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  1. #1
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Default AOE Scrolls Dropping?

    While questing this weekend, I was given a couple of Wall of Fire scrolls from a nice group mate and it got me thinking about how rarely my lvl 14 Sorcerer gets AOE scrolls in chests. I have been doing mostly new quests (many on Elite) when not running the Reaver or other Gianthold quests (mostly on Elite) so I am definetely doing high end quests.

    I searched for the entry in the release notes when they were removed from the Vendor's:

    The removed spells will still drop as treasure and at a higher rate than previously

    My question to the Dev's, and to all of you for your input, is - what does a higher rate mean to you?

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barumar View Post
    While questing this weekend, I was given a couple of Wall of Fire scrolls from a nice group mate and it got me thinking about how rarely my lvl 14 Sorcerer gets AOE scrolls in chests. I have been doing mostly new quests (many on Elite) when not running the Reaver or other Gianthold quests (mostly on Elite) so I am definetely doing high end quests.

    I searched for the entry in the release notes when they were removed from the Vendor's:

    The removed spells will still drop as treasure and at a higher rate than previously

    My question to the Dev's, and to all of you for your input, is - what does a higher rate mean to you?

    I've got a L5 wiz and running him through quests in a normal way (ie no power levelling) he already has found in chests at least one each of the L4 & L5 scrolls that were removed from the game. I figure that means enough of them are dropping that Wizards won't have any trouble

  3. #3
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    I get a group of scrolls once in a blue moon...kinda like gems dropping...either I get 4 or more or I get none....not often though...maybe every 30 chests or so?
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  4. #4
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    I've got a L5 wiz and running him through quests in a normal way (ie no power levelling) he already has found in chests at least one each of the L4 & L5 scrolls that were removed from the game. I figure that means enough of them are dropping that Wizards won't have any trouble
    I am glad that you are able to acquire them to add to your spell book. I have only ever gotten four Otto's Sphere of Dancing scrolls (aka Dance Ball) that I save and have given two to high level Wizards that forgot to take that when they leveled! Seems like you Wizi's need to remember to take the AOE spells on level, as you may have trouble finding the scrolls...

    My concern is that scrolls I like to carry on my Sorcerer - instead of memorizing (limited number and so many choices!) are NOT supportable over time - even with very limited use!

    Case in point - Dimension Door. I only bought 100 of them (my poor decision before mod 4.1 to buy hundreds of Solid Fog and Cloud Kill scrolls as they are virtually useless now!), and they are going quickly. It is nice to use one occasionally, but I have seriously only looted 2 or 3 since the change (and increased drop rate) went into effect!

  5. #5
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    Chest are random and luck.

  6. #6
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barumar View Post
    Seems like you Wizi's need to remember to take the AOE spells on level, as you may have trouble finding the scrolls...
    One thing some people may not know... You can purchase, and scribe, your higher level spells ahead of time. Meaning, before you can actually cast any of them.

    That way when you level up, only the spells that you can't purchase will be on the list to choose from, since you would have already scribed the ones you could buy somewhere.
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  7. #7
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    I got a few, but they seem to be rare.

  8. #8
    Community Member ZarakNur's Avatar
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    My WF Barb gets them all the time in the orchard.

    Pretty much every other chest I open has at least 1 scroll in it.

    My Wizard/Sorc friends are appreciative at least...
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  9. #9
    Community Member Okita's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barumar View Post
    Case in point - Dimension Door. I only bought 100 of them (my poor decision before mod 4.1 to buy hundreds of Solid Fog and Cloud Kill scrolls as they are virtually useless now!), and they are going quickly. It is nice to use one occasionally, but I have seriously only looted 2 or 3 since the change (and increased drop rate) went into effect!
    Or ya know, ppl like me who bought 0 of them before the change...

    If you are human, you could always take that dragonmark feat... that gets you 1 or 2 per rest...

  10. #10
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okita View Post
    Or ya know, ppl like me who bought 0 of them before the change...

    If you are human, you could always take that dragonmark feat... that gets you 1 or 2 per rest...
    My Sorcerer is Human, and while I did this to get the extra Feats, I REALLY like the ones I have (Mental Toughness, Extend, Empower, Maximize, Enlarge and Extend), so swapping one for a Dragon Mark is not something I would consider.

    I guess what I am hoping for is to hear that "Increased the drop rate of AOE scrolls" would mean MORE dropping - like the Ancient Bronze Tokens in the Desert. They DO drop more! Too bad the items for turning them in are still lousy...

  11. #11
    Community Member Cruzer's Avatar
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    I think the OP was mainly talking about being able to grab spells as a wizard for your spell book. I thought you were still able to select spells taht have been removed from vendors while you were leveling. It might be better to plan ahead when you level, only taking spells that you can't buy as you level, and just scribe the easily found spells...
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  12. #12


    To be honest, they have been dropping more and more with all my char. Or I'm just getting lucky.
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  13. #13
    Community Member MasterofDungeons's Avatar
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    Played a lot on Sunday and pulled a lot of scrolls in Stormcleave, Delera's, Gwylan's, and the Pit. Pulled multiples of cloudkill, solid fog, and d. door. It was the first time I had pulled those since they pulled them from the vendors.

  14. #14
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    I've definitely seen all of the various "off-the-market" scrolls drop in chests, but not so often that I would notice them dropping more than other scrolls. The drop rate is certainly not enough to generate a sustainable supply for anyone who uses them at all more than occasionally, but seems likely to be enough for most wizards to not have too much trouble getting them for their spellbooks. This is no doubt the intended result, as the whole reason for withdrawing them from general sale was to prevent their overuse.

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