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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Take me to your queen!

    I finished flagging the 3 quests for the DQ raid last night for the first time. Now I need to do the Preraid, and then whack the Queen good!

    Who wants to take me on my first raid outside of Tempest Spine? You know you wanna!

    level 13 sorc

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    If you list your typical playtimes, I'm sure someone will find a spot for you.

  3. #3
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    Deathwatch Guard is running the Demon Queen on Wednesday Oct 10th at 10pm. If you are on (and haven't done it already) you are welcome to come along! Check out ourwebsite,, and sign up.

  4. #4


    10, 10, 10? whoa! creepy
    If you want to know why...

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Did AtDQ last night to be fully raid ready. Log on tonight and see a LFM for DQ Elite... I ask the leader if he would mind a first timer coming along, and he invites me in.

    Here is how my first raid in DDO went, after playing for ... a little over a year now?

    Leader is going over some basics, items to bring stuff to buy, buffs you will need. Seems like a lot of first-timers in the group, so I don't feel as bad and hope that it means I will have a decent understanding of what I am supposed to do by the time I have to do it. We only have on cleric so far in a party of 10, so he asks anyone with UMD to buy some mass cure scrolls so we can spam those when needed.

    I am pretty poor (my first time being over 100k gold was just last weekend!) but I have about 60k on me (levelled to 13 and took stone skin last weekend as well.. **** those components are pricy!). I throw on my best haggle item and greater heroism and buy as many of the scrolls as I can afford, about 50, which leaves me with a few coppers over 6 plat. But at least I will be the best team player I can be!

    We meet up in the desert (my old stomping grounds... I am a solo junkie, and I learned a lot by soloing the desert back when it was the fashionable thing to do -- okay I still do it, but at least I do have a bloodstone and fire greaves ;-)). And after waiting around to fill the party (ended up picking up a few more clerics) we head over to the entrance. Turns out no one could open it on elite (which was a bit worrisome, I will admit... wanted to do it on elite, and no one had even beat it on hard before! ), so we settle for hard. Go in, through the first little hall, buff, and after some minor setbacks (afk, cleric not being in, buffs wearing out while waiting on afk, recalling out to restart with the cleric, zoning in on normal and disbanding AGAIN to get it back onto hard) we were inside! We didn't discuss a lot of strategy, so I was a bit worried because I had no idea what she was going to do or what was going to happen. The leader positions the casters next to one of the pillars and has us slide down a little bit to help try and minimize the blade barrier contact... boy that was fun. I fell off a few times, but was always able to land on the safe spot-- first person shooter junkie skills come in handy, I never even touched the lava or the ground :-) Two of our clerics fell off, as well as the other sorc, and they all died.

    FINALLY we get everyone ressed, rebuff again :-p and are ready to start.

    Man, what a snoozefest. They activate her, but she doesn't come and attack.... we firewall firewall firewall her down, and she doesn't come kick our asses or anything, just has her archers shoot at us and blade barriers and all that... granted, the archers hurt, and I died once from them, incapped from them again, and then got my head lobbed off by a blade barrier, but I was expecting something a lot more... frantic? epic? action-packed? I didn't even get to jump around in my firewalls, just let them wail on her until we couldn't hurt her anymore and then magic missiled some archers while the other guys ranged her. Finally for the last little bit the group did some melee (and had about 5-8 deaths--I knew she looked like she could hit hard!) and then she died.

    We head to the chests, and someone says we should /roll to see who would open the chest, to let the luckiest person do it, and I got a 95. Wooo, go me! Pop it open annnnnnnnd +3 Acid Guard Docent of something or other. The other chest had a 5/day clicky of bless +1 str belt. Oh well, ya can't win em all!

    And if your wondering, two pieces of raid loot (12 people, on hard) - Bracers (Cleric) and the Belt (Sorc).

    So there you have it, my first raid! Kinda a letdown from what I had builtup in my head, but oh well. I am sure I will run it more, especially since I know what a breeze it is (seems like it wouldn't be too hard with only a few people, caster to firewall her down, ranger to shoot her at the end and aggro the archers at the start, and a cleric to heal/ress if needed) because I want some of the items, but it won't be my favorite quest, that is for sure.

    I'm dragon ready, halfway titan ready (anyone ever run Ghola? yeesh!), and about 15 elf thingies from being ready to go into the pre-raid in the Gianthold. Maybe I will try to knock out the Dragon this weekend, just to see how that one goes!

    Thanks for reading my book!

    Verboten Arcana
    13 Sorc

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Well yea raids are generally boring and easy when you use chesy tecniques like safespots.

    Try it without using those on elite and you'll find its a good challenge.

  7. #7
    Stormreach Mentor ccheath776's Avatar
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    You did it one way.

    The ones I have been just run up and beat the living tar out of her while the clerics try to keep out of the agro zone.

    When I played my cleric I died once from being a dum*** but then we reset and tried again, the third time on elite it worked to perfection and we kicked the living snaught out of her and sent her slithering back to her plane of existence.

    I would try the Titan out or the dragon.
    Both are pretty easy to flag for and have some good rewards.
    The titan on elite is VERY intense.
    Who's the more foolish, the fool or the one who sends it a res.
    Unrestricted free agent
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