Since I see some other people are making warforged nukers figured I would throw my latest creation up for everyone. Open to suggestions but I doubt I will change anything major. I always build with optimum gear, so adjust accordingly for your own limit of grinding for it. I don't think the build needs every slot to be perfect though, I know mine won't be.
Warforged 2 Paladin/12 Sorceror
Doesn't matter when you take the paladin levels. I suggest L2 for weapon usage early, and the other when you feel you need the save boost.
16str 26 +6item+2tome+2rage spell
18con 30 +6item+2tome+2enh+2rage spell
14cha 28 +6item+2enh+3tome+3levels
This is planning for 3 raid tomes or 2 plus favor. Not impossible to get within a few months of raiding and a little luck. It is possible you could run each raid 5 times in a 2 week period and get all 3, or you might need 40 runs...
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Maximize, Extend, Empower
In that order, gives you aoe melee for mid levels until you get fireball at L8 and firewall at L10. Extend at 9 since we will have haste, resist, and blur by then. Only need maximize early for Stk and Stormcleave bosses, which are both doable without it. Imp crit has to wait for L15.
Skills: conc and umd
conc will be high due to high con. umd should be mid 20's, enough for 50% res.
Hps: 268
Good amount for a sorceror
Sps: 1540archmagi, 1354magi
Probably won't be walking around with a melee weapon until you burn the sps from archmagi. If you are buffing a full party with 2+resists and blurs, then you could do it. If you have a trinket or helm, then it won't be an issue.
Attack: 24/29
If you are trying to smite or disrupt with +1 weapons, remove the PA
Damage 2d6 +10PA+12Str+5weapon =2d6+27 +effects
A SOS is idea, but a +5 holy/elemental greatsword can be effective as well.
Saves 39/26/29
4/4/8sorceror, 3/0/0paladin, 1/1/1aura, 9/9/9cha, 4/4/4resist, 4/4/4gh, 2/2/2luck, 2/2/2 recitation, 10/-1/-2mods, 0/1/1spells(haste/rage)
Spell List:
Acid Fog
Cone of Cold/Ball Lightning
Wall of fire/Stoneskin/ForceMissiles/Burning Blood
Resist/Blur/Scorching Ray/Melfs
Jump/Chill Touch/magic Missile/Shocking Grasp
Covers about every mob in the game. Immune to fire/cold, hit em with acid/light or force combo. Golems and mantles of invulnability will pose problems. Switch to melee as needed. Main plan is to acid fog and firewall then fight in it.
Warforged Con II, Inscribed Armor I, Lord of Blades I, Cha II, Fire/Cold 40%, Acid/elec 40%, Force/Repair 20%, EODB III, Fire/cold Crit II, Acid/Elec Crit I, Fire/Cold +6%, Acid/Elec +6%, Healers Friend I
Just not enough aps for all. Taking some force now sets up reconstruct for later.
Major item requirements:
Globe of imperial blood or Blue Dragonscale docent for potency if you don't want to change weapons. Docent also has greater arcane lore making it perfect really since you have so many different spell types. Normally I would run fearsome, but it contradicts the build. Skiver for extra sps, but you can get by with a magi item. A few nice greatswords, but any 2hander works and only costs 1 attack. Tomes, but aren't dire to build.
Decent hps for a nuker
Good saves
Variety of damage
Variety of wand access
DPS burst potential
Aspenor didn't make it first![]()
Raid and scale farming(might not be a con for some)
PP intensive since many spells will be scroll only(greater hero/true seeing/dim door/teleport/greater teleport/enervation)
Loss of spell slots