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  1. #1
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Petition to make Kobold Assualt a raid

    I understand people want more TS type raids, and some people want a lowbie raid for fun. So here is my idea.

    Kobold Assualt
    Kill 1000 kobolds
    Kill boss X
    Finish before time runs out (30 mins)

    Increase spawn rate by 4-5, allow 12 people
    make loot similiar to TS in just named items in last chest(s)
    Make xp decent, but not overwhelming, 2500 base imo
    have a few optional boss spawns with chests, so you might actually leave the ramp to see if they spawn.

    That is it, would have to make bout 10 named items or so and change the programming. Shouldn't take long and would give something else to do that could be fun.

  2. #2


    and of course no uber loot.

    Maybe some +3 weapons that would be usable at level 2.
    +6 skill gear usable at level 2. (yes, I did say 6 and not 5. Mostly to mess people up in their normal planning. )
    A minor heal lore item on gloves would be nice as there are only 3 heal lore items in the game period.
    +1 goblin or reptile bane weapons.
    An elemental lesser ooze bane everbright weapon.
    +4 stat ability potions much like the stat potions you can get out of house D. (as dropping tomes would be way to much at this point.)

    of all of these I like the idea of gloves of heal +5 with minor heal lore on them.

  3. #3
    Community Member Solstyse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007



    I love the idea of lower level raids. maybe make one for each level range. 3-6/ 4-7/ 5-8/ 6-9. that would rock. Low level raids just make it more fun for newer players. And newer players make for a bigger player base. Means more subscriptions. Means more money. Its a win win = )
    So, till Sony buys Turbine make mine DDO.
    When you're pushed killing is as easy as breathing, unless your underwater then neither is really that easy.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    They could even hold a contest to list the named items, and if your item was picked would get the name you gave it.

    For instance:
    Xyfiel's Short Sword
    1d6 19-20X2
    +1 Enhancement
    Reptile Bane
    L2 Requirement

  5. #5


    While I'd love to have gear named after me... I think I'd try to get Mocat in first.

    Mocat's Hide: +2 leather with 10% striding. usable at lvl 3. Now granted, he'd have to come up with a line for it. I'm thinking of paraphrasing the road runner myself. "yark... err.. emm... flee!!!"

    Missing Minds: power 6 trinket usable at level 3. "I'm thinking... Yes I'm thinking.... Where am I again?"

    Kargon already has his ham.

    The Cube: 3 clicks of Ooze Puppet Usable at level 3. "wiggle wiggle squish" or however his normal movement is in here. I forget. I tend not to leave bait out for him.

  6. #6
    Hero nibel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007



    I love the low-level content, and Kobold Assault is a great "kill for fun" quest.

  7. #7


    Hehe, a Kobold Massacre raid would be fun.

    And a preemptive sorry to Mocat... but... your species breeds faster than rabbits. We have to cull the things somehow.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

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