So I was looking through the 10/08/07 weekly development article and came across this as part of the stuff planned for module 6:
Now I'm just curious, how many of you would consider this feat (being it primarily benefits sorcerers and bards)? I realize that the biggest issue with this feat is simply the fact that the CHA based classes have few feats to choose from. From what I can see this feat will give most sorcerers the following:Force of Personality
* Prerequisite: Cha 13
* Benefit: Picks the highest modifier between your charisma and your wisdom
* modifier for your will saves.
- A higher will save, about +7 from what the common equipment is for the full CHA and no WIS builds.
- No need to wear a WIS item, thus freeing up a slot.
Not too much to look at I guess if you don't have issues with will saves. I know that on my Warforged Sorcerer that feebleminded is a common issue and this would be the remedy (as it would boost my typical will save by +11). Its going on as soon as I get level 15.
So, what are your thoughts on Force of Personality?