they wanted.
I do not support the rewarding repetition system unless the FULL list of items is listed at the completion of the 20th raid.
Also I believe that if you remove the random raid loot completely from the warded chests then you should reduce the number of raid completions required from 20 to say 10.
Increasing Favor Faction "unlocking" System
With this system the quest giver basically becomes a merchant. The merchant has all of the raid items in his inventory for sale however you must first unlock them by repeating the raid a certain number of times.
So the lower end raid loot would be available to whoever has completed the raid say 5 times. After the 5th completion then the person in question may buy the lesser raid items from the quest giver with Platinum.
After 10 or 15 completions, you then unlock the next level of items and after running the raid 30 times or more then you have unlocked everything and you may purchase from the quest giver any item from the raid.
Note that 30 times is a heck of a lot of time with a 3 day raid timer and really no one can repeat EVERY raid in the game every 3 days unless you're super uber hardcore so realistically you do two a week of the same raid on the same toon. So that's still 15 weeks of raiding the boss twice a week before you can have access to the most uber stuff. Just posting that comment for all of those who are worried that the streets will be flooded with raid loot under such a system....
Another thing you can do is combine the
Increasing Favor Faction System with the
Token System. Just replace buying the items with cash to buying the items with Tokens however you still have to have done the raid xx number of times to unlock the best items.
So under this combined system. In order to get say a Chattering ring I have to 1) Have say 30 Titan raid tokens (lets call them titan gears for fun) AND I have to have completed the Titan raid at least 30 times. This solves the problem of too much raid loot getting out on the streets. It's also very easy to implement from here on forward.
The single turn in system:
This system is currently in place for the Black Abbott and works very well. It involves many quests (which promote grouping) to upgrade an item over and over again and then the item can finally be upgraded one last time after completing a raid! This system works extremely well and is working well in the game right now.
Another spin off on this system is you could implement quests which require you to bring the "head of the black abbott" to the quest giver for a turn in reward. Each raid boss could drop a different piece to be turned in... the titan could drop a special set of mechanics that a certain quest giver wants. The key to this system is that each raid boss must drop at least 1 or 2 of the special items each and every raid and then the lucky one at the raid to have gotten the item can then turn it in.
Notice this system has a lot of flexibility! You could say that there are 4 special items per raid boss and that each kill will generate at least 2 of the 4 items. (examples only) 1 item STR based melee, 1 for devine casters, 1 for pure casters and 1 for DEX based melee.
Please note that this system has also been used for over 10 years successfully in other MMO's (Everquest, FF Online, World of Warcraft, etc.)